magento / magento-coding-standard

Magento Coding Standard
Open Software License 3.0
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[New Rule] Class instantiation via new keyword #64

Open lenaorobei opened 5 years ago

lenaorobei commented 5 years ago


Magento2.Classes.ObjectInstantiation Detects direct object instantiation via new keyword.

The test run of Magento2.Classes.ObjectInstantiation rule againstMagento2 codebase found >2000 issues. Some of them look like false-positive. Examples:

Direct Phrase object instantiation is discouraged in Magento. Use dependency injection or factories instead.
Direct \DOMXPath object instantiation is discouraged in Magento. Use dependency injection or factories instead.
Direct \DOMDocument object instantiation is discouraged in Magento. Use dependency injection or factories instead.
Direct \DateTime object instantiation is discouraged in Magento. Use dependency injection or factories instead.
Direct \Magento\Framework\File\Uploader object instantiation is discouraged in Magento. Use dependency injection or factories instead.
Direct \Zend_Validate_Alnum object instantiation is discouraged in Magento. Use dependency injection or factories instead. 
Direct \Zend_Validate_Alpha object instantiation is discouraged in Magento. Use dependency injection or factories instead.
Direct \Zend_Db_Expr object instantiation is discouraged in Magento. Use dependency injection or factories instead.
Direct \NumberFormatter object instantiation is discouraged in Magento. Use dependency injection or factories instead.
Direct DataObject object instantiation is discouraged in Magento. Use dependency injection or factories instead.
Direct InputOption object instantiation is discouraged in Magento. Use dependency injection or factories instead.
Direct InputArgument object instantiation is discouraged in Magento. Use dependency injection or factories instead.
Direct Table object instantiation is discouraged in Magento. Use dependency injection or factories instead.


Is there any cases when object instantiation via new keyword is allowed in Magento?

lenaorobei commented 5 years ago

As per architecture discussion instantiation via new keyword is ok for:

Discuss the best way to implement this rule. Looks like PHPCodeSniffer is not suitable here.

larsroettig commented 5 years ago

For unit tests, factory, facade, builder pattern must are new allowed.

maxbucknell commented 5 years ago

I don’t often see exceptions created by factories. Not sure whether that is the current best practice, though.

lenaorobei commented 5 years ago

Going to remove this rule for the first release of Magento Coding Standard. Will keep the issue open though.

Need to find out the best way to implement this rule. Looks like PHPCodeSniffer is not the best option to perform such kind of checks.

Twitter thread:

@paliarush @buskamuza @kandy @melnikovi

buskamuza commented 5 years ago

Looks like, first we should update our guidelines with the rules around objects instantiations with reasoning. And the the cs rule should cover it by the automation.

buskamuza commented 5 years ago

Please see Let's have a discussion what we want as a rule. It should have good balance of value/overhead.