magento / ece-tools

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117 stars 83 forks source link

[Pyrrans] AC-3208: Fixed return types for generate schema error #810

Closed anzin closed 2 years ago

anzin commented 2 years ago


This pull request (PR) fixed return types for generate schema error command.

Fixed Issues (if relevant)

  1. Fixes AC-3208

Contribution checklist

magento-cloud-ft-jenkins-svc commented 2 years ago

Functional Acceptance Test Results

:x:  One or more functional acceptance tests have failed.

PHP 7.2

PHP 7.3

PHP 7.4

PHP 8.1

Output for failed tests is below. If many tests have failed only the first 5 will be included. If you need additional information please reach out to the Magento Cloud team for more details.

This comment was generated by Jenkins job ece-tools/functional build 147.

magento-cloud-ft-jenkins-svc commented 2 years ago

PHP 7.2 AcceptanceCe72Cest Output

Codeception PHP Testing Framework v4.1.31
Powered by PHPUnit 8.5.26 #StandWithUkraine

Acceptance Tests (1) ---------------------------------------
AcceptanceCe72Cest: Test with split build command
Signature: Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\AcceptanceCe72Cest:testWithSplitBuildCommand
Test: src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/AcceptanceCe72Cest.php:testWithSplitBuildCommand
Scenario --
 I cleanup work dir 
 I is cache work dir exists "2.3.2"
 I clone template to work dir "2.3.2"
 I create auth json 
 I create artifacts dir 
 I create artifact current tested code "ece-t...","2002...."
 I add artifacts repo to composer 
 I add dependency to composer "magento/ece-t...","2002.1.99"
 I add ece docker git repo to composer 
 I add cloud components git repo to composer 
 I add cloud patches git repo to composer 
 I add quality patches git repo to composer 
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-docker"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-components"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/quality-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/q...","dev-maste..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/qual..."
 I read services yaml 
 I write services yaml {"mysql":{"type":"mysql:10.2","di...}
 I read app magento yaml 
 I write app magento yaml {"name":"mymagento","type":"ph...}
 I remove dependency from composer "magento/magento-clou..."
 I add dependency to composer "magento/product-c...","2.3.2"
 I composer update 
 I generate docker compose "--mode=production"
 I start environment 
 I run docker compose command "run build cloud-build"
 I run docker compose command "run deploy cloud-deploy"
 I am on page "/"
 I see "Home page"
 I stop environment 
 I remove work dir 

Message: Failed asserting that  on page /
-->  Warning: Redis::connect(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in /app/vendor/colinmollenhour/credis/Client.php on line 456 Warning: Redis::connect(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in /app/vendor/col
[Content too long to display. See complete response in '/app/tests/functional/_output/' directory]
--> contains "Home page".
Stack Trace: 
#0 /app/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/Constraint/Constraint.php(55): PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Constraint->fail(' Warning: Redis...', '')
#1 /app/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/Assert.php(2924): PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Constraint->evaluate(' Warning: Redis...', '')
#2 /app/vendor/codeception/lib-asserts/src/Codeception/Util/Shared/InheritedAsserts.php(1369): PHPUnit\Framework\Assert::assertThat(' Warning: Redis...', Object(Codeception\PHPUnit\Constraint\Page), '')
#3 /app/vendor/codeception/lib-innerbrowser/src/Codeception/Lib/InnerBrowser.php(1838): Codeception\Module->assertThat(' Warning: Redis...', Object(Codeception\PHPUnit\Constraint\Page), '')
#4 /app/vendor/codeception/lib-innerbrowser/src/Codeception/Lib/InnerBrowser.php(546): Codeception\Lib\InnerBrowser->assertPageContains('Home page')
#5 [internal function]: Codeception\Lib\InnerBrowser->see('Home page')
#6 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Step.php(285): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#7 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Scenario.php(76): Codeception\Step->run(Object(Codeception\Lib\ModuleContainer))
#8 /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-docker/tests/functional/_support/_generated/CliTesterActions.php(1508): Codeception\Scenario->runStep(Object(Codeception\Step\Assertion))
#9 /app/src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/AcceptanceCeCest.php(56): CliTester->see('Home page')
#10 [internal function]: Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\AcceptanceCeCest->testWithSplitBuildCommand(Object(CliTester))
#11 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Lib/Di.php(128): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\AcceptanceCe72Cest), Array)
#12 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Test/Cest.php(138): Codeception\Lib\Di->injectDependencies(Object(Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\AcceptanceCe72Cest), 'testWithSplitBu...', Array)
#13 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Test/Cest.php(150): Codeception\Test\Cest->invoke('testWithSplitBu...', Array)
#14 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Test/Cest.php(82): Codeception\Test\Cest->executeTestMethod(Object(CliTester))
#15 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Test/Test.php(98): Codeception\Test\Cest->test()
#16 /app/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestSuite.php(626): Codeception\Test\Test->run(Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult))
#17 /app/vendor/codeception/phpunit-wrapper/src/Runner.php(117): PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite->run(Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult))
#18 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/SuiteManager.php(161): Codeception\PHPUnit\Runner->doEnhancedRun(Object(Codeception\Suite), Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult), Array)
#19 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Codecept.php(208): Codeception\SuiteManager->run(Object(Codeception\PHPUnit\Runner), Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult), Array)
#20 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Codecept.php(162): Codeception\Codecept->runSuite(Array, 'Acceptance', 'AcceptanceCe72C...')
#21 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Command/Run.php(403): Codeception\Codecept->run('Acceptance', 'AcceptanceCe72C...', Array)
#22 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php(255): Codeception\Command\Run->execute(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#23 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(1009): Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#24 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(273): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand(Object(Codeception\Command\Run), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#25 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(149): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#26 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Application.php(117): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#27 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/app.php(46): Codeception\Application->run()
#28 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/app.php(47): {closure}()
#29 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/codecept(7): require('/app/vendor/cod...')
#30 {main}
20x DEPRECATION: Passing a command as string when creating a "Symfony\Component\Process\Process" instance is deprecated since Symfony 4.2, pass it as an array of its arguments instead, or use the "Process::fromShellCommandline()" constructor if you need features provided by the shell. /app/vendor/symfony/process/Process.php:147
11x DEPRECATION: The Robo\Common\ProcessUtils::escapeArgument() method is a copy of a method that was deprecated by Symfony 3.3 and removed in Symfony 4; it will be removed in Robo 2.0. /app/vendor/consolidation/robo/src/Common/ProcessUtils.php:39

