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phpseclib Mcrypt performance slow #30556

Open MichaelThessel opened 3 years ago

MichaelThessel commented 3 years ago

Description (*)

Support OpenSSL for encryption.

Expected behavior (*)

While profiling a M2 site I noticed that phpseclib is always the single slowest component. In some cases I see 700ms of my page load time attributed to it. At first I thought that this is an issue with my profiler but I have since confirmed that with (New Relic, xdebug and xhprof).

20201019_150852 20201019_151402

I had a look at the code and in Magento\Framework\Encryption\Encryptor::getCrypt I see that Mcrypt is hardcoded.

  | #0  Magento\Framework\Encryption\Encryptor->getCrypt() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/framework/Encryption/Encryptor.php:450]
  | #1  Magento\Framework\Encryption\Encryptor->decrypt() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/module-config/App/Config/Type/System.php:252]
  | #2  Magento\Config\App\Config\Type\System->Magento\Config\App\Config\Type\{closure}() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/framework/Cache/LockGuardedCacheLoader.php:84]
  | #3  Magento\Framework\Cache\LockGuardedCacheLoader->lockedLoadData() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/module-config/App/Config/Type/System.php:261]
  | #4  Magento\Config\App\Config\Type\System->loadDefaultScopeData() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/module-config/App/Config/Type/System.php:195]
  | #5  Magento\Config\App\Config\Type\System->getWithParts() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/module-config/App/Config/Type/System.php:169]
  | #6  Magento\Config\App\Config\Type\System->get() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/framework/App/Config.php:132]
  | #7  Magento\Framework\App\Config->get() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/module-backend/App/Config.php:51]
  | #8  Magento\Backend\App\Config->getValue() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/module-backend/App/Area/FrontNameResolver.php:109]
  | #9  Magento\Backend\App\Area\FrontNameResolver->getFrontName() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/module-backend/Helper/Data.php:209]
  | #10 Magento\Backend\Helper\Data->getAreaFrontName() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/module-backend/App/Request/PathInfoProcessor.php:50]
  | #11 Magento\Backend\App\Request\PathInfoProcessor->process() called at [/data/src/m2/generated/code/Magento/Backend/App/Request/PathInfoProcessor/Proxy.php:95]
  | #12 Magento\Backend\App\Request\PathInfoProcessor\Proxy->process() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/framework/App/Request/Http.php:147]
  | #13 Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http->getOriginalPathInfo() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/framework/App/Request/Http.php:162]
  | #14 Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http->getPathInfo() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/framework/App/Request/Http.php:217]
  | #15 Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http->getFrontName() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/framework/App/Http.php:111]
  | #16 Magento\Framework\App\Http->launch() called at [/data/src/m2/vendor/magento/framework/App/Bootstrap.php:261]
  | #17 Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap->run() called at [/data/src/m2/pub/index.php:40]

This leads to the problem that if you don't have installed this is super slow because it does the en/decryption in PHP using phpseclib. The mcrypt PHP lib is deprecated though and not supposed to be used anymore. I installed it for testing purposes and sure enough the decryption is more than 100x faster.


As OpenSSL is a system requirement for M2 ( why don't we use it instead of Mcrypt?


Make M2 much faster

m2-assistant[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hi @MichaelThessel. Thank you for your report. To help us process this issue please make sure that you provided the following information:

Please make sure that the issue is reproducible on the vanilla Magento instance following Steps to reproduce. To deploy vanilla Magento instance on our environment, please, add a comment to the issue:

@magento give me 2.4-develop instance - upcoming 2.4.x release

For more details, please, review the Magento Contributor Assistant documentation.

Please, add a comment to assign the issue: @magento I am working on this

:clock10: You can find the schedule on the Magento Community Calendar page.

:telephone_receiver: The triage of issues happens in the queue order. If you want to speed up the delivery of your contribution, please join the Community Contributions Triage session to discuss the appropriate ticket.

