magento / magento2

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magento 2.0.2 when in product grid page and order grid page show Uncaught Error: Script error for: rjsResolver #3714

Closed TangLiang closed 8 years ago

TangLiang commented 8 years ago

Steps to reproduce

  1. Download Magento2.0.2 from magento website.
  2. Environment is centos 7 in production mode 3.After run magento setup:static-content:deploy everything go fine but when i go backend to check orders and products page was blocked,the loading gif is run again and again. Error show below: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) require.js:141 Uncaught Error: Script error for: rjsResolver

I am using the google chrome,after switch browser to firefox it's come back to normal.

I think this is a bug

mazhalai commented 8 years ago

@TangLiang have you setup up magento user and checked if file permissions are as recommended?

TangLiang commented 8 years ago


Yes,my environment is LNMP+magento 2.0 lastest developer mode. 1,the web server user is www groud is www 2,I adduser magento,and create a strong passwd. 3,usermod -g www magento. 4,cd /home/wwwroot/ root folder) 5,chown -R magento:www ./ 6,find . -type d -exec chmod 770 {} \; && find . -type f -exec chmod 660 {} \; && chmod u+x bin/magento

After i did above,i can install magento 2 from setup wizde.But when i login to backend and go to product or category page it show the error

guz-anton commented 8 years ago

Hi Tang, It is hard to help you with current set of information.

Issue with rjsResolver.js means that requirejs-config.js wasn't loaded on the page or wasn't executed. So first of all we ask to check file permissions. But if you can log in Admin area and navigate to Product list page, then Magento application in general works.

I can suggest you to:

  1. Navigate to weird page
  2. Check source code
  3. Find requirejs-config.js. First of all it should exist.
  4. Try to open it: it should contain valid js code and a lot of strings var config = {.

In case all is right you can check Network tab in developer tools of your browser: look for abandoned requests, 50x requests or somethng similar.

If here you has nothing strange we will to go deeper in your environment configuration.

piotrekkaminski commented 8 years ago

Closing due to lack of response.