magento / magento2-page-builder

Magento2 PageBuilder
80 stars 62 forks source link

Developer can style content types output differently per viewport #558

Closed tkacheva closed 4 years ago

tkacheva commented 4 years ago


As a developer I want to easily create themes and customizations to existing Page Builder content types to enable me align their visual output with my desired theme

Business Value

ability to style content with CSS classes not using !important

Acceptance Criteria

Technical Vision

Test Plan

Manual Testing Scenarios

Update working as expected. No visual differences, and no inline styles after conversion to csso-alternative branch.


Ghost Inspector:

  1. Click Save

  2. Browse to your newly created CMS Page

  3. Confirm Heading ("CSS Specificity") is aligned to the left

  4. Edit the Page created in Step 1.

  5. Click Edit with Page Builder

  6. Replace HTML Code contents with:

    <!-- WYSIWYG Content -->
    <style type="text/css">
        #html-body .css__specificity {
            text-align: center;
  7. Click Save

  8. Browse to your newly created CMS Page again

  9. Confirm Heading ("CSS Specificity") is aligned to the center


  1. Click Save
  2. Browse to your newly created CMS Page
  3. Confirm Heading ("CSS Responsive Styling") is:
    • Blue #00aaff
    • Bold
  4. Confirm that Heading ("CSS Responsive Styling") has been appended with a viewport indicator:
    • Content: "for XS", "for SM", "for MD", "for LG", or "for XL"
    • Orange #ffaa00
  5. Resize the browser window below (or use device emulation to achieve the same result)
  6. Confirm that Heading ("CSS Responsive Styling") appended viewport indicator changes according to the viewport size Page:
  1. Click Save

  2. Browse to your newly created CMS Page

  3. Confirm Quote appears centred, converted styles (to internal CSS)

    • [x] Inline Styles in PWA Studio (Requires PWA Studio)
  4. Create a new Page (Content » Pages » Add New Page)

  5. Click Edit with Page Builder

  6. Add Heading and HTML Code content types, and configure with the following:

    Content Type Label Value
    Heading Heading Type H2
    Heading Text Inline Styles in PWA Studio
    Alignment Center
    Border Solid
    Border Color 00aaff
    Border Width 1
    Border Radius Default
    CSS Classes Default
    Margins and Padding 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10
  7. Click Save

  8. Browse to your newly created CMS Page within PWA Studio

  9. Confirm Heading appears centred, and contains inline styles (not internal CSS)

  10. Copy database field from Migration of Existing Page Builder Content Manual Test and verify each content type in Venia

Before: Screenshot 2020-10-15 at 15 57 49

After: Screenshot 2020-10-15 at 15 59 23

Automated MFTF Tests


Note: This list doesn't include modifications to existing Data, Action Groups, or Sections.