Time: 37.18 minutes, Memory: 18.00 MB

There was 1 failure:

1) AcceptanceCe72Cest: Test with split build command
 Test  src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/AcceptanceCe72Cest.php:testWithSplitBuildCommand
 Step  See "Home page"
 Fail  Failed asserting that  on page /
-->  Warning: Redis::connect(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in /app/vendor/colinmollenhour/credis/Client.php on line 456 Warning: Redis::connect(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in /app/vendor/col
[Content too long to display. See complete response in '/app/tests/functional/_output/' directory]
--> contains "Home page".

Scenario Steps:

 39. $I->removeWorkDir() at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/AbstractCest.php:52
 38. $I->stopEnvironment() at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/AbstractCest.php:51
 37. $I->see("Home page") at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/AcceptanceCeCest.php:56
 36. $I->amOnPage("/") at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/AcceptanceCeCest.php:55
 35. $I->runDockerComposeCommand("run deploy cloud-deploy") at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/AcceptanceCeCest.php:54
 34. $I->runDockerComposeCommand("run build cloud-build") at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/AcceptanceCeCest.php:53


Html: /app/tests/functional/_output/
Response: /app/tests/functional/_output/

Tests: 1, Assertions: 5, Failures: 1.
- XML report generated in file:///app/tests/functional/_output/junit.xml

This comment was generated by Jenkins job ece-tools/functional build 147.

magento-cloud-ft-jenkins-svc commented 2 years ago

PHP 7.4 Acceptance74Ce244Cest Output

Codeception PHP Testing Framework v4.1.31
Powered by PHPUnit 9.5.20 #StandWithUkraine

Acceptance Tests (1) ---------------------------------------
Acceptance74Ce244Cest: Test with split build command
Signature: Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\Acceptance74Ce244Cest:testWithSplitBuildCommand
Test: src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/Acceptance74Ce244Cest.php:testWithSplitBuildCommand
Scenario --
 I cleanup work dir 
 I is cache work dir exists "2.4.4"
 I clone template to work dir "2.4.4"
 I create auth json 
 I create artifacts dir 
 I create artifact current tested code "ece-t...","2002...."
 I add artifacts repo to composer 
 I add dependency to composer "magento/ece-t...","2002.1.99"
 I add ece docker git repo to composer 
 I add cloud components git repo to composer 
 I add cloud patches git repo to composer 
 I add quality patches git repo to composer 
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-docker"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-components"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/quality-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/q...","dev-maste..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/qual..."
 I remove dependency from composer "magento/magento-clou..."
 I add dependency to composer "magento/product-c...","2.4.4"
 I composer update 
 I generate docker compose "--mode=production"
 I start environment 
 I run docker compose command "run build cloud-build"
 I run docker compose command "run deploy cloud-deploy"
 I am on page "/"

