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Cache invalidates after a while also when product or category edit is done. #66

Closed magento-engcom-team closed 3 years ago

magento-engcom-team commented 6 years ago


  1. Magento 2.2.3
  2. PHP 7.1
  3. Plesk with Varnish 4.0 Docker
  4. Running in Developer Mode (but also tested in Production)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Activate Varnish or use Internal Page cache (result the same).
  2. Warm the Cache
  3. Check if CMS Pages, Category Pages and Product Pages are warmed.

Expected result

  1. Cached pages shoukd stay warmed at least for few hours/a day depending on TTL that has been set.
  2. Weh editing a product or category cache should not get flushed.

Actual result

  1. After edit (product, category) all cache is gone.
  2. After little while at about 30 minutes cache is invalidated.

I have tried all kinds of solutions but no luck.

Can this be a setup issue? Or is there a proper way to check this. When cache is there site is super fast.

Original Report: by @KooTjoo

TimQSO commented 4 years ago

No update on this one?

sivaschenko commented 3 years ago

This seems to be correct Magento behaviour. The cache is invalidated when updating entities to reflect the updates on the frontend. Please refer to the Community Forums or the Magento Stack Exchange site for advice or general discussion about this.