  1. PageBuilderCmsBlockAddAndEditRowColumnSlideTest
  2. PageBuilderCmsBlockVerifyCanDuplicateContentTypesFromOnHoverOptionMenusTest
  3. PageBuilderCmsBlockVerifyCanEditContentTypesFromOnHoverOptionMenusTest
  4. PageBuilderCatalogProductAddAndEditRowColumnSlideTest
  5. PageBuilderCatalogProductVerifyCanDuplicateContentTypesFromOnHoverOptionMenusTest
  6. PageBuilderCatalogProductVerifyCanEditContentTypesFromOnClickOptionMenusTest
  7. PageBuilderCatalogProductVerifyCanEditContentTypesFromOnHoverOptionMenusTest
  8. PageBuilderWorksForEachCatalogProductAttributeTest
  9. AdvancedConfigurationFunctionalAlignmentTest
  10. AdvancedConfigurationFunctionalAllAttributesTest
  11. AdvancedConfigurationFunctionalBorder1Test
  12. AdvancedConfigurationFunctionalBorder2Test
  13. AdvancedConfigurationFunctionalBorderColorTest
  14. AdvancedConfigurationFunctionalBorderRadiusTest
  15. AdvancedConfigurationFunctionalBorderWidth500Test
  16. AdvancedConfigurationFunctionalBorderWidthTest
  17. AdvancedConfigurationFunctionalCSSClassesTest
  18. AdvancedConfigurationFunctionalMargins500Test
  19. AdvancedConfigurationFunctionalMarginsTest
  20. AdvancedConfigurationFunctionalPadding500Test
  21. AdvancedConfigurationFunctionalPaddingTest
  22. AdvancedConfigurationInvalidBorderRadiusTest
  23. AdvancedConfigurationInvalidBorderWidthTest
  24. AdvancedConfigurationInvalidMarginsTest
  25. AdvancedConfigurationInvalidPaddingTest
  26. BackgroundAttachmentFixedTest
  27. BackgroundAttachmentScrollTest
  28. BackgroundColorEmptyTest
  29. BackgroundColorHSLTest
  30. BackgroundColorHSVTest
  31. BackgroundColorHexTest
  32. BackgroundColorInvalidTest
  33. BackgroundColorPlainTextTest
  34. BackgroundColorRGBTest
  35. BackgroundColorRGBaTest
  36. BackgroundImageGIFTest
  37. BackgroundImageInvalidFileSizeTest
  38. BackgroundImageInvalidFileTypeTest
  39. BackgroundImageJPGTest
  40. BackgroundImagePNGTest
  41. BackgroundImageSelectFromGalleryJPGTest
  42. BackgroundImageSpecialCharactersTest
  43. BackgroundMobileImageGIFTest
  44. BackgroundMobileImageInvalidFileSizeTest
  45. BackgroundMobileImageInvalidFileTypeTest
  46. BackgroundMobileImageJPGTest
  47. BackgroundMobileImagePNGTest
  48. BackgroundMobileImageSelectFromGalleryJPGTest
  49. BackgroundMobileImageSpecialCharactersTest
  50. BackgroundPositionBottomCenterTest
  51. BackgroundPositionBottomLeftTest
  52. BackgroundPositionBottomRightTest
  53. BackgroundPositionCenterLeftTest
  54. BackgroundPositionCenterRightTest
  55. BackgroundPositionCenterTest
  56. BackgroundPositionTopCenterTest
  57. BackgroundPositionTopLeftTest
  58. BackgroundPositionTopRightTest
  59. BackgroundRepeatDisabledTest
  60. BackgroundRepeatEnabledTest
  61. BackgroundSizeAutoTest
  62. BackgroundSizeContainTest
  63. BackgroundSizeCoverTest
  64. BannerContentBlockDeleteImageTest
  65. ValidateShowHideOnBannerTest
  66. BlockRenderDividerThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  67. TextHeightConsistencyBetweenContentTypeAndBlockOnStorefrontTest
  68. BlockRenderColumnFullHeightAppearanceThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  69. BlockRenderContainedRowMinHeightThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  70. BlockRenderFullBleedRowMinHeightThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  71. BlockRenderFullWidthRowMinHeightThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  72. BlockRenderRowContainedAppearanceThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  73. BlockRenderRowContainedAppearanceWithParallaxThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  74. BlockRenderRowFullBleedAppearanceThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  75. BlockRenderRowFullBleedAppearanceWithParallaxThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  76. BlockRenderRowFullWidthAppearanceThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  77. BlockRenderRowFullWidthAppearanceWithParallaxThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  78. BlockRenderTabsThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  79. BlockRowContentIsVerticallyAlignedTest
  80. BlockImageIsRightAlignedTest