:movie_camera: You can find the recording of the previous Community Contributions Triage on the Magento Youtube Channel

:pencil2: Feel free to post questions/proposals/feedback related to the Community Contributions Triage process to the corresponding Slack Channel

ihor-sviziev commented 3 years ago

Hi @MichaelThessel, I see in the requirements page that you just shown there is additional requirement for sodium php extension EB0B4846-19AE-4A08-B2A3-CD911BA5D0AC As magento 2.4.x doesn’t support php 7.2 and lower - seems like we can add this as a requirement to composer.json and update docs that sodium is one of required php extensions. Are you interested in creating Pull request?

m2-assistant[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hi @ihor-sviziev. Thank you for working on this issue. In order to make sure that issue has enough information and ready for development, please read and check the following instruction: :point_down:

MichaelThessel commented 3 years ago

Hi @ihor-sviziev I had a look at this and by the looks of it Sodium wouldn't just work as a drop in replacement. Rewriting the Magento encryption stack is unfortunately beyond what I can commit to time wise.

ihor-sviziev commented 3 years ago

@MichaelThessel, Basically right now Magento using sodium if the extension is installed with a fallback to mbstring. You can see it here:

According to php docs - sodium extension is bundled with php by default with php 7.2 and above while mcrypt was bundled with php by default in earlier versions, but still could be installed via pecl.

Looks like in your case both extensions were missing and that's why you got such behavior. In this case Magento tries to use compatibility fallback implemented in php as result you're getting terribly slow performance:

Could you confirm that?

MichaelThessel commented 3 years ago

@ihor-sviziev thanks for pointing me in that direction. I did some further testing and the sodium extension works fine for me now. I must have configured something wrong during my initial tests with sodium as it was still falling back to the mcrypt php lib.

I agree with you though that ext-sodium should be a hard requirement for Magento enforced by composer. The performance of the mcrypt fallback is too poor to be an acceptable workaround. I'm pretty sure a lot of people are running installs without sodium and are not even aware of the performance impact.

If you can give me a list of what is required for this (composer update, doc update, ...) I can do a PR.

ihor-sviziev commented 3 years ago

Basically I see here the only two variants to solve this issue:

  1. Add ext-sodium to composer.json. As result we'll not be able to install magento without it. Unfortunately this is backward incompatible change and have to be approved. Unfortunately seems like there is additional check should be done - that some specific algorithm is present, seems like it was missing in older versions of lib sodium and we need to find a way to address it. Also just checked that we can't fully remove using mcrypt, as it will be required for data migration from old magento versions or hash comparing for old passwords

  2. Just add info that sodium or mcrypt is required in all places where php extensions mentioned in the repo. Technically it's not affecting magento at all, just the docs.

I believe 2nd option we can do without any issues.

@sidolov @gabrieldagama what do you think about 1st option? I'm really prefer going with 1st option.

hostep commented 3 years ago

If the first option is chosen (which I think i the right move here, Magento shops really need to be forced to switch to argon2id password hashing, sha256 for password hashes is completely outdated, it was so even before magento 2 launched), then it needs to be added to the composer.json file from the particular component which requires it, which in this case would be the magento framework's composer.json file, not to the global composer.json file.

For option 2, I happen to know how devdocs compiles a list of required php extensions, and it happens by scanning the composer requirements, so if it's not required using composer, they will not add it to the documentation.

sidolov commented 3 years ago

Hey guys! It's a good topic for discussion, thank you for your input! I'll add it to Magento's internal dev team discussion next week and let you know the results!

ihor-sviziev commented 3 years ago

@sidolov any updates?

sidolov commented 3 years ago

@ihor-sviziev not yet, I'll post updates once will have one

magento-engcom-team commented 3 years ago

:white_check_mark: Confirmed by @sivaschenko Thank you for verifying the issue. Based on the provided information internal tickets MC-38956 were created

Issue Available: @sivaschenko, You will be automatically unassigned. Contributors/Maintainers can claim this issue to continue. To reclaim and continue work, reassign the ticket to yourself.