Open paales opened 4 years ago
If we are making changes to the customer inputs I strongly suggest dropping a lot of the required fields and making them optional. The current GraphQL API is very opinionated and introduces requirements which Magento core may not need (OR should not need).
A few fields which should not be required:
Please also get the input from the PWA Studio people to make sure that changes to region and countries mean they are still easily cacheable by apollo (in other words we don't end up needing v3).
documents, one should probably be cleaned up?Solution
= deprecated+
= added+
type CartAddressInput: prefix+
type CartAddressInput: middlename+
type CartAddressInput: suffix+
type CartAddressInput: gender+
type CartAddressInput: date_of_birth+
type CartAddressInput: fax+
type CartAddressInput: vat_id+
type CartAddressInterface: prefix+
type CartAddressInterface: middlename+
type CartAddressInterface: suffix+
type CartAddressInterface: gender+
type CartAddressInterface: region_v2~
type CartAddressInterface: region+
type CartAddressInterface: country_v2~
type CartAddressInterface: country+
type CartAddressInterface: date_of_birth+
type CartAddressInterface: fax+
type CartAddressInterface: vat_id+
type GenderEnum: OTHER~
type CountryCodeEnum: deprecated whole type+
type CustomerAddressInput: country_code_v2~
type CustomerAddressInput: country_code+
type CustomerAddress: country~
type CustomerAddress: country_id~
type CustomerAddress: country_code+
StoreConfig: address_prefix+
StoreConfig: address_prefix_options+
StoreConfig: address_middlename+
StoreConfig: address_suffix+
StoreConfig: address_suffix_options+
StoreConfig: address_date_of_birth+
StoreConfig: address_gender+
StoreConfig: address_telephone+
StoreConfig: address_fax+
StoreConfig: address_company+
StoreConfig: address_vat_id+
CompanyLegalAddress: country~
CompanyLegalAddress: country_code+
CompanyLegalAddressCreateInput: country_code~
CompanyLegalAddressCreateInput: country_id+
CompanyLegalAddressUpdateInput: country_code~
CompanyLegalAddressUpdateInput: country_id+
OrderAddress: country~
OrderAddress: country_codeRequested Reviewers
@DrewML tagged you because you are mentioned in the Component Assignments for the checkout frontend. @paliarush tagged you because you are mentioned in the Component Assignments for the checkout
Closing notes:
What do you guys think? I'm open to discussions, but I think this cleans stuff up a lot. There are a few things I find difficult to oversee: