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Problem with the translations from javascript in Magento 2.2.2 #73

Open magento-engcom-team opened 6 years ago

magento-engcom-team commented 6 years ago

Hi! I'm developing a project on Magento 2.2.2 and I don't know if it's a new bug or I'm not doing well the correct steps when I try to do a translation from javascript and it works if I do it from a static text...

The problem comes if I try to translate using a variable. In that case the translation is not done correctly and it does not look for the associated translation that is generated in the file js-translation.json

As I know that maybe I do not explain well I put an example in code:

It works! $t("Blue")

Doesn't works... ️:S label = "Blue"; $t(label);

If I follow the steps indicated in the official documentation (, it does not work either. $t('%1').replace('%1', label);

Someone can help me, please?

Original Report: by @ekiba