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API: Product Reviews #55

Open misha-kotov opened 6 years ago

misha-kotov commented 6 years ago

See design suggested in


Currently, Magento 2 does not provide the REST API for the Reviews Extension of the products. In scope of this task we would implement WebAPI for product reviews and integrate review API into existing core modules


Resource Request method Permissions Payload Response Implementation Description
/V1/reviews/:id GET Guest, Customer, Admin \Magento\Review\Api\Data\ReviewInterface \Magento\Review\Api\ReviewRepositoryInterface::get Get one review
/V1/reviews/:id PUT Admin \Magento\Review\Api\Data\ReviewInterface \Magento\Review\Api\ReviewRepositoryInterface::save Update review
/V1/reviews/:id DELETE Admin \Magento\Review\Api\ReviewRepositoryInterface::deleteById Delete review
/V1/reviews/ POST Guest, Customer, Admin \Magento\Review\Api\Data\ReviewInterface \Magento\Review\Api\Data\ReviewInterface \Magento\Review\Api\ReviewRepositoryInterface::save Create review
/V1/reviews/ GET Admin \Magento\Framework\Api\SearchCriteriaInterface \Magento\Review\Api\Data\ReviewInterface[] \Magento\Review\Api\ReviewRepositoryInterface::getList Search reviews
/V1/products/:sku/reviews GET Guest, Customer, Admin \Magento\Review\Api\Data\ReviewInterface[] \Magento\Review\Api\ReviewManagementInterface::getProductReviews Get product reviews
/V1/customers/me/reviews GET Customer \Magento\Review\Api\Data\ReviewInterface[] \Magento\Review\Api\ReviewManagementInterface::getCustomerReviews Get reviews created by current customer



namespace Magento\Review\Api;

interface ReviewRepositoryInterface { /**

  • Save review.
  • @param \Magento\Review\Api\Data\ReviewInterface $review
  • @return \Magento\Review\Api\Data\ReviewInterface
  • @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\CouldNotSaveException */ public function save(\Magento\Review\Api\Data\ReviewInterface $review);


  • Get review by id.
  • @param int $id
  • @return \Magento\Review\Api\Data\ReviewInterface
  • @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\NoSuchEntityException */ public function get($id);


  • Delete review.
  • @param \Magento\Review\Api\Data\ReviewInterface $review
  • @return bool
  • @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\CouldNotDeleteException */ public function delete(\Magento\Review\Api\Data\ReviewInterface $review);


  • Delete review by id.
  • @param int $id
  • @return bool
  • @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\CouldNotDeleteException */ public function deleteById($id);


  • Lists the review items that match specified search criteria.
  • @param \Magento\Framework\Api\SearchCriteria $searchCriteria
  • @return \Magento\Review\Api\Data\ReviewSearchResultInterface */ public function getList(\Magento\Framework\Api\SearchCriteria $searchCriteria); }


namespace Magento\Review\Api;

interface ReviewManagementInterface { /**

  • Get customer's reviews.
  • @param int $customerId
  • @return ReviewInterface[] */ public function getCustomerReviews($customerId);


  • Get product reviews.
  • @param string $sku
  • @return ReviewInterface[] */ public function getProductReviews($sku); }


namespace Magento\Review\Api\Data;   interface ReviewInterface {     /       Get review id.             @return int      /     public function getId();       /       Get Review title.             @return string      /     public function getTitle();       /       Get Review detail.             @return string      /     public function getDetail();       /       Get author nickname.             @return string      /     public function getNickname();       /       Get customer id.             @return int|null      /     public function getCustomerId();       /       Get review ratings.             @return RatingInterface[]      /     public function getRatings();       /       Get review entity type.             @return string      /     public function getReviewEntity();       /       Get reviewer type.       Possible values: 1 - Customer, 2 - Guest, 3 - Administrator.             @return int      */     public function getReviewType();       /       Get review status.       Possible values: 1 - Approved, 2 - Pending, 3 - Not Approved.             @return int      */     public function getReviewStatus();       /*       Set review id.             @param int $value       @return void      /     public function setId($value);       /       Set Review title.             @param string $value       @return void      */     public function setTitle($value);       /       Set Review detail.             @param void $value       @return void      */     public function setDetail($value);       /*       Set author nickname.             @param string $value       @return void      /     public function setNickname($value);       /       Set customer id.             @param int|null $value       @return void      */     public function setCustomerId($value);       /       Set review ratings.             @param RatingInterface[] $value       @return void      */     public function setRatings($value);       /*       Set review entity type.             @param string $value       @return void      /     public function setReviewEntity($value);       /       Set review status.       Possible values: 1 - Approved, 2 - Pending, 3 - Not Approved.             @param int $value       @return void      /     public function setReviewStatus($value);       /*       Set reviewer type.       Possible values: 1 - Customer, 2 - Guest, 3 - Administrator.             @param int $value       @return string      */     public function setReviewType($value); }


namespace Magento\Review\Api\Data;

interface RatingInterface { /**

  • Get rating id.
  • @return int|null */ public function getId();


  • Get review id.
  • @return int */ public function getReviewId();


  • Get rating code.
  • @return string */ public function getAttributeCode();


  • Get rating value.
  • @return int */ public function getValue();


  • Set rating id.
  • @param int|null $value
  • @return void */ public function setId($value);


  • Set review id.
  • @param int $value
  • @return void */ public function setReviewId($value);


  • Set rating code.
  • @param string $value
  • @return void */ public function setAttributeCode($value);


  • Set rating value.
  • @param int $value
  • @return void */ public function setValue($value); }
Tickles-BV commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'd like to attempt this one as well, the design seems a bit more fleshed out so it should provide some guidance for the other pull request as well.

misha-kotov commented 6 years ago

@Tickles-BV that's great to hear! Let us know how we can support you in this effort.

Tickles-BV commented 6 years ago

Should this be developed against 2.2-develop or 2.3-develop?

misha-kotov commented 6 years ago


bpicho commented 5 years ago

@ishakhsuvarov Could I ask you to assign me to this issue?

sky-hub commented 5 years ago

@ishakhsuvarov Could I ask you to assign me to this issue?

Are you still working on this issue? If you do not have any updates I would like to take care of this implementation because it blocks the implementation of

misha-kotov commented 5 years ago

@bpicho do you mind if we reassign this ticket? Don't want to take it away if you're actively working

bpicho commented 5 years ago

@misha-kotov @sky-hub we have almost ready code, but unfortunately I will not have time in the nearest future to finish it. I wouldn't like to block this task, so fell free. Please take a look on our repository I hope that it will be useful for you to solve this task ;)

misha-kotov commented 5 years ago

@bpicho Sounds good, thanks for working on this and providing the reference. We will assign to @sky-hub for now and hopefully we can get it across the finish line! @ishakhsuvarov can you please reassign?