mageplaza / magento-2-portuguese-brazil-language-pack

MIT License
0 stars 1 forks source link

Error trying to install language pack #1

Open guilhermetb opened 5 years ago

guilhermetb commented 5 years ago

root@vmi198825:/var/www/html/magento2# composer require mageplaza/magento-2-portuguese-brazil-language-pack:dev-master Do not run Composer as root/super user! See for details

[InvalidArgumentException] Could not find a matching version of package mageplaza/magento-2-portuguese-brazil-language-pack. Check the pa ckage spelling, your version constraint and that the package is available in a stability which matches your mi nimum-stability (stable).

require [--dev] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--no-progress] [--no-suggest] [--no-update] [--no-scripts] [--update-no-dev] [--update-with-dependencies] [--update-with-all-dependencies] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--prefer-stable] [--prefer-lowest] [--sort-packages] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu-autoloader] [--] []...


guilhermetb commented 5 years ago

root@vmi198825:/var/www/html/magento2# wget --2019-02-11 01:15:21-- Resolving (, Connecting to (||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location: [following] --2019-02-11 01:15:22-- Resolving ( Connecting to (||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 1265670 (1.2M) [text/plain] Saving to: ‘pt_BR.csv’

pt_BR.csv 100%[=============================================>] 1.21M 4.91MB/s in 0.2s

2019-02-11 01:15:22 (4.91 MB/s) - ‘pt_BR.csv’ saved [1265670/1265670]

root@vmi198825:/var/www/html/magento2# php bin/magento i18n:pack -m replace pt_BR.csv pt_BR

In Generator.php line 80:

