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Magento2 PageBuilder
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Product Grid/Carousel with date conditions equals or less/greater than with no results #830

Open gyduxa opened 1 year ago

gyduxa commented 1 year ago

Preconditions (*)

  1. Magento 2.4.3

Steps to reproduce (*)

  1. Backoffice > Catalog > Products > Insert products with price 100, and special price 90, with Special Price from: 2022-03-01, Special Price to: 2023-03-01 > Save
  2. Backoffice > Content > Pages > Insert Page > Edit with Page Builder > Drag Row > Drag Products
  3. Configuration Products component: Product Grid (or Carousel), "Condition":
  4. If ALL of these conditions are TRUE : \ "Special Price From Date" "equals or less than" 2022-09-30 \ "Special Price To Date" "equals or greater than" 2022-12-31

Next to "Number of Products to Display", in my case, it says "5 of total"


Expected result (*)

  1. Backoffice: grid (or carousel) with products after saving the conditions
  2. Storefront: grid (or carousel) with products

Actual result (*)

  1. Backoffice: "No products were found matching your condition"
  2. Storefront: no product appears. The products I have can be seen on the catalog

This also happens with "Set Product as New from Date" and "Set Product as New to Date". \ It also happens with only one of these conditions.

m2-assistant[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hi @gyduxa. Thank you for your report. To speed up processing of this issue, make sure that you provided sufficient information.

Add a comment to assign the issue: @magento I am working on this