magento / data-migration-tool

Magento Data Migration Tool
Open Software License 3.0
334 stars 200 forks source link

Error while sending QUERY packet #831

Open kevinpandora opened 4 years ago

kevinpandora commented 4 years ago


  1. Running data-migration-tool locally using MAMP on a Mac
  2. Migrating from v1.8.1.0 to v2.3.5

Steps to reproduce

  1. Running the data-migration-tool to transfer data over
  2. Reach the following step: 50% [==============>-------------] Remaining Time: < 1 sec In ErrorHandler.php line 61: Warning: Error while sending QUERY packet. PID=89869 in /XXXXXXXXXXXX/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/ResourceModel/Adapter/Mysql.php on line 182
  3. Increased the max_allowed_packed multiple times with same result.

Expected result

  1. Successfully completing / transferring

Actual result

  1. As mentioned above, receive the Error while sending QUERY packet error each time. Despite changing the SQL settings, it continues to give error. Wondering if there are other settings that should be increased for this error or if there is a limit on size from the database that would be an issue. The source database is quite large.

Additional notes

Current settings in my.cnf increased to: key_buffer_size = 768M max_allowed_packet = 15360M table_open_cache = 256

Any insight in to what we can try would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

m2-assistant[bot] commented 4 years ago

Hi @kevinpandora. Thank you for your report. To help us process this issue please make sure that you provided sufficient information.

Please, add a comment to assign the issue: @magento I am working on this

m2-assistant[bot] commented 4 years ago

Hi @kevinpandora! :wave: Thank you for collaboration. Only members of Community Contributors Team are allowed to be assigned to the issue. Please use @magento add to contributors team command to join Contributors team.

carlos-reynosa commented 3 years ago

I'm also getting this error

carlos-reynosa commented 3 years ago

@kevinpandora did you ever find a solution?

eBusinessAtlantique commented 3 years ago

I solved this by changing config.xml file with

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