magento / data-migration-tool

Magento Data Migration Tool
Open Software License 3.0
336 stars 200 forks source link

[PDOException] SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '1-Migration_Default' for key 'EAV_ATTRIBUTE_SET_ENTITY_TYPE_ID_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NAME' #235

Closed VignaPranav closed 7 years ago

VignaPranav commented 7 years ago

Hi, I am using this data-migration-tool, getting below error, [PDOException] SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '1-Migration_Default' for key 'EAV_ATTRIBUTE_SET_ENTITY_TYPE_ID_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NAME'

Note: I am migrating datas from magento1.13.1.0 to magento 2.1.0

victor-v-rad commented 7 years ago

Hi @VignaPranav

You probably migrate data for the second attempt without reverting DB of Magento 2 to its initial state. Also there are a lot of issues posted here which could contain a solution for your one. Like with #204 Search will help

VignaPranav commented 7 years ago

Hi @victor-v-rad

Thanks for the reply, Every time reverting back the M2 DB to initial stage(Fresh DB installation) I am doing. But difficulty is like, for product url migration it's taking nearly 4-5hrs, again reverting back to fresh M2 db every time is increasing my migration time. Is there any other alternate solution for this?

victor-v-rad commented 7 years ago

the official doc

The Data Migration Tool saves its current progress as it runs. If errors or user intervention stop it from running, the Tool resumes progress at the last known good state.

victor-v-rad commented 7 years ago

Does it help?

VignaPranav commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the document, For all other intervention it's starting from the previous good state but for " duplicate entry " error along it's producing below two error's,

[Exception] Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Step/Eav/Data.php on line 209 [PDOException] SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '1-Migration_Default' for key 'EAV_ATTRIBUTE_SET_ENTITY_TYPE_ID_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NAME'

So for this I searched for solution they have suggested me to revert back the M2 DB to initial stage(Fresh DB installation)

VignaPranav commented 7 years ago

Hi @victor-v-rad , Could you suggest me some ideas regarding the above

dfelton commented 7 years ago


The Data Migration Tool supports running the steps in individual pieces if that helps. You could segment out your migration to run for example the "EAV Step" alone, verify it's success, if successful backup the database and have that be your new M2 restore point.

Just segment out the steps in your config.xml file into numerous XML files. I'd recommend following the order in which the tool has provided already for them.

iphigenie commented 7 years ago

@victor-v-rad I think I see what happens here

I am getting this message in alternance with Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Step/Eav/Data.php on line 266

After I ruled out all possible issues with my data - as this is not the main project it took a couple months looking on and off I started looking at what was happening in the magento2 database before/after each run and error.


  1. m2's eav_attribute_set table ends up containing the "migration_" entries after the undefined offset error or any other error during a further substep of the eav process (hence causing the "duplicate" error next time)
  2. m2's eav_attribute_set table ends up completely empty after this error (causing the "undefined offset")
    • on and on forever

For those struggling, I have managed to pass through by MANUALLY (in SQL) rebuilding the eav_attribute_set and eav_attribute_group tables in the database to have only the original entries, but with the IDs from after my first migration (taking out all the migration ones but leaving/putting back the missing default ones)

But if I then get another error in the EAV step (eg: class name reference from a module I am not planning to migrate) then this error is back on the next run so I have to do that manual clean up over and over.

And because especially on the EAV stage things are a trial and error process (what classes, fields etc does the system flag up? decide whether to migrate or ignore, rinse, repeat) this is very very frustrating.

It also means people are sidetracked by this error which has nothing to do with our data or site!

it says it rolls back


but the data is still there, which will cause a duplicate error next run not rolled back

victor-v-rad commented 7 years ago

Hi @iphigenie

I suggest keeping entire DB dump of just installed Magento 2 and use it instead of manually removing migrated data.

iphigenie commented 7 years ago

Hi @victor-v-rad

updating this as the issue still happens in the newest release

The problem is that the tool creates entries, but if it fails, it leaves these entries in. And at the next run, these entries cause an error as "duplicates". This is entirely created by the tool, but the tool gives misleading error messages about it.