This comment was generated by Jenkins job ece-tools/functional build 147.

magento-cloud-ft-jenkins-svc commented 2 years ago

PHP 8.1 AcceptanceCeCest Output

Codeception PHP Testing Framework v4.1.31
Powered by PHPUnit 9.5.20 #StandWithUkraine

Acceptance Tests (1) ---------------------------------------
AcceptanceCeCest: Test with split build command
Signature: Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\AcceptanceCeCest:testWithSplitBuildCommand
Test: src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/AcceptanceCeCest.php:testWithSplitBuildCommand
Scenario --
 I cleanup work dir 
 I is cache work dir exists "2.4.4"
 I clone template to work dir "2.4.4"
 I create auth json 
 I create artifacts dir 
 I create artifact current tested code "ece-t...","2002...."
 I add artifacts repo to composer 
 I add dependency to composer "magento/ece-t...","2002.1.99"
 I add ece docker git repo to composer 
 I add cloud components git repo to composer 
 I add cloud patches git repo to composer 
 I add quality patches git repo to composer 
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-docker"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-components"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/quality-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/q...","dev-maste..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/qual..."
 I remove dependency from composer "magento/magento-clou..."
 I add dependency to composer "magento/product-c...","2.4.4"
 I composer update 
 I generate docker compose "--mode=production"
 I start environment 
 I run docker compose command "run build cloud-build"
 I run docker compose command "run deploy cloud-deploy"
 I am on page "/"

This comment was generated by Jenkins job ece-tools/functional build 147.

magento-cloud-ft-jenkins-svc commented 2 years ago

PHP 8.1 ErrorMessageCest Output

Codeception PHP Testing Framework v4.1.31
Powered by PHPUnit 9.5.20 #StandWithUkraine

Acceptance Tests (1) ---------------------------------------
ErrorMessageCest: Test shell error message
Signature: Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\ErrorMessageCest:testShellErrorMessage
Test: src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/ErrorMessageCest.php:testShellErrorMessage
Scenario --
 I cleanup work dir 
 I is cache work dir exists "2.4.4"
 I clone template to work dir "2.4.4"
 I create auth json 
 I create artifacts dir 
 I create artifact current tested code "ece-t...","2002...."
 I add artifacts repo to composer 
 I add dependency to composer "magento/ece-t...","2002.1.99"
 I add ece docker git repo to composer 
 I add cloud components git repo to composer 
 I add cloud patches git repo to composer 
 I add quality patches git repo to composer 
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-docker"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-components"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/quality-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/q...","dev-maste..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/qual..."
 I composer update 
 I assert true true,"Composer update failed"
 I cache work dir "2.4.4"
sh: rsync: not found
 I generate docker compose "--mode=production"
 I run docker compose command "run build cloud-build"
 I clean directories ["/bin/*"]
 I run docker compose command "run build ece-command build"
 I assert false false
 I see in output "Could not open input file: ./bin/magento"
 I stop environment 
 I remove work dir 

