magento / meta-for-magento2

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Issue with Magento 2.4.2 - Impossible to process constructor argument Parameter #2 [ <required> Magento\Framework\Mview\View\ChangeLogBatchWalkerFactory #67

Open dpotkoc opened 1 month ago

dpotkoc commented 1 month ago

Preconditions (*)

  1. Magento CLI 2.4.2 - php 7.4
  2. meta-for-magento2 1.3.0 version

Steps to reproduce (*)

  1. php bin/magento se:up

Actual result (*)

  1. Impossible to process constructor argument Parameter #2 [ Magento\Framework\Mview\View\ChangeLogBatchWalkerFactory $changeLogBatchWalkerFactory ] of Meta\Catalog\Plugin\FacebookCatalogUpdateFullReindexPlugin class
  2. Magento 2.4.2 doesn't contain classes ChangeLogBatchWalker and ChangeLogBatchWalkerFactory which are used in plugin: \Meta\Catalog\Plugin\FacebookCatalogUpdateFullReindexPlugin
sol-loup commented 1 month ago

Hey @dpotkoc -- as of Nov 22, Magento themselves ended all support for Magento versions older than 2.4.3

Meta supports 2.4.3 and upwards for our sellers, but cannot guarantee compatibility for lower versions.

In your case, looking at the history for ChangeLogBatchWalker -- it appears it was renamed from Renamed from lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Mview/View/ChangeLogBatchIterator.php -- can you validate whether this file exists in your vendor dir? You may be able to simply rename the import in your local version