  81. BlockRenderBannerCollageCenterMinHeightThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  82. BlockRenderBannerCollageCenteredAppearanceThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  83. BlockRenderBannerCollageLeftAppearanceThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  84. BlockRenderBannerCollageLeftMinHeightThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  85. BlockRenderBannerCollageRightAppearanceThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  86. BlockRenderBannerCollageRightMinHeightThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  87. BlockRenderBannerPosterAppearanceThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  88. BlockRenderBannerPosterMinHeightThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  89. BlockRenderSlideItemCollageCenterAppearanceThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  90. BlockRenderSlideItemCollageLeftAppearanceThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  91. BlockRenderSlideItemCollageRightAppearanceThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  92. BlockRenderSlideItemPosterAppearanceThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  93. BlockRenderSliderMinHeightWithCollageCenterSlideMinHeightThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  94. BlockRenderSliderMinHeightWithCollageLeftSlideMinHeightThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  95. BlockRenderSliderMinHeightWithCollageRightSlideMinHeightThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  96. BlockRenderSliderMinHeightWithPosterSlideMinHeightThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  97. BlockRenderSliderThroughBlockContentTypeTest
  98. BlockDuplicateTest
  99. BlockUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  100. BlockValidateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest
  101. ValidateShowHideOnBlockTest
  102. ButtonGroupDuplicateTest
  103. ButtonGroupUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  104. ButtonGroupUpdateAllAttributesTest
  105. ButtonGroupValidateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest
  106. ValidateShowHideOnButtonsOnStackedAppearanceTest
  107. ValidateShowHideOnButtonsTest
  108. ButtonItemDuplicateTest
  109. ButtonItemUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  110. ButtonItemValidateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest
  111. ColumnValidateBackgroundFormTest
  112. ColumnValidateBackgroundSectionDefaultValuesTest
  113. ColumnAppearanceSettingsShowOnFrontendTest
  114. ColumnBackgroundColorPreservedTest
  115. ColumnContentIsVerticallyAlignedTest
  116. ColumnContentIsVerticallyAlignedWithAppearanceAndDifferentMinimumHeightsTest
  117. ColumnFullHeightShowsOnFrontendTest
  118. ColumnSettingsAppearInAdminTest
  119. ColumnValidateDefaultAndUpdateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest
  120. RemovingColumnDistributesWidthTest
  121. ValidateColumnChildHideShowTest
  122. DividerEmptyLineColorTest
  123. DividerEmptyLineThicknessTest
  124. DividerHSLALineColorTest
  125. DividerHSLLineColorTest
  126. DividerHexLineColorTest
  127. DividerInvalidLineColorTest
  128. DividerNegativeLineThicknessTest
  129. DividerNormalLineThicknessTest
  130. DividerRGBALineColorTest
  131. DividerRGBLineColorTest
  132. DividerYellowLineColorTest
  133. DividerZeroLineThicknessTest
  134. DividerAddToCMSPageTest
  135. DividerDuplicateTest
  136. DividerNoRequiredTest
  137. DividerUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  138. DividerValidateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest
  139. DividerValidateGeneralDefaultValuesTest
  140. ValidateShowHideOnDividerTest
  141. HeadingDuplicateTest
  142. HeadingUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  143. HeadingValidateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest
  144. ValidateShowHideOnHeadingTest
  145. HtmlDuplicateTest
  146. HtmlUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  147. HtmlValidateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest
  148. ValidateShowHideOnHtmlTest
  149. ImageAddImageContentTypeToCMSPageTest
  150. ImageUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  151. ImageValidateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest
  152. ValidateShowHideOnImageTest
  153. MapAddAllAttributesTest
  154. MapDefaultStateTest
  155. MapDuplicateTest
  156. MapUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  157. MapValidateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest
  158. MapHeightValidCharacterSetsTest
  159. MapShowControlsEnabledAndDisabledTest
  160. AdminPageBuilderProductsCarouselUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  161. ProductsValidateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest
  162. ValidateShowHideOnProductsTest
  163. ProductsUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  164. RowValidateBackgroundFormTest
  165. RowValidateBackgroundSectionDefaultValuesTest
  166. RowContentIsVerticallyAlignedTest
  167. RowContentIsVerticallyAlignedWithDifferentMinimumHeightsTest