Message: Failed asserting that '\n
Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Required file 'autoload.php' was not found. in /app/vendor/magento/ece-tools/autoload.php:38\n
Stack trace:\n
#0 /app/vendor/magento/ece-tools/bootstrap.php(9): require_once()\n
#1 /app/vendor/magento/ece-tools/bin/ece-tools(7): require('/app/vendor/mag...')\n
#2 {main}\n
  thrown in /app/vendor/magento/ece-tools/autoload.php on line 38' contains "Could not open input file: ./bin/magento".
Stack Trace: 
#0 /app/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/Constraint/Constraint.php(55): PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Constraint->fail('\nFatal error: U...', '')
#1 /app/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/Assert.php(2344): PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Constraint->evaluate('\nFatal error: U...', '')
#2 /app/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/Assert.php(2050): PHPUnit\Framework\Assert::assertThat('\nFatal error: U...', Object(PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\StringContains), '')
#3 /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-docker/tests/functional/Codeception/BaseModule.php(147): PHPUnit\Framework\Assert::assertStringContainsString('Could not open ...', '\nFatal error: U...')
#4 [internal function]: Magento\CloudDocker\Test\Functional\Codeception\BaseModule->seeInOutput('Could not open ...')
#5 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Step.php(285): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#6 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Scenario.php(76): Codeception\Step->run(Object(Codeception\Lib\ModuleContainer))
#7 /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-docker/tests/functional/_support/_generated/CliTesterActions.php(597): Codeception\Scenario->runStep(Object(Codeception\Step\Assertion))
#8 /app/src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/ErrorMessageCest.php(34): CliTester->seeInOutput('Could not open ...')
#9 [internal function]: Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\ErrorMessageCest->testShellErrorMessage(Object(CliTester))
#10 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Lib/Di.php(128): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\ErrorMessageCest), Array)
#11 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Test/Cest.php(138): Codeception\Lib\Di->injectDependencies(Object(Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\ErrorMessageCest), 'testShellErrorM...', Array)
#12 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Test/Cest.php(150): Codeception\Test\Cest->invoke('testShellErrorM...', Array)
#13 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Test/Cest.php(82): Codeception\Test\Cest->executeTestMethod(Object(CliTester))
#14 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Test/Test.php(98): Codeception\Test\Cest->test()
#15 /app/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestSuite.php(677): Codeception\Test\Test->run(Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult))
#16 /app/vendor/codeception/phpunit-wrapper/src/Runner.php(117): PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite->run(Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult))
#17 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/SuiteManager.php(161): Codeception\PHPUnit\Runner->doEnhancedRun(Object(Codeception\Suite), Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult), Array)
#18 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Codecept.php(208): Codeception\SuiteManager->run(Object(Codeception\PHPUnit\Runner), Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult), Array)
#19 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Codecept.php(162): Codeception\Codecept->runSuite(Array, 'Acceptance', 'ErrorMessageCes...')
#20 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Command/Run.php(403): Codeception\Codecept->run('Acceptance', 'ErrorMessageCes...', Array)
#21 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php(255): Codeception\Command\Run->execute(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#22 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(1009): Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#23 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(273): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand(Object(Codeception\Command\Run), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#24 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(149): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#25 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Application.php(117): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#26 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/app.php(46): Codeception\Application->run()
#27 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/app.php(47): {closure}()
#28 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/codecept(7): require('/app/vendor/cod...')
#29 /app/vendor/bin/codecept(107): include('/app/vendor/cod...')
#30 {main}
19x DEPRECATION: Passing a command as string when creating a "Symfony\Component\Process\Process" instance is deprecated since Symfony 4.2, pass it as an array of its arguments instead, or use the "Process::fromShellCommandline()" constructor if you need features provided by the shell. /app/vendor/symfony/process/Process.php:147
10x DEPRECATION: The Robo\Common\ProcessUtils::escapeArgument() method is a copy of a method that was deprecated by Symfony 3.3 and removed in Symfony 4; it will be removed in Robo 2.0. /app/vendor/consolidation/robo/src/Common/ProcessUtils.php:39

Time: 12:36.404, Memory: 16.00 MB

There was 1 failure:

1) ErrorMessageCest: Test shell error message
 Test  src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/ErrorMessageCest.php:testShellErrorMessage
 Step  See in output "Could not open input file: ./bin/magento"
 Fail  Failed asserting that '\n
Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Required file 'autoload.php' was not found. in /app/vendor/magento/ece-tools/autoload.php:38\n
Stack trace:\n
#0 /app/vendor/magento/ece-tools/bootstrap.php(9): require_once()\n
#1 /app/vendor/magento/ece-tools/bin/ece-tools(7): require('/app/vendor/mag...')\n
#2 {main}\n
  thrown in /app/vendor/magento/ece-tools/autoload.php on line 38' contains "Could not open input file: ./bin/magento".

Scenario Steps:

 35. $I->removeWorkDir() at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/AbstractCest.php:52
 34. $I->stopEnvironment() at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/AbstractCest.php:51
 33. $I->seeInOutput("Could not open input file: ./bin/...") at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/ErrorMessageCest.php:34
 32. $I->assertFalse(false) at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/ErrorMessageCest.php:33
 31. $I->runDockerComposeCommand("run build ece-command...") at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/ErrorMessageCest.php:33
 30. $I->cleanDirectories(["/bin/*"]) at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/ErrorMessageCest.php:32

Tests: 1, Assertions: 7, Failures: 1.
- XML report generated in file:///app/tests/functional/_output/junit.xml

This comment was generated by Jenkins job ece-tools/functional build 147.

magento-cloud-ft-jenkins-svc commented 2 years ago

Functional Acceptance Test Results

:x:  One or more functional acceptance tests have failed.

PHP 7.2

PHP 7.3

PHP 7.4

PHP 8.1

Output for failed tests is below. If many tests have failed only the first 5 will be included. If you need additional information please reach out to the Magento Cloud team for more details.

