mageplaza / magento-2-dutch-language-pack

Let archive Translation Guides from Magento 2 Dutch Language Pack! You will get the way to download and install Dutch Langugage Package, then Dutch Language can be used as the default language on your magento 2 store. It is an ideal tool to prompt your business closer to the target clients in Netherlands.
MIT License
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No uninstall? #10

Open EnigmaWebdesign opened 5 years ago

EnigmaWebdesign commented 5 years ago

Hi there,

I've installed the language pack to try out but now it doesn't let me uninstall it. I have a Magento 2.2.6 installation. I've set it to developer mode and tried php bin/magento i18n:uninstall mageplaza/magento-2-dutch-language-pack

But it gives me this error: mageplaza/magento-2-dutch-language-pack is not required in your composer.json and has not been removed

How can I uninstall this package?

Cheers and thanks

legendhorus commented 5 years ago

In order to uninstall Magento 2 Dutch Language Pack, you can delete vendor/mageplaza/magento-2-dutch-language-pack folder and run the command: composer dump-autoload

shopaalogics commented 3 years ago

You can contact shop aalogics as they have free support and service for magento 2 extension installation. This might help you.