  168. RowMinHeightInvalidInputsTest
  169. RowValidateLayoutSectionDefaultValuesTest
  170. RowAddAdditionalRowAboveInitialRowTest
  171. RowAddAdditionalRowBelowInitialRowTest
  172. RowDuplicateTest
  173. RowMinimumHeightIsObeyedWhenParallaxIsEnabledTest
  174. RowUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  175. RowValidateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest
  176. RowValidateBorderOnAppearanceChangeTest
  177. RowWithParallaxEnabledStillShowsBackgroundImageAfterAddingColumnToItTest
  178. ValidateShowHideOnRowTest
  179. SlideCollageCenteredMobileWithoutMobileImageValuesTest
  180. SlideItemCollageCenterUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  181. SlideItemCollageCenterUpdateAllAttributesTest
  182. SlideItemCollageLeftUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  183. SlideItemCollageLeftUpdateAllAttributesTest
  184. SlideItemCollageRightUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  185. SlideItemCollageRightUpdateAllAttributesTest
  186. SlideItemPosterButtonNeverShowTest
  187. SlideItemPosterButtonOnHoverTest
  188. SlideItemPosterOverlayAndButtonOnHoverTest
  189. SlideItemPosterOverlayNeverShowTest
  190. SlideItemPosterOverlayOnHoverTest
  191. SlideItemPosterUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  192. SlideItemPosterUpdateAllAttributesTest
  193. SliderPosterValidatePaddingOnAppearanceChangeTest
  194. SlideItemBackgroundColorAlwaysDisplayedTest
  195. SlideItemBackgroundSectionDefaultsTest
  196. SlideItemContentSectionDefaultsTest
  197. SlideItemDeleteImageTest
  198. SlideItemUploadImageFromStageTest
  199. SlideItemValidateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest
  200. SlideItemVerifyEmptySlideDefaultStateTest
  201. SliderAllAttributesTest
  202. SliderDuplicateTest
  203. SliderMoveSliderTest
  204. SliderSettingsSectionDefaultsTest
  205. SliderUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  206. SliderValidateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest
  207. SliderValidateShowHideOnSliderTest
  208. TabsAdvancedSettingsApplyInAdminPreviewAndStorefrontTest
  209. TabsDuplicateTabWithCustomizedTabSettingsTest
  210. TabsMinHeightAppliesInAdminPreviewAndStorefrontTest
  211. TabsNavAlignCenterAppliesInAdminPreviewAndStorefrontTest
  212. TabsNavAlignRightAppliesInAdminPreviewAndStorefrontTest
  213. TabsValidateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest
  214. ValidateShowHideOnTabsTest
  215. ValidateTabChildHideShowTest
  216. TabItemValidateBackgroundFormTest
  217. TabItemValidateBackgroundSectionDefaultValuesTest
  218. AddTabsWithBackgroundColorAndMinHeightTest
  219. AddTabsWithBackgroundGifBottomAutoContainScrollFixedYesBackgroundRepeatAfterSaveTest
  220. AddTabsWithBackgroundGifCenterAutoContainFixedNoBackgroundRepeatTest
  221. AddTabsWithBackgroundJpgBottomCoverScrollFixedNoBackgroundRepeatTest
  222. AddTabsWithBackgroundJpgCenterAutoContainScrollFixedNoBackgroundRepeatTest
  223. AddTabsWithBackgroundJpgCenterCoverScrollFixedNoBackgroundRepeatTest
  224. AddTabsWithBackgroundJpgCenterCoverScrollFixedYesBackgroundRepeatTest
  225. AddTabsWithBackgroundJpgTopCoverScrollFixedNoBackgroundRepeatTest
  226. AddTabsWithBackgroundJpgTopCoverScrollFixedYesBackgroundRepeatTest
  227. AddTabsWithBackgroundPngBottomAutoContainScrollNoBackgroundRepeatAfterSaveTest
  228. AddTabsWithBackgroundPngTopAutoContainScrollFixedYesBackgroundRepeatTest
  229. DefaultTabItemStateOnAddingNewTabTest
  230. TabItemUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  231. CanAddColumnToTabTest
  232. CanAddDividerToTabTest
  233. CanAddSliderToSecondaryTabTest
  234. CanAddSliderToTabTest
  235. TabsRemoveConfiguredTabsContainerWithConfirmationTest
  236. TabContentIsVerticallyAlignedBottomTest
  237. TabContentIsVerticallyAlignedBottomWithMinimumHeightsTest
  238. TabContentIsVerticallyAlignedCenterTest
  239. TabContentIsVerticallyAlignedCenterWithMinimumHeightTest
  240. TabContentIsVerticallyAlignedTopTest
  241. TabContentIsVerticallyAlignedTopWithMinimumHeightTest
  242. TabItemMinHeightInvalidInputsTest
  243. TabItemValidateLayoutSectionDefaultValuesTest
  244. TextDuplicateTest
  245. TextHeightConsistencyBetweenStageAndStorefrontTest
  246. TextUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  247. TextValidateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest
  248. ValidateShowHideOnTextTest
  249. ValidateShowHideOnVideoTest
  250. VideoDuplicateTest
  251. VideoUpdateAdvancedConfigurationValuesTest
  252. VideoValidateAdvancedConfigurationDefaultValuesTest