People then think their source installtion is the problem, when it is actually traces of the interrupted previous attempt at migration - so the tool itself should perhaps either clean after itself (it does on most other things) OR clean before it runs when run with -r OR it could at the very least give the user instruction, after a failed run, "please restore clean database".

PS: restoring the entire database after each failed run could be a bit slow especially for people who do not have command line access to their database, so a quick clean option would improve the experience a lot

aruntechguy commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately, this issue still happens even with data-migration-tool 2.1.7.

The reason is, new magento installation's eav_attribute_set table already contains some records with "Default" as value under attribute_set_name field.

Solution is to rename all values containing the name "Default" in "attribute_value_name" field of eav_attribute_set table to "Default_x" in the Magento 1 database and run the migration from scratch.

In my case, there were 9 records with name "Default". So I renamed them to Default_1 to Default_9 and it worked perfectly!

mritu19 commented 6 years ago

Hi @aruntechguy.. yes even, this issue still happens even with data-migration-tool 2.1.9. Thanks for your message. It worked for me. I was stuck from long time. Anyway atleast I am free from '1_Migration_default" issue.

Further, i am getting the below Error during migration

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/cloudpanel/htdocs/
igration/Step/Eav/Data.php on line 291

I am looking into that. Please suggest me if anyone has fixed this issue.


aruntechguy commented 6 years ago

Every time data migration fails due to any reason, after fixing the issue, you will have to start over.

setup:uninstall, install again and run data migration again until you stumble upon next issue or till complete.

Good luck.

jordanvector commented 6 years ago

This is still an issue on magento 2.2. Whats funnier is its telling me that there is a duplicate entry of an attribute that is not in the destination db yet. Here is a full stack trace:

[I] jordan@lat-askc390 ~/S/m2ee> php bin/magento migrate:data /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/commerce-to-commerce/ --auto -vvv

[2017-11-01 21:51:55][WARNING]: Foreign key (FK_CATALOG_EAV_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_EAV_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTE_ID) constraint fails. Orphan records id: 121,214,224,225,226,239,240,247,248,252,255,258,259,260,262,263 from catalog_eav_attribute.attribute_id has no referenced records in eav_attribute [2017-11-01 21:51:55][WARNING]: Foreign key (FK_CAT_PRD_ENTT_INT_ATTR_ID_EAV_ATTR_ATTR_ID) constraint fails. Orphan records id: 121,214 from catalog_product_entity_int.attribute_id has no referenced records in eav_attribute [2017-11-01 21:51:55][WARNING]: Foreign key (FK_EAV_ATTRIBUTE_OPTION_ATTRIBUTE_ID_EAV_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTE_ID) constraint fails. Orphan records id: 214,224,225,226,247,248,252,255,258,259,260,262,263 from eav_attribute_option.attribute_id has no referenced records in eav_attribute [2017-11-01 21:51:55][WARNING]: Foreign key (FK_EAV_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_EAV_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTE_ID) constraint fails. Orphan records id: 121,252,255,258,259,260,262,263 from eav_entity_attribute.attribute_id has no referenced records in eav_attribute

100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec [2017-11-01 21:51:55][WARNING]: Incompatibility in data. Source document: eav_attribute. Field: frontend_input. Error: Attribute with attribute_id=176 cannot contain empty field value [2017-11-01 21:51:55][WARNING]: Incompatibility in data. Source document: eav_attribute. Field: frontend_input. Error: Attribute with attribute_id=182 cannot contain empty field value [2017-11-01 21:51:55][WARNING]: Incompatibility in data. Source document: eav_attribute. Field: frontend_input. Error: Attribute with attribute_id=183 cannot contain empty field value