This comment was generated by Jenkins job ece-tools/functional build 148.

magento-cloud-ft-jenkins-svc commented 2 years ago

PHP 7.2 RedisPhp72Cest Output

Codeception PHP Testing Framework v4.1.31
Powered by PHPUnit 8.5.26 #StandWithUkraine

Acceptance Tests (6) ---------------------------------------
RedisPhp72Cest: Test good configuration
Signature: Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\RedisPhp72Cest:testGoodConfiguration
Test: src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/RedisPhp72Cest.php:testGoodConfiguration
Scenario --
RedisPhp72Cest: Test default configuration | "2.3.0"
Signature: Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\RedisPhp72Cest:testDefaultConfiguration
Test: src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/RedisPhp72Cest.php:testDefaultConfiguration
Scenario --
 I cleanup work dir 
 I is cache work dir exists "2.3.0"
 I clone template to work dir "2.3.0"
 I create auth json 
 I create artifacts dir 
 I create artifact current tested code "ece-t...","2002...."
 I add artifacts repo to composer 
 I add dependency to composer "magento/ece-t...","2002.1.99"
 I add ece docker git repo to composer 
 I add cloud components git repo to composer 
 I add cloud patches git repo to composer 
 I add quality patches git repo to composer 
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-docker"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-components"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/quality-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/q...","dev-maste..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/qual..."
 I composer update 
 I assert true true,"Composer update failed"
 I cache work dir "2.3.0"
sh: rsync: not found
 I read services yaml 
 I write services yaml {"mysql":{"type":"mysql:10.2","di...}
 I read app magento yaml 
 I write app magento yaml {"name":"mymagento","type":"ph...}
 I get exposed port 
 I generate docker compose "--mode=production --expose-d..."
 I run docker compose command "run build cloud-build"
 I assert true false,"Build phase was failed"
 I stop environment 
 I remove work dir 

Message: Build phase was failed
Failed asserting that false is true.
Stack Trace: 
#0 /app/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/Constraint/Constraint.php(55): PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Constraint->fail(false, 'Build phase was...')
#1 /app/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/Assert.php(2924): PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Constraint->evaluate(false, 'Build phase was...')
#2 /app/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/Assert.php(1568): PHPUnit\Framework\Assert::assertThat(false, Object(PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\IsTrue), 'Build phase was...')
#3 /app/vendor/codeception/lib-asserts/src/Codeception/Util/Shared/InheritedAsserts.php(1380): PHPUnit\Framework\Assert::assertTrue(false, 'Build phase was...')
#4 [internal function]: Codeception\Module\AbstractAsserts->assertTrue(false, 'Build phase was...')
#5 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Step.php(285): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#6 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Scenario.php(76): Codeception\Step->run(Object(Codeception\Lib\ModuleContainer))
#7 /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-docker/tests/functional/_support/_generated/CliTesterActions.php(5647): Codeception\Scenario->runStep(Object(Codeception\Step\Action))
#8 /app/src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/RedisCest.php(52): CliTester->assertTrue(false, 'Build phase was...')
#9 [internal function]: Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\RedisCest->testDefaultConfiguration(Object(CliTester), Object(Codeception\Example))
#10 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Lib/Di.php(128): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\RedisPhp72Cest), Array)
#11 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Test/Cest.php(138): Codeception\Lib\Di->injectDependencies(Object(Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\RedisPhp72Cest), 'testDefaultConf...', Array)
#12 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Test/Cest.php(147): Codeception\Test\Cest->invoke('testDefaultConf...', Array)
#13 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Test/Cest.php(82): Codeception\Test\Cest->executeTestMethod(Object(CliTester))
#14 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Test/Test.php(98): Codeception\Test\Cest->test()
#15 /app/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestSuite.php(626): Codeception\Test\Test->run(Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult))
#16 /app/vendor/codeception/phpunit-wrapper/src/Runner.php(117): PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite->run(Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult))
#17 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/SuiteManager.php(161): Codeception\PHPUnit\Runner->doEnhancedRun(Object(Codeception\Suite), Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult), Array)
#18 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Codecept.php(208): Codeception\SuiteManager->run(Object(Codeception\PHPUnit\Runner), Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult), Array)
#19 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Codecept.php(162): Codeception\Codecept->runSuite(Array, 'Acceptance', 'RedisPhp72Cest')
#20 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Command/Run.php(403): Codeception\Codecept->run('Acceptance', 'RedisPhp72Cest', Array)
#21 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php(255): Codeception\Command\Run->execute(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#22 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(1009): Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#23 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(273): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand(Object(Codeception\Command\Run), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#24 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(149): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#25 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/Application.php(117): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#26 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/app.php(46): Codeception\Application->run()
#27 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/app.php(47): {closure}()
#28 /app/vendor/codeception/codeception/codecept(7): require('/app/vendor/cod...')
#29 {main}
RedisPhp72Cest: Test default configuration | "2.3.1"
Signature: Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\RedisPhp72Cest:testDefaultConfiguration
Test: src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/RedisPhp72Cest.php:testDefaultConfiguration
Scenario --
 I cleanup work dir 
 I is cache work dir exists "2.3.1"
 I clone template to work dir "2.3.1"
 I create auth json 
 I create artifacts dir 
 I create artifact current tested code "ece-t...","2002...."
 I add artifacts repo to composer 
 I add dependency to composer "magento/ece-t...","2002.1.99"
 I add ece docker git repo to composer 
 I add cloud components git repo to composer 
 I add cloud patches git repo to composer 
 I add quality patches git repo to composer 
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-docker"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-components"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/quality-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/q...","dev-maste..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/qual..."
 I composer update 
 I assert true true,"Composer update failed"
 I cache work dir "2.3.1"
sh: rsync: not found
 I read services yaml 
 I write services yaml {"mysql":{"type":"mysql:10.2","di...}
 I read app magento yaml 
 I write app magento yaml {"name":"mymagento","type":"ph...}
 I get exposed port 
 I generate docker compose "--mode=production --expose-d..."
 I run docker compose command "run build cloud-build"
 I assert true true,"Build phase was failed"
 I start environment 
 I assert true true,"Docker could not start"
 I run docker compose command "run deploy cloud-deploy"
 I assert true true,"Deploy phase was failed"
 I run docker compose command "run deploy cloud-post-deploy"
 I assert true true,"Post Deploy phase was failed"
 I download from container "/app/e...","/tmp/a...","deploy"
 I assert true true
 I assert same "Cm_Cache_...","Cm_Cache_...","Wrong bac..."
 I assert array has key "backend_opti...",{"backend":"C...}
 I assert equals "redis","redis"
 I assert array has key "backend_opti...",{"backend":"C...}
 I assert equals "6379","6379"
 I assert array has key "backend_opti...",{"backend":"C...}
 I assert equals 1,1
 I assert same "Cm_Cache_...","Cm_Cache_...","Wrong bac..."
 I assert array has key "backend_opti...",{"backend":"C...}
 I assert equals "redis","redis"
 I assert array has key "backend_opti...",{"backend":"C...}
 I assert equals "6379","6379"
 I assert array has key "backend_opti...",{"backend":"C...}
 I assert equals 2,2
 I assert array not has key "type",{"frontend":{"default...}
 I am on page "/"
 I see "Home page"
 I see "CMS homepage content goes here."
 I stop environment 
 I remove work dir 

