magento / data-migration-tool

Magento Data Migration Tool
Open Software License 3.0
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Deltalog for catalog_product_super_attribute_pricing is not installed #858

Open treestonemedia opened 3 years ago

treestonemedia commented 3 years ago


  1. Magento 1 version
  2. Magento 2 version 2.4.1
  3. Magento 1 database has a prefix

Steps to reproduce

  1. Run migration tool with data
  2. The config.xml has a value for source_prefix
  3. Try running the migration a second time with mode delta

Expected result

  1. The migration should run a second time and only bring in new records.

Actual result

  1. Get an error that Deltalog for catalog_product_super_attribute_pricing is not installed

Additional notes

With a bit of blind stabbing, I found this file src/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Step/ConfigurablePrices/Delta.php on line 39 has the following private $sourceDocumentName = 'catalog_product_super_attribute_pricing';

When I edit that to private $sourceDocumentName = 'm2_cl_catalog_product_super_attribute_pricing'; (All I did was add the m2_cl_ prefix) it works like a charm.

I found a few stack exchange posts where people reported similar missing delta log tables even though they had already ran the data migration.

m2-assistant[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hi @treestonemedia. Thank you for your report. To help us process this issue please make sure that you provided sufficient information.

Please, add a comment to assign the issue: @magento I am working on this

treestonemedia commented 3 years ago

@magento I am working on this

m2-assistant[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hi @treestonemedia! :wave: Thank you for collaboration. Only members of Community Contributors Team are allowed to be assigned to the issue. Please use @magento add to contributors team command to join Contributors team.

treestonemedia commented 3 years ago

@magento add to contributors team

m2-assistant[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hi @treestonemedia! :wave: Thank you for joining. Please accept team invitation :point_right: here :point_left: and add your comment one more time.

treestonemedia commented 3 years ago

@victor-v-rad can you please take a quick look at src/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Step/ConfigurablePrices/Delta.php ? it looks like there was an oversight with the table prefix

sajidunnar commented 2 years ago

@treestonemedia we get a similar issue with 2.4.3 and with the migration of Magento 1.9.3 , by following your trick of adding prefix resovle the issue