100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Source documents are not mapped: aitoc_aitpermissions_advancedrole,aitoc_aitpermissions_approvedcategories,aitoc_aitpermissions_approvedproducts,aitoc_aitpermissions_editor_attribute,aitoc_aitpermissions_editor_tab,aitoc_aitpermissions_editor_type,aitoc_cataloginventory_stock_item,aitoc_cataloginventory_stock_settings,aitoc_cataloginventory_stock_status,aitsys_news,aitsys_status,am_label,am_scheckout_area,am_scheckout_area_store,am_scheckout_block,am_scheckout_config,am_scheckout_country,am_scheckout_field,am_scheckout_field_beta,am_scheckout_field_store,am_scheckout_location,am_shiprules_attribute,am_shiprules_rule,amasty_geoip_block,amasty_geoip_location,authnetcim_card_exclude,aw_arp_blocks,aw_sarp2_customer_group,aw_sarp2_notification,aw_sarp2_profile,aw_sarp2_profile_order,aw_sarp2_subscription,aw_sarp2_subscription_item,aw_sarp2_subscription_type,borderfree_catalog_export_log,borderfree_catalog_export_products,borderfree_catalog_export_stores,borderfree_countries,borderfree_cronjob_log,borderfree_currency,borderfree_fx_rates,borderfree_lcp_rules,borderfree_localization_cache,borderfree_localization_ip,borderfree_marketing,borderfree_payment,borderfree_regions,borderfree_rounding_rules,cartreservation_item,cartreservation_log,cataloginventory_stock_temp,catalogsearch_report,category_password,contentsync_hash,declinedlog,directory_region_city,directory_region_city_name,dpd_shipping_dpdclassic_tablerate,dpd_shipping_dpdparcelshops_tablerate,dpd_shipping_returnlabels,dpd_shipping_specialparcelshops,eltrino_region_entity,ewauthenticator_log,ewauthenticator_user,ewcore_config_data,ewcore_message,ewcore_module_summary,ewcore_system_message,frauddetection_data,frauddetection_stats,m_advd_notification,m_advr_postcode,m_attribute,m_db,m_db_log,m_edit_session,m_feedexport_custom_attribute,m_feedexport_feed,m_feedexport_feed_history,m_feedexport_feed_product,m_feedexport_mapping_category,m_feedexport_performance_aggregated,m_feedexport_performance_click,m_feedexport_performance_order,m_feedexport_rule,m_feedexport_rule_feed,m_feedexport_rule_product,m_feedexport_template,m_filter,m_filter2,m_filter2_store,m_filter2_value,m_filter2_value_store,m_filter_datetime,m_filter_decimal,m_filter_int,m_filter_text,m_filter_varchar,m_mstcore_attachment,m_mstcore_logger,m_mstcore_urlrewrite,m_rma_attachment,m_rma_comment,m_rma_condition,m_rma_fedex_label,m_rma_field,m_rma_item,m_rma_offline_item,m_rma_offline_order,m_rma_reason,m_rma_resolution,m_rma_return_address,m_rma_rma,m_rma_rma_creditmemo,m_rma_rma_order,m_rma_rma_store,m_rma_rule,m_rma_status,m_rma_template,m_rma_template_store,magiczoomplus,neklo_monitor_cataloginventory_cl,neklo_monitor_log,neklo_monitor_queue,neklo_monitor_report,newsletter_optin,permission_block,permission_variable,pl_size_chart,popup_dom_ab,popup_dom_analytics,popup_dom_campaigns,popup_dom_options,rw_gfeed_shipping,shipping_matrixrate,smtppro_email_log,xtcore_config_data,xtento_orderexport_destination,xtento_orderexport_log,xtento_orderexport_profile,xtento_orderexport_profile_history,xtento_stockimport_log,xtento_stockimport_profile,xtento_stockimport_source [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Destination documents are not mapped: advancedinventory_assignation,advancedinventory_item,advancedinventory_log,advancedinventory_stock,amasty_amrules_rule,amasty_amshopby_cms_page,amasty_amshopby_filter_setting,amasty_amshopby_group_attr,amasty_amshopby_group_attr_option,amasty_amshopby_group_attr_value,amasty_amshopby_option_setting,amasty_amshopby_page,amasty_amshopby_page_store,amasty_shiprules_attribute,amasty_shiprules_rule,amasty_sorting_bestsellers,amasty_sorting_most_viewed,amasty_sorting_wished,aw_osc_checkout_data_completeness,aw_osc_report_abandoned_checkouts_index,aw_osc_report_abandoned_checkouts_index_idx,aw_osc_report_aggregation_by_day,aw_osc_report_aggregation_by_month,aw_osc_report_aggregation_by_quarter,aw_osc_report_aggregation_by_week,aw_osc_report_aggregation_by_year,company,company_advanced_customer_entity,company_credit,company_credit_history,company_order_entity,company_payment,company_permissions,company_roles,company_structure,company_team,company_user_roles,fastly_statistics,firebear_export_history,firebear_export_jobs,firebear_import_history,firebear_import_job_mapping,firebear_import_jobs,iparcel_internationalcart_log,iparcel_internationalcart_tracking,lof_all_license,magefan_blog_category,magefan_blog_category_store,magefan_blog_post,magefan_blog_post_category,magefan_blog_post_relatedpost,magefan_blog_post_relatedproduct,magefan_blog_post_store,magiccart_magicmenu,magiccart_magicproduct,magiccart_magicslider,magiccart_shopbrand,magiccart_testimonial,magiczoom_config,magiczoomplus_config,massstockupdate_profiles,mst_core_urlrewrite,mst_customersegment_segment,mst_customersegment_segment_customer,mst_customersegment_segment_history,mst_dashboard_board,mst_feed_custom_attribute,mst_feed_dynamic_attribute,mst_feed_dynamic_variable,mst_feed_feed,mst_feed_feed_history,mst_feed_feed_product,mst_feed_mapping_category,mst_feed_report,mst_feed_rule,mst_feed_rule_feed,mst_feed_rule_product,mst_feed_template,mst_report_email,mst_reports_postcode,mst_rma_attachment,mst_rma_condition,mst_rma_field,mst_rma_item,mst_rma_message,mst_rma_order_status_history,mst_rma_reason,mst_rma_resolution,mst_rma_return_address,mst_rma_rma,mst_rma_rma_creditmemo,mst_rma_rma_order,mst_rma_rma_store,mst_rma_rule,mst_rma_status,mst_rma_template,mst_rma_template_store,mst_seo_canonical_rewrite,mst_seo_canonical_rewrite_store,mst_seo_filter_rewrite,mst_seo_redirect,mst_seo_redirect_store,mst_seo_rewrite,mst_seo_rewrite_store,mst_seo_template,mst_seo_template_store,mst_seoautolink_link,mst_seoautolink_link_store,negotiable_quote,negotiable_quote_comment,negotiable_quote_comment_attachment,negotiable_quote_company_config,negotiable_quote_grid,negotiable_quote_history,negotiable_quote_item,negotiable_quote_purged_content,plumrocket_sizechart,pointofsale,requisition_list,requisition_list_item,sendgrid_settings,shared_catalog,shared_catalog_product_item,sharedcatalog_category_permissions,ves_all_license [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Source fields are not mapped. Document: cms_block. Fields: contentsync_hash [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Source fields are not mapped. Document: cms_page. Fields: contentsync_hash [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Source fields are not mapped. Document: core_email_template. Fields: contentsync_hash,category_header [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Source fields are not mapped. Document: sales_flat_quote. Fields: borderfree_order_id,borderfree_response,troopid_affiliation,troopid_uid,troopid_scope,dpd_selected,dpd_company,dpd_city,dpd_street,dpd_zipcode,dpd_country,dpd_extra_info,dpd_parcelshop_id,dpd_special_point,base_subtotal_without_special_price [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Source fields are not mapped. Document: sales_flat_quote_address. Fields: borderfree_fee_amount,base_borderfree_fee_amount [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Source fields are not mapped. Document: sales_flat_shipment. Fields: dpd_label_exported,dpd_label_path,dpd_tracking_url [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Source fields are not mapped. Document: salesrule. Fields: promo_sku,promo_cats [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Destination fields are not mapped. Document: cms_page. Fields: alternate_group [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Destination fields are not mapped. Document: quote. Fields: pickup_datetime,pickup_store,aw_order_note,aw_delivery_date_from,aw_delivery_date_to,aw_delivery_date [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Destination fields are not mapped. Document: quote_item. Fields: pre_assignation [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Destination fields are not mapped. Document: sales_order_item. Fields: pre_assignation [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Mismatch of data types. Source document: paradoxlabs_stored_card. Fields: profile_id,payment_id,active [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Mismatch of data types. Source document: plumbase_product. Fields: signature,status,date [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Mismatch of data types. Destination document: paradoxlabs_stored_card. Fields: profile_id,payment_id,active [2017-11-01 21:52:13][WARNING]: Mismatch of data types. Destination document: plumbase_product. Fields: signature,status,date