RedisPhp72Cest: Test default configuration | "2.3.2"
Signature: Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\RedisPhp72Cest:testDefaultConfiguration
Test: src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/RedisPhp72Cest.php:testDefaultConfiguration
Scenario --
 I cleanup work dir 
 I is cache work dir exists "2.3.2"
 I clone template to work dir "2.3.2"
 I create auth json 
 I create artifacts dir 
 I create artifact current tested code "ece-t...","2002...."
 I add artifacts repo to composer 
 I add dependency to composer "magento/ece-t...","2002.1.99"
 I add ece docker git repo to composer 
 I add cloud components git repo to composer 
 I add cloud patches git repo to composer 
 I add quality patches git repo to composer 
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-docker"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-components"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/quality-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/q...","dev-maste..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/qual..."
 I composer update 
 I assert true true,"Composer update failed"
 I cache work dir "2.3.2"
sh: rsync: not found
 I read services yaml 
 I write services yaml {"mysql":{"type":"mysql:10.2","di...}
 I read app magento yaml 
 I write app magento yaml {"name":"mymagento","type":"ph...}
 I get exposed port 
 I generate docker compose "--mode=production --expose-d..."
 I run docker compose command "run build cloud-build"
 I assert true true,"Build phase was failed"
 I start environment 
 I assert true true,"Docker could not start"
 I run docker compose command "run deploy cloud-deploy"
 I assert true true,"Deploy phase was failed"
 I run docker compose command "run deploy cloud-post-deploy"
 I assert true true,"Post Deploy phase was failed"
 I download from container "/app/e...","/tmp/a...","deploy"
 I assert true true
 I assert same "Cm_Cache_...","Cm_Cache_...","Wrong bac..."
 I assert array has key "backend_opti...",{"backend":"C...}
 I assert equals "redis","redis"
 I assert array has key "backend_opti...",{"backend":"C...}
 I assert equals "6379","6379"
 I assert array has key "backend_opti...",{"backend":"C...}
 I assert equals 1,1
 I assert same "Cm_Cache_...","Cm_Cache_...","Wrong bac..."
 I assert array has key "backend_opti...",{"backend":"C...}
 I assert equals "redis","redis"
 I assert array has key "backend_opti...",{"backend":"C...}
 I assert equals "6379","6379"
 I assert array has key "backend_opti...",{"backend":"C...}
 I assert equals 2,2
 I assert array not has key "type",{"frontend":{"default...}
 I am on page "/"
 I see "Home page"
 I see "CMS homepage content goes here."
 I stop environment 
 I remove work dir 

