line 78: location ~* \.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico)$ {
line 95: location ~ .php/ { ## Forward paths like /js/index.php/x.js to relevant handler
are incompatible for 'x.js' with line 78 being evaluated and not 95.
A temporary fix is to remove 'js' from line 78. This will resolve a 404 for javascript used on the admin 'forgot password' screen. This will of course have the effect of removing far future expires for all javascript files.
I will update if I find other affected files elsewhere in Magento.
The two directives in magento.conf:
are incompatible for 'x.js' with line 78 being evaluated and not 95.
A temporary fix is to remove 'js' from line 78. This will resolve a 404 for javascript used on the admin 'forgot password' screen. This will of course have the effect of removing far future expires for all javascript files.
I will update if I find other affected files elsewhere in Magento.