100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec [2017-11-01 21:52:37][ERROR]: There are duplicates in URL rewrites: Request path: certified-coaches Store ID: 1 Target path: certified-coaches.html Request path: certified-coaches Store ID: 1 Target path: cms/page/view/page_id/344 Request path: custom Store ID: 1 Target path: Request path: custom Store ID: 1 Target path: cms/page/view/page_id/17 Request path: gift-guide Store ID: 1 Target path: cms/page/view/page_id/214 Request path: gift-guide Store ID: 1 Target path: cms/page/view/page_id/27 Request path: holiday.html Store ID: 1 Target path: Request path: holiday.html Store ID: 1 Target path: cms/page/view/page_id/325 Request path: special-offer.html Store ID: 1 Target path: catalog/category/view/id/2407 Request path: special-offer.html Store ID: 1 Target path: cms/page/view/page_id/319 Request path: vip-70-3-hawaiihtml Store ID: 1 Target path: catalog/category/view/id/1003 Request path: vip-70-3-hawaiihtml Store ID: 1 Target path: catalog/product/view/id/41927

100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec [2017-11-01 21:52:37][WARNING]: Source fields are not mapped. Document: sales_flat_order. Fields: status_preorder,onestepcheckout_customercomment,onestepcheckout_customerfeedback,borderfree_order_id,borderfree_fee_amount,base_borderfree_fee_amount,borderfree_billing_address_id,borderfree_shipping_address_id,troopid_affiliation,troopid_uid,troopid_scope,dpd_parcelshop_id,dpd_label_exported,dpd_label_exists [2017-11-01 21:52:37][WARNING]: Destination fields are not mapped. Document: sales_order. Fields: assigned_to,pickup_datetime,aw_order_note,aw_delivery_date_from,aw_delivery_date_to,aw_delivery_date,track_link [2017-11-01 21:52:37][WARNING]: Mismatch of data types. Source document: sales_flat_order. Fields: shipping_description [2017-11-01 21:52:37][WARNING]: Mismatch of data types. Destination document: sales_order. Fields: shipping_description

25% [=======>--------------------] Remaining Time: < 1 sec

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '4-Migration_Apparel' for key 'EAV_ATTRIBUTE_SET_ENTITY_TYPE_ID_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NAME'