RedisPhp72Cest: Test wrong configuration | false,false,"The REDIS_BACKEND variable contai...","","2.3.0",{"stage":{"deploy":{"REDIS_BACKEND...}
Signature: Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\RedisPhp72Cest:testWrongConfiguration
Test: src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/RedisPhp72Cest.php:testWrongConfiguration
Scenario --
 I cleanup work dir 
 I is cache work dir exists "2.3.0"
 I clone template to work dir "2.3.0"
 I create auth json 
 I create artifacts dir 
 I create artifact current tested code "ece-t...","2002...."
 I add artifacts repo to composer 
 I add dependency to composer "magento/ece-t...","2002.1.99"
 I add ece docker git repo to composer 
 I add cloud components git repo to composer 
 I add cloud patches git repo to composer 
 I add quality patches git repo to composer 
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-docker"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-components"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/quality-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/q...","dev-maste..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/qual..."
 I composer update 
 I assert true true,"Composer update failed"
 I cache work dir "2.3.0"
sh: rsync: not found
 I read services yaml 
 I write services yaml {"mysql":{"type":"mysql:10.2","di...}
 I read app magento yaml 
 I write app magento yaml {"name":"mymagento","type":"ph...}
 I get exposed port 
 I generate docker compose "--mode=production --expose-d..."
 I write env magento yaml {"stage":{"deploy":{"REDIS_BAC...}
 I run docker compose command "run build cloud-build"
 I assert same false,false
 I see in output "The REDIS_BACKEND variable contains an..."
 I start environment 
 I assert true true,"Docker could not start"
 I run docker compose command "run build cloud-deploy"
 I assert same false,false
 I see in output ""
 I stop environment 
 I remove work dir 

RedisPhp72Cest: Test wrong configuration | false,false,"The REDIS_BACKEND variable contai...","","2.3.2",{"stage":{"deploy":{"REDIS_BACKEND...}
Signature: Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\RedisPhp72Cest:testWrongConfiguration
Test: src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/RedisPhp72Cest.php:testWrongConfiguration
Scenario --
 I cleanup work dir 
 I is cache work dir exists "2.3.2"
 I clone template to work dir "2.3.2"
 I create auth json 
 I create artifacts dir 
 I create artifact current tested code "ece-t...","2002...."
 I add artifacts repo to composer 
 I add dependency to composer "magento/ece-t...","2002.1.99"
 I add ece docker git repo to composer 
 I add cloud components git repo to composer 
 I add cloud patches git repo to composer 
 I add quality patches git repo to composer 
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-docker"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-components"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/quality-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/q...","dev-maste..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/qual..."
 I composer update 
 I assert true true,"Composer update failed"
 I cache work dir "2.3.2"
sh: rsync: not found
 I read services yaml 
 I write services yaml {"mysql":{"type":"mysql:10.2","di...}
 I read app magento yaml 
 I write app magento yaml {"name":"mymagento","type":"ph...}
 I get exposed port 
 I generate docker compose "--mode=production --expose-d..."
 I write env magento yaml {"stage":{"deploy":{"REDIS_BAC...}
 I run docker compose command "run build cloud-build"
 I assert same false,false
 I see in output "The REDIS_BACKEND variable contains an..."
 I start environment 
 I assert true true,"Docker could not start"
 I run docker compose command "run build cloud-deploy"
 I assert same false,false
 I see in output ""
 I stop environment 
 I remove work dir 

97x DEPRECATION: Passing a command as string when creating a "Symfony\Component\Process\Process" instance is deprecated since Symfony 4.2, pass it as an array of its arguments instead, or use the "Process::fromShellCommandline()" constructor if you need features provided by the shell. /app/vendor/symfony/process/Process.php:147
50x DEPRECATION: The Robo\Common\ProcessUtils::escapeArgument() method is a copy of a method that was deprecated by Symfony 3.3 and removed in Symfony 4; it will be removed in Robo 2.0. /app/vendor/consolidation/robo/src/Common/ProcessUtils.php:39

Time: 1.49 hours, Memory: 20.00 MB

There was 1 failure:

1) RedisPhp72Cest: Test default configuration | "2.3.0"
 Test  src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/RedisPhp72Cest.php:testDefaultConfiguration
 Step  Assert true false,"Build phase was failed"
 Fail  Build phase was failed
Failed asserting that false is true.