Manual Hip Tests


m2-assistant[bot] commented 4 years ago

Hi @tkacheva. Thank you for your report. To help us process this issue please make sure that you provided sufficient information.

Please, add a comment to assign the issue: @magento I am working on this

omiroshnichenko commented 4 years ago


bdenham commented 4 years ago

To @bluemwhitew, @omiroshnichenko, @lbvaimo: Can one of you add 2 or 3 use cases for how this changes what developers can do with CSS vs what they had to do before. From that, I can develop all the specific docs for Page Builder. And document the more general specificity rules and what has changed with this story. Thanks!

omiroshnichenko commented 4 years ago

@bdenham We have 3 levels of styling. They are applying in the order:

  1. Page Builder internal .less styles
  2. Page Builder content type specific styles
  3. Extension developer styles

Before this story, we had the next specificity level:

  1. classes, arguments, and tags. (0-n-n)
  2. inline styles. (1-0-0-0)
  3. !important suffix(very bad practice). (1-0-0-0-0)

After this story, we will have the next specificity level:

  1. classes, arguments, and tags. (0-n-n)
  2. id and class. (1-1-0)
  3. id, classes, arguments, and tags. ( 1-n-n)

More explanations about CSS specificity

bluemwhitew commented 4 years ago

Batch conversion test results per 0c3aa56c4015dec9741d4fe53245727bec79c542 and implementing the patch included above:

Real (Seconds) | User (Seconds) | Sys (Seconds) | Profile | page_builder_templates | cms_pages | cms_blocks | dynamic_blocks
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | --
32.157 | 23.551 | 2.208 | Small | 10 | 40 | 20 | 20
26.7 | 19.422 | 1.95 | Small | 10 | 40 | 20 | 20
34.23 | 26.133 | 2.479 | Small | 10 | 40 | 20 | 20
26.939 | 19.076 | 1.892 | Small | 20 | 80 | 40 | 40
28.592 | 21.736 | 2.005 | Small | 20 | 80 | 40 | 40
27.195 | 19.154 | 1.846 | Small | 20 | 80 | 40 | 40
27.402 | 19.422 | 2.02 | Small | 40 | 160 | 80 | 80
27.63 | 19.577 | 1.969 | Small | 40 | 160 | 80 | 80
24.716 | 18.617 | 1.546 | Small | 40 | 160 | 80 | 80
29.989 | 20.295 | 2.105 | Small | 80 | 320 | 160 | 160
27.952 | 19.605 | 2.003 | Small | 80 | 320 | 160 | 160
30.742 | 21.371 | 2.166 | Small | 80 | 320 | 160 | 160
35.218 | 19.893 | 2.314 | Small | 400 | 1600 | 800 | 800
38.077 | 21.094 | 2.391 | Small | 400 | 1600 | 800 | 800
29.263 | 18.732 | 1.68 | Small | 400 | 1600 | 800 | 800
36.885 | 19.874 | 2.067 | Small | 800 | 3200 | 1600 | 1600
40.181 | 19.777 | 2.403 | Small | 800 | 3200 | 1600 | 1600
40.193 | 20.687 | 2.45 | Small | 800 | 3200 | 1600 | 1600
48.571 | 20.585 | 2.25 | Medium | 10 | 40 | 20 | 20
46.627 | 20.205 | 1.961 | Medium | 10 | 40 | 20 | 20
45.311 | 20.172 | 1.945 | Medium | 10 | 40 | 20 | 20
47.764 | 19.9 | 1.911 | Medium | 20 | 80 | 40 | 40
57.912 | 22.444 | 2.965 | Medium | 20 | 80 | 40 | 40
55.087 | 22.886 | 2.712 | Medium | 20 | 80 | 40 | 40
62.22 | 21.649 | 2.719 | Medium | 40 | 160 | 80 | 80
54.25 | 23.507 | 2.873 | Medium | 40 | 160 | 80 | 80
53.927 | 21.675 | 2.434 | Medium | 40 | 160 | 80 | 80
63.329 | 23.72 | 2.886 | Medium | 80 | 320 | 160 | 160
56.759 | 20.729 | 2.642 | Medium | 80 | 320 | 160 | 160
47.709 | 20.467 | 2.055 | Medium | 80 | 320 | 160 | 160
56.801 | 21.372 | 2.171 | Medium | 400 | 1600 | 800 | 800
54.378 | 22.532 | 2.452 | Medium | 400 | 1600 | 800 | 800
54.944 | 20.859 | 2.651 | Medium | 400 | 1600 | 800 | 800
54.193 | 20.162 | 2.062 | Medium | 800 | 3200 | 1600 | 1600
72.746 | 24.815 | 3.046 | Medium | 800 | 3200 | 1600 | 1600
73.793 | 25.788 | 3.287 | Medium | 800 | 3200 | 1600 | 1600
135.859 | 25.754 | 5.211 | Large | 10 | 40 | 20 | 20
128.923 | 24.232 | 4.701 | Large | 10 | 40 | 20 | 20
116.248 | 24.504 | 4.58 | Large | 10 | 40 | 20 | 20
125.958 | 24.007 | 4.635 | Large | 20 | 80 | 40 | 40
114.061 | 24.626 | 4.767 | Large | 20 | 80 | 40 | 40
120.952 | 24.327 | 4.566 | Large | 20 | 80 | 40 | 40
117.224 | 23.832 | 4.568 | Large | 40 | 160 | 80 | 80
114.009 | 23.979 | 4.66 | Large | 40 | 160 | 80 | 80
116.945 | 23.463 | 4.495 | Large | 40 | 160 | 80 | 80
112.454 | 24.512 | 4.753 | Large | 80 | 320 | 160 | 160
119.145 | 23.991 | 4.847 | Large | 80 | 320 | 160 | 160
116.214 | 24.406 | 4.686 | Large | 80 | 320 | 160 | 160
149.195 | 38.856 | 6.582 | Large | 400 | 1600 | 800 | 800
123.006 | 25.647 | 4.783 | Large | 400 | 1600 | 800 | 800
131.025 | 26.974 | 4.818 | Large | 400 | 1600 | 800 | 800
173.643 | 32.308 | 5.589 | Large | 800 | 3200 | 1600 | 1600
118.768 | 23.996 | 4.583 | Large | 800 | 3200 | 1600 | 1600
146.792 | 25.899 | 5.258 | Large | 800 | 3200 | 1600 | 1600
164.808 | 28.389 | 7.417 | Extra Large | 10 | 40 | 20 | 20
162.64 | 28.661 | 7.799 | Extra Large | 10 | 40 | 20 | 20
175.533 | 39.321 | 9.509 | Extra Large | 10 | 40 | 20 | 20
171.979 | 27.547 | 6.781 | Extra Large | 20 | 80 | 40 | 40
171.98 | 27.507 | 7.049 | Extra Large | 20 | 80 | 40 | 40
172.59 | 27.569 | 6.938 | Extra Large | 20 | 80 | 40 | 40
217.556 | 29.771 | 7.069 | Extra Large | 40 | 160 | 80 | 80
239.41 | 29.476 | 7.801 | Extra Large | 40 | 160 | 80 | 80
220.093 | 29.183 | 7.419 | Extra Large | 40 | 160 | 80 | 80
172.383 | 27.534 | 6.799 | Extra Large | 80 | 320 | 160 | 160
173.321 | 27.537 | 6.968 | Extra Large | 80 | 320 | 160 | 160
173.33 | 27.469 | 7.044 | Extra Large | 80 | 320 | 160 | 160
220.286 | 36.888 | 8.67 | Extra Large | 400 | 1600 | 800 | 800
175.64 | 27.516 | 7.101 | Extra Large | 400 | 1600 | 800 | 800
201.97 | 28.532 | 7.376 | Extra Large | 400 | 1600 | 800 | 800
190.75 | 28.385 | 7.011 | Extra Large | 800 | 3200 | 1600 | 1600
183.461 | 28.572 | 7.194 | Extra Large | 800 | 3200 | 1600 | 1600
226.562 | 34.163 | 8.728 | Extra Large | 800 | 3200 | 1600 | 1600

