magento / community-features

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Admin New Order - Website name is not included & cannot be easily changed #107

Open tomekjordan opened 5 years ago

tomekjordan commented 5 years ago

When Admin creates order

  1. Customer lists is not showing Website associated to particular customers. Please add website associated to customer on order creation page - the very first page when admin chooses customers from the list
  2. Order Create page doesnt' show current website scope name - so you have only Store View name - but it gives you nothing if you see Store view name like "English", "French" Please add website name in the Order Creation page
  3. When Admin makes order - you need to choose website at first, if you choose wrong - you cannot change it later (probably admin filled all customer data and stuck with wrong website). Please add quick back button to website choice or allow us to change website for order with some dropdown at the top of the page OR all all things at one page like M1 IWD Order Creation to a Single Page does