Scenario Steps:

 37. $I->removeWorkDir() at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/AbstractCest.php:52
 36. $I->stopEnvironment() at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/AbstractCest.php:51
 35. $I->assertTrue(false,"Build phase was failed") at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/RedisCest.php:52
 34. $I->runDockerComposeCommand("run build cloud-build") at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/RedisCest.php:52
 33. $I->generateDockerCompose("--mode=production --exp...") at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/RedisCest.php:49
 32. $I->getExposedPort() at src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/RedisCest.php:49

Tests: 6, Assertions: 80, Failures: 1, Skipped: 1.
run with `-v` to get more info about skipped or incomplete tests
- XML report generated in file:///app/tests/functional/_output/junit.xml

This comment was generated by Jenkins job ece-tools/functional build 148.

magento-cloud-ft-jenkins-svc commented 2 years ago

PHP 7.4 Acceptance74Ce244Cest Output

Codeception PHP Testing Framework v4.1.31
Powered by PHPUnit 9.5.20 #StandWithUkraine

Acceptance Tests (1) ---------------------------------------
Acceptance74Ce244Cest: Test with split build command
Signature: Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\Acceptance74Ce244Cest:testWithSplitBuildCommand
Test: src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/Acceptance74Ce244Cest.php:testWithSplitBuildCommand
Scenario --
 I cleanup work dir 
 I is cache work dir exists "2.4.4"
 I clone template to work dir "2.4.4"
 I create auth json 
 I create artifacts dir 
 I create artifact current tested code "ece-t...","2002...."
 I add artifacts repo to composer 
 I add dependency to composer "magento/ece-t...","2002.1.99"
 I add ece docker git repo to composer 
 I add cloud components git repo to composer 
 I add cloud patches git repo to composer 
 I add quality patches git repo to composer 
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-docker"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-components"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/quality-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/q...","dev-maste..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/qual..."
 I remove dependency from composer "magento/magento-clou..."
 I add dependency to composer "magento/product-c...","2.4.4"
 I composer update 
 I generate docker compose "--mode=production"
 I start environment 
 I run docker compose command "run build cloud-build"
 I run docker compose command "run deploy cloud-deploy"
 I am on page "/"

This comment was generated by Jenkins job ece-tools/functional build 148.

magento-cloud-ft-jenkins-svc commented 2 years ago

PHP 8.1 AcceptanceCeCest Output

Codeception PHP Testing Framework v4.1.31
Powered by PHPUnit 9.5.20 #StandWithUkraine

Acceptance Tests (1) ---------------------------------------
AcceptanceCeCest: Test with split build command
Signature: Magento\MagentoCloud\Test\Functional\Acceptance\AcceptanceCeCest:testWithSplitBuildCommand
Test: src/Test/Functional/Acceptance/AcceptanceCeCest.php:testWithSplitBuildCommand
Scenario --
 I cleanup work dir 
 I is cache work dir exists "2.4.4"
 I clone template to work dir "2.4.4"
 I create auth json 
 I create artifacts dir 
 I create artifact current tested code "ece-t...","2002...."
 I add artifacts repo to composer 
 I add dependency to composer "magento/ece-t...","2002.1.99"
 I add ece docker git repo to composer 
 I add cloud components git repo to composer 
 I add cloud patches git repo to composer 
 I add quality patches git repo to composer 
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-docker"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-components"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/magento-cloud-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/m...","dev-devel..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/mage..."
 I get dependency version "magento/quality-patches"
 I add dependency to composer "magento/q...","dev-maste..."
 I assert true true,"Can not add dependency magento/qual..."
 I remove dependency from composer "magento/magento-clou..."
 I add dependency to composer "magento/product-c...","2.4.4"
 I composer update 
 I generate docker compose "--mode=production"
 I start environment 
 I run docker compose command "run build cloud-build"
 I run docker compose command "run deploy cloud-deploy"
 I am on page "/"

This comment was generated by Jenkins job ece-tools/functional build 148.

BaDos commented 2 years ago

@magento import pr to magento-commerce/ece-tools

m2-github-services commented 2 years ago

@BaDos the Pull Request is successfully imported.