Exception trace: () at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/ResourceModel/Adapter/Mysql.php:169 PDOStatement->execute() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/ResourceModel/Adapter/Mysql.php:169 Migration\ResourceModel\Adapter\Mysql->insertMultiple() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/ResourceModel/Adapter/Mysql.php:137 Migration\ResourceModel\Adapter\Mysql->insertRecords() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/ResourceModel/Destination.php:52 Migration\ResourceModel\Destination->saveRecords() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Step/Eav/Data.php:831 Migration\Step\Eav\Data->saveRecords() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Step/Eav/Data.php:311 Migration\Step\Eav\Data->migrateAttributeSetsAndGroups() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Step/Eav/Data.php:189 Migration\Step\Eav\Data->perform() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Mode/AbstractMode.php:73 Migration\Mode\AbstractMode->runStage() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Mode/Data.php:122 Migration\Mode\Data->runData() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Mode/Data.php:69 Migration\Mode\Data->run() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Console/MigrateDataCommand.php:51 Migration\Console\MigrateDataCommand->execute() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php:264 Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:873 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:202 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/magento/framework/Console/Cli.php:104 Magento\Framework\Console\Cli->doRun() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:120 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() at /Users/jordan/Sites/m2ee/bin/magento:23

migrate:data [-r|--reset] [-a|--auto] [--]

numberend commented 6 years ago

Hi My problem SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'Magento_MsrpSampleData' SOLVED via run the sql "delete setup_module where schema_version is null"

ci2014 commented 6 years ago

The problem of this post still exists. This ticket shouldn't be closed. Obviously it's a problem in the data migration tool.

ExtensionsStore commented 6 years ago

Still happening in 2.2.1

iphigenie commented 6 years ago

Still happening in 2.2.2 - the system still leaves eav_attribute_set and eav_attribute_group tables in error causing stages after you have run it once. See my comment higher up in the thread.

Restoring the database and restarting migration from scratch is very slow since there's a lot of try-and-retry so I just rebuild the correct tables with SQL by a) Removing duplicate entries OR b) Recreating the missing default entries I outlined what I do in a comment in

In short - every attribute_set_id that exists in eav_attribute_groups also needs to exist in eav_attribute_sets, and point to the correct eav_entity_type (otherwise: invalid offset... error). There should be no migrated entries in eav_attribute_sets (otherwise: duplicate... error)

balkanmasturbator commented 6 years ago

Created this account just to comment on this issue. Issue persists in 2.2.2 - absolute huge pain.

Why in the world is this ticket closed???? Open it back up and start having a conversation on this or fix it. There have been multiple credible individuals who have identified the problems.

To put this into perspective - we're upgrading to M2 just to see if it is the platform we want to stick with our clients or move to simple, easy to use CMS systems. This is not helping the case for us to stick with M2.

jphat commented 6 years ago

still a problem in Magento 2.2.5

iphigenie commented 6 years ago

At the very least all the documentation should be updated to tell people to take a clean snapshot of the empty database BEFORE running the first migration attempt. I didn't think I'd need this so I did not have to option to just reset the database, correct the settings, run again...

gouridash commented 5 years ago

I am getting the same issue with the 2.2.6 migration tool. I am stuck on the below issue.

[PDOException] SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '1-Migration_Default' for key 'EAV_ATTRIBUTE_SET_ENTITY_TYPE_ID_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NAME '

Can someone guide me how to overcome this?

victor-v-rad commented 5 years ago

empty your M2

afoysal commented 5 years ago


Hi @VignaPranav

You probably migrate data for the second attempt without reverting DB of Magento 2 to its initial state. Also there are a lot of issues posted here which could contain a solution for your one. Like with #204 Search will help

How can I revert DB of Magento 2 to its initial state ?

victor-v-rad commented 5 years ago

Just install M2 from scratch and do db dump

iphigenie commented 5 years ago

Otherwise if you look at my entry above (March 2017) it suggests which 2 tables you need to revert, and how, if you didn't keep a backup, to figure out how to reset it.

I have found that reverting the database takes time - and when trying to get every attribute, class etc. mapped you could be going back 50 times! - and reverting just these tables is enough. The migration tool does a great job of reverting everything else.