Tested using the following:

cd ~/www/magento/magento2-page-builder
git checkout develop
sh ~/scripts/ pb-b2b # Install Script
cd ~/www/magento/magento2ce
bin/magento setup:upgrade
composer require phpgt/dom:dev-master
cd ~/www/magento/magento2-page-builder
git checkout 558_1_content-type-style-attribute-removal
cd ~/www/magento/magento2ce
time bin/magento setup:upgrade --keep-generated # Conversion Test Results

558.xlsx XLS included (see attached).

/cc @omiroshnichenko

bluemwhitew commented 4 years ago

Manual Testing Scenarios

Update working as expected. No visual differences, and no inline styles after conversion to csso-alternative branch.


Ghost Inspector:



bluemwhitew commented 4 years ago
  1. Click Save
  2. Browse to your newly created CMS Page
  3. Confirm Quote appears centred, converted styles (to internal CSS)
bluemwhitew commented 4 years ago
  1. Click Save
  2. Browse to your newly created CMS Page within PWA Studio
  3. Confirm Heading appears centred, and contains inline styles (not internal CSS)
  4. Copy database field from Migration of Existing Page Builder Content Manual Test and verify each content type in Venia

Before: Screenshot 2020-10-15 at 15 57 49

After: Screenshot 2020-10-15 at 15 59 23