@victor-v-rad the weird thing is the idea that the default M2 sets are "moved" in ID to make space for the migrated ones. I assume that's why it'd be hard to revert?

I'm planning a fresh test this weekend to see if that can be repeated on the last of 2.2.x and 2.3.0

victor-v-rad commented 5 years ago

@iphigenie sorry for the late reply. The error Class ? does not exist but mentioned in: ? is thrown in Volume check class which cannot revert EAV tables. But the issue can be fixed. MAGETWO-97205 to resolve it.

victor-v-rad commented 5 years ago

As for the error Duplicate entry '1-Migration_Default' for key .... It happens when the migration run for the second time with --reset option, when EAV step already migrated data. In this case it needs to reinstall M2 instance to clean it

avra911 commented 5 years ago

If you have this issue, it means you are in a wrong place and you should do some steps in this particular order:

  1. fix duplicate entry error, generated by an reference to an attribute group/set which does not exists anymore, which was not deleted on cascade. Consider cleanup something like this:

    from magento1.eav_entity_attribute
    where attribute_group_id not in 
    (select attribute_group_id from magento1.eav_attribute_group);
  2. if that does not work in m2 run (the array must be the one from the errors - you will have to iterate to catch them all):

    UPDATE eav_attribute_group
    SET attribute_group_name = CONCAT(attribute_group_name, "_", attribute_set_id),
    attribute_group_code = CONCAT(attribute_group_code, "_", attribute_set_id)
    WHERE attribute_group_name IN ('Product Details', 'General Information', 'Display Settings', 'Custom Design', 'General');
  3. run magento installer and take it back from beginning, otherwise you will enter in sort of a loop with this error. consider also a mysql tweak, while this is resource consuming:

    set global max_allowed_packet=1000000000;
    set global net_buffer_length=1000000;
iphigenie commented 5 years ago

confirming that the error handling in 2.3.1 seems to avoid leaving the attribute sets in an unhappy state. Excellent

LiamKarlMitchell commented 4 years ago

Still a problem in 2.3.2 when saving eav_attribute_group or maybe its eav_attribute_set...

eav_attribute_set has a unique constraint named EAV_ATTRIBUTE_SET_ENTITY_TYPE_ID_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NAME on the column entity_type_id, attribute_set_name

So my source data must have duplicates that violate this go figure. Among other places....

  [PDOException (23000)]
  SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '1-Migration_Default' for key 'EAV_ATTRIBUTE_SET_ENTITY_TYPE_ID_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NAME'


 () at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/ResourceModel/Adapter/Mysql.php:173
 PDOStatement->execute() at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/ResourceModel/Adapter/Mysql.php:173
 Migration\ResourceModel\Adapter\Mysql->insertMultiple() at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/ResourceModel/Adapter/Mysql.php:139
 Migration\ResourceModel\Adapter\Mysql->insertRecords() at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/ResourceModel/Destination.php:52
 Migration\ResourceModel\Destination->saveRecords() at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Step/Eav/Data.php:838
 Migration\Step\Eav\Data->saveRecords() at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Step/Eav/Data.php:313
 Migration\Step\Eav\Data->migrateAttributeSetsAndGroups() at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Step/Eav/Data.php:190
 Migration\Step\Eav\Data->perform() at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Mode/AbstractMode.php:81
 Migration\Mode\AbstractMode->runStage() at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Mode/Data.php:124
 Migration\Mode\Data->runData() at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Mode/Data.php:69
 Migration\Mode\Data->run() at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Console/MigrateDataCommand.php:54
 Migration\Console\MigrateDataCommand->execute() at /var/www/html/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php:255
 Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php:58
 Migration\Console\MigrateDataCommand\Interceptor->___callParent() at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php:138
 Migration\Console\MigrateDataCommand\Interceptor->Magento\Framework\Interception\{closure}() at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php:153
 Migration\Console\MigrateDataCommand\Interceptor->___callPlugins() at /var/www/html/generated/code/Migration/Console/MigrateDataCommand/Interceptor.php:104
 Migration\Console\MigrateDataCommand\Interceptor->run() at /var/www/html/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:893
 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at /var/www/html/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:262
 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/framework/Console/Cli.php:105
 Magento\Framework\Console\Cli->doRun() at /var/www/html/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:145
 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() at /var/www/html/bin/magento:23

Then on re-run

  Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/html/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Step/Eav/Data.php on line 293

Thankfully it retains backup tables. I thought I could restore the original data in the Destination Magento 2 DB then fix up the problems, but later ran into issues.

Ran on Source M1

-- Fix SOURCE DB Orphaned things....
DELETE FROM eav_attribute_set WHERE entity_type_id NOT IN (SELECT entity_type_id FROM eav_entity_type);
DELETE FROM eav_entity_attribute WHERE attribute_group_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_group_id FROM eav_attribute_group);
DELETE FROM catalog_eav_attribute WHERE attribute_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute);

Ran on Destination M2

-- Fix DESTINATION DB partially migrated....
DELETE FROM eav_attribute_group;
DELETE FROM eav_attribute_set;
DELETE FROM eav_attribute;

INSERT INTO eav_attribute_set
SELECT * FROM migration_backup_eav_attribute_set;

INSERT INTO eav_attribute_group
SELECT * FROM migration_backup_eav_attribute_group;

INSERT INTO eav_attribute
SELECT * FROM migration_backup_eav_attribute;


bin/magento migrate:data -ra vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/opensource-to-opensource/ -vvv```

EAV_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTE_SET_ID_ATTRIBUTE_ID so thats eav_entity_attribute attribute_set_id, attribute_id unique constraint...

But my source db does not contain duplicates...
SELECT attribute_set_id, attribute_id FROM eav_entity_attribute GROUP BY attribute_set_id, attribute_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1


abkrim commented 4 years ago

Same for me, in 2.3.3 form

SELECT attribute_set_id, attribute_id FROM tienda_ovh.st1_eav_entity_attribute GROUP BY attribute_set_id, attribute_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

0 results

ON originbl M1

mysql> SELECT * FROM eav_entity_attribute WHERE attribute_group_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_group_id FROM eav_attribute_group);
Empty set (0.01 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM catalog_eav_attribute WHERE attribute_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute);
Empty set (0.01 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM catalog_eav_attribute WHERE attribute_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute);
Empty set (0.00 sec)
pk1774 commented 4 years ago

Kindly check if you have correctly entered the database name in the config.xml

        <database host="localhost" name="xxxxxxx" user="xxxxx" password="xxxx" />

I am 100% sure this is the mistake you are making. Hope this helps.

abdelkebir commented 4 years ago

You need maybe (depends on your case) to drop the following tables:

drop table migration_backup_eav_attribute_group;

drop table migration_backup_eav_attribute_set;

drop table migration_backup_eav_entity_type;

Worked for me, but it depends on your case, I think every case is special.

rafaelpatro commented 3 years ago

Same issue in Migration Tool for Magento 2.4.0

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '26-product-details' for key 'EAV_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_SET_ID_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_CODE'

Maybe it could be reopened. The attribute group code is created on the fly. Script could check duplicated Group Names before creating Group Code values for insertion.

By the way, its a nice tool. Congrats!

rjm87 commented 3 years ago

@rafaelpatro Did you fix this issue? I'm having the same issue when trying to migrate > 2.4.1.

rjm87 commented 3 years ago

I fixed the following error: [PDOException (23000)] SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '75-Product details' for key 'EAV_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_SET_ID_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_NAME'


UPDATE magento.eav_attribute_group SET attribute_group_name = 'Product Details 2', attribute_group_code = 'product-details-2' WHERE attribute_group_id = '7';

savandholu commented 3 years ago


I have try the same above process but facing the same.