Duplicated translation is found, but it is not allowed. The phrase "All" is translated in 9 places. The phrase "None" is translated in 21 places. The phrase "Custom" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Are you sure?" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "Remove" is translated in 23 places. The phrase "Close" is translated in 16 places. The phrase "Last Update" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Message" is translated in 15 places. The phrase "Actions" is translated in 18 places. The phrase "Create Order" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Back" is translated in 36 places. The phrase "Add Products" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Update Items and Quantities" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Cancel" is translated in 29 places. The phrase "Product" is translated in 20 places. The phrase "Price" is translated in 28 places. The phrase "Quantity" is translated in 20 places. The phrase "Products" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "ID" is translated in 48 places. The phrase "SKU" is translated in 28 places. The phrase "Apply" is translated in 12 places. The phrase "Configure" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Remove All" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Customers" is translated in 10 places. The phrase "Shopping Cart" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Sorry, something went wrong. You can find out more in the error log." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Quote item id is not received." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Quote item is not loaded." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You added %1 to your shopping cart." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Order by SKU" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The SKU was not found in the catalog." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You need to choose options for your item." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We can't find this wish list." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Yes, for Specified Customer Groups" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Yes, for Everyone" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "No" is translated in 41 places. The phrase "Apply Coupon Code" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Remove Coupon Code" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The coupon code "%1" is not valid." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Shopping Cart Items" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Qty" is translated in 19 places. The phrase "Subtotal" is translated in 15 places. The phrase "Discount" is translated in 9 places. The phrase "Row Subtotal" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Action" is translated in 34 places. The phrase "No ordered items" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Total %1 product(s)" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Subtotal:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please select" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Move to Wish List" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "No item specified." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Are you sure you want to remove this item?" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Upload File" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Reset" is translated in 18 places. The phrase "Item" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "See price before order confirmation." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "What's this?" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Incl. Tax" is translated in 11 places. The phrase "Excl. Tax" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "Edit item parameters" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Edit" is translated in 28 places. The phrase "Remove item" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Add to Cart" is translated in 12 places. The phrase "File" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Remove Row" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Customer Groups" is translated in 9 places. The phrase "Display a Link to Loading a Spreadsheet" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Link Text" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The text of the link to the My Account > Order by SKU page" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Load a list of SKUs" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please correct the data sent." is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Entity type model '%1' is not found" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Entity type model must be an instance of \Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Export\Product\Type\Ab stractType" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add New Search Term" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "button_label" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Search Query" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Store" is translated in 11 places. The phrase "Results" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Uses" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Redirect URL" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Yes" is translated in 35 places. The phrase "Message has been rejected: %1" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "--Please Select--" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Error message" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "API" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Configuration" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Done" is translated in 10 places. The phrase "Details" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "View Details" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Something went wrong." is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Action Log" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Summary" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Start Time" is translated in 12 places. The phrase "Status" is translated in 50 places. The phrase "Error" is translated in 12 places. The phrase "You created the order." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Order saving error: %1" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please choose a payment method." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "An error occurred on the server. Please try to place the order again." is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Authorize Only" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Authorize and Capture" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Credit Card Type" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Please Select" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Credit Card Number" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Expiration Date" is translated in 9 places. The phrase "Card Verification Number" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Place Order" is translated in 10 places. The phrase "Enabled" is translated in 24 places. The phrase "Payment Action" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Title" is translated in 30 places. The phrase "Transaction Key" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "New Order Status" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Test Mode" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Gateway URL" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Debug" is translated in 12 places. The phrase "Credit Card Types" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Payment from Applicable Countries" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Payment from Specific Countries" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Minimum Order Total" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Maximum Order Total" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Sort Order" is translated in 23 places. The phrase "options" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Select all" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Orders" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Bestsellers" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "New Customers" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Customer" is translated in 11 places. The phrase "Guest" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Items" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Total" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "Lifetime Sales" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Average" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Views" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Revenue" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Tax" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Shipping" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Images (.gif, .jpg, .png)" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "All Files" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "All Store Views" is translated in 11 places. The phrase "What is this?" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "My Account" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Account Information" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "User Name" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "First Name" is translated in 11 places. The phrase "Last Name" is translated in 11 places. The phrase "Email" is translated in 24 places. The phrase "User Email" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "New Password" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Password Confirmation" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Interface Locale" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Current User Identity Verification" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Your Password" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Refresh" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Clear" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Disable" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Enable" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "Delete" is translated in 37 places. The phrase "Save" is translated in 26 places. The phrase "General Settings" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "-- Please Select --" is translated in 15 places. The phrase "General" is translated in 12 places. The phrase "Delete %1" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Block Information" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Web Site" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "Name" is translated in 35 places. The phrase "Code" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Root Category" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Default Store View" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Disabled" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Default Store" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Stores" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Home" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Are you sure you want to do this?" is translated in 12 places. The phrase "Search" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Any" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "From" is translated in 14 places. The phrase "To" is translated in 15 places. The phrase "Select All" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "[deleted]" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We couldn't find any records." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add New" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Export" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Please select items." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Submit" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Cache Management" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Dashboard" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "We can't refresh lifetime statistics." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "System" is translated in 11 places. The phrase "Manage Stores" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Store View" is translated in 16 places. The phrase "New" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "All Stores" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You did not sign in correctly or your account is temporarily disabled." is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Order" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Order #%1" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You need more permissions to access this." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Username" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Password" is translated in 12 places. The phrase "password" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "All Websites" is translated in 11 places. The phrase "Browse Files..." is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Magento Admin Panel" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Customer View" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Sign Out" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "About the calendar" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Go Today" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Previous" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Next" is translated in 9 places. The phrase "WK" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Time" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Hour" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Minute" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Store View:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Stores Configuration" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please confirm scope switching. All data that hasn't been saved will be lost." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Catalog" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Images" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Thumbnail" is translated in 11 places. The phrase "records found" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "selected" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "per page" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Previous page" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "of %1" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Next page" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Mass Actions" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Unselect All" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Select Visible" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Unselect Visible" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Changes have been made to this section that have not been saved." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving." is translated in 4 places. The phrase "The information in this tab has been changed." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Loading..." is translated in 4 places. The phrase "We could not detect a size." is translated in 5 places. The phrase "We don't recognize or support this file extension type." is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Allow everything" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Magento Admin" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Global Search" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Marketing" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Content" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Design" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Schedule" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Settings" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Attributes" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Other Settings" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Tools" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Currency" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Communications" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Sender Email" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Sender Name" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Sales Representative" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Default Country" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Store Name" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Store Phone Number" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Country" is translated in 18 places. The phrase "Region/State" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "ZIP/Postal Code" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "City" is translated in 11 places. The phrase "Street Address" is translated in 9 places. The phrase "Street Address Line 2" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "VAT Number" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Admin" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Email template chosen based on theme fallback when "Default" option is selected." is translated in 13 places. The phrase "Startup Page" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Recovery Link Expiration Period (hours)" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please enter a number 1 or greater in this field." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Search Engine Optimization" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Description" is translated in 20 places. The phrase "failed" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Database" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We can't save the Cron expression." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Exclude" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Rollback" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Frequency" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Type" is translated in 23 places. The phrase "Download" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Save and Continue Edit" is translated in 20 places. The phrase "Use Default" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Rule" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Start Date" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "End Date" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Active" is translated in 16 places. The phrase "Inactive" is translated in 13 places. The phrase "Applies To" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Visibility" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Position" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "This rule no longer exists." is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Footer" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Header" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Customer Segment" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Allowed Credit Card Types" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Add Rule" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Braintree Settlement Report" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Sorry, but something went wrong" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "No authorization transaction to proceed capture." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Braintree error response." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Wrong transaction status" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Authorize" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Please agree to all the terms and conditions before placing the order." is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Please, enter valid Credit Card Number" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please, enter valid Expiration Date" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please, enter valid Card Verification Number" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "ending" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "expires" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "PayPal Account" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Credit Card Information" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Save for later use." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "This payment is not available" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "MM" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "YY" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please try again with another form of payment." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Sorry, but something went wrong." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Payment" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Enable this Solution" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Enable PayPal through Braintree" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Vault Enabled" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Environment" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Merchant ID" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Public Key" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Private Key" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Advanced Braintree Settings" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Vault Title" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Merchant Account ID" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Advanced Fraud Protection" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Kount Merchant ID" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "CVV Verification" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Country Specific Settings" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Country Specific Credit Card Types" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "PayPal through Braintree" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Override Merchant Name" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Require Customer's Billing Address" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Allow to Edit Shipping Address Entered During Checkout on PayPal Side" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Display on Shopping Cart" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "3D Secure Verification Settings" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "3D Secure Verification" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Threshold Amount" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Verify for Applicable Countries" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Verify for Specific Countries" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Phone" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "URL" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Apply filters in order to get results. Only first 100 records will be displayed in the grid, you w ill be able to download full version of the report in .csv format." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Select..." is translated in 11 places. The phrase "Transaction Type" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Payment Type" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "PayPal Payment ID" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Created At" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Transaction ID" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Order ID" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Amount" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "Settlement Code" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Settlement Response Text" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Refund Ids" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Settlement Batch ID" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Authorized" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Failed" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Sale" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Credit" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Dynamic" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Fixed" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Bundle Items" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add Products to Option" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Delete Option" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Use Default Value" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "%fieldName is a required field." is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Requested option doesn't exist" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We can't add this item to your shopping cart right now." is translated in 5 places. The phrase "N/A" is translated in 10 places. The phrase "Percent" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "We can't save custom-defined options for bundles with dynamic pricing." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add Selected Products" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Add Option" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "New Option" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Option Title" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Input Type" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Multiple Select" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Required" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Is Default" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Default Quantity" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "User Defined" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Price Type" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Quantity:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Choose a selection..." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Default" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Ordered" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "Invoiced" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Shipped" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Refunded" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Canceled" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "As low as" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Regular Price" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "* Required Fields" is translated in 10 places. The phrase "Availability" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "In stock" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "Out of stock" is translated in 10 places. The phrase "Availability:" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "No options of this product are available." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Gift Message" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "From:" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "To:" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Message:" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Product Name" is translated in 14 places. The phrase "Discount Amount" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Row Total" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Qty Invoiced" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Qty Shipped" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Always" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Incorrect CAPTCHA" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Root" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Use Config Settings" is translated in 9 places. The phrase "Day" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Month" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Year" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "from" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "to" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "[GLOBAL]" is translated in 10 places. The phrase "[WEBSITE]" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "[STORE VIEW]" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "label" is translated in 11 places. The phrase "Product Attributes" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Add New Attribute" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Save Attribute" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Delete Attribute" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Attribute Code" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "This is used internally. Make sure you don't use spaces or more than %1 symbols." is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Default Value" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Unique Value" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Unique Value (not shared with other products)" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Not shared with other products." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Input Validation for Store Owner" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add to Column Options" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Use in Filter Options" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Website" is translated in 17 places. The phrase "Global" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Scope" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Storefront Properties" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Text" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Static" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Attribute Information" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Properties" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Visible" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Searchable" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Comparable" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Empty" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add Attribute" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Based On" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Close Window" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Save & New" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Save & Duplicate" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Save & Close" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Change" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Advanced Inventory" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Websites" is translated in 9 places. The phrase "Category Name" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "New Attribute" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Attribute Set" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "Add New Option" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Import" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Tier Pricing" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "ALL GROUPS" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Add Price" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Default Values" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Related Products" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Up-sells" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Cross-sells" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Change Status" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Go to Home Page" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Click for price" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Categories" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Attribute "%1" is required." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "A total of %1 record(s) were updated." is translated in 5 places. The phrase "This attribute no longer exists." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "An attribute with this code already exists." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The value of Admin must be unique." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "A total of %1 record(s) have been deleted." is translated in 4 places. The phrase "A total of %1 record(s) have been updated." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Unable to save product" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The image cannot be removed as it has been assigned to the other image role" is translated in 2 pl aces. The phrase "1 item" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "%1 items" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Invalid attribute %1" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Grid" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "List" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "frontend_label" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "-- Please select --" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Tile" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Something went wrong while saving the file(s)." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "File can not be saved to the destination folder." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We can't rebuild the index for an undefined product." is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Category" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "%1 - %2" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "%1 and above" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please enter a number 0 or greater in this field." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The value of attribute "%1" must be set" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please enter a valid number in this field." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Use config" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "px." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Invalid attribute %fieldName = %fieldValue." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Could not save Prices." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Could not delete Prices" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Something went wrong while processing the request." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Group with id "%1" does not exist." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Requested product doesn't exist" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Product with SKU "%1" does not exist" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We cannot determine the field name." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Dropdown" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "test" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "message" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Some exception" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Customer Group" is translated in 10 places. The phrase "Create New Attribute" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "%1" is translated in 10 places. The phrase "name" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Collapse All" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Expand All" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Please confirm site switching. All data that hasn't been saved will be lost." is translated in 2 p laces. The phrase "Sort Option" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "This is a required option." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The field isn't complete." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Manage Stock" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Out-of-Stock Threshold" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Qty Uses Decimals" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Backorders" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Notify for Quantity Below" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Enable Qty Increments" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Qty Increments" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Stock Availability" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "In Stock" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Out of Stock" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Browse to find or drag image here" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Delete image" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Hidden" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Alt Text" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Role" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Image Size" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "{size}" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Image Resolution" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "{width}^{height} px" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Hide from Product Page" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Product Alerts" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Allow Multiple Boxes for Shipping" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Basic Settings" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Advanced Settings" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Special Price" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Shop By" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Shopping Options" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Remove Product" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add to Wish List" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Remove This Item" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Clear All" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Learn More" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Add to Compare" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "%1 Item" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Show" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "More Information" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "OK" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Added" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Inventory" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Small" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Recently Viewed/Compared Products" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Maximal Depth" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Display Page Control" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Number of Products per Page" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Number of Products to Display" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Template" is translated in 10 places. The phrase "Cache Lifetime (Seconds)" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "86400 by default, if not set. To refresh instantly, clear the Blocks HTML Output cache." is transl ated in 2 places. The phrase "Select Product..." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Anchor Custom Text" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Anchor Custom Title" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Recently Viewed Products" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "List of Products Recently Viewed by Visitor" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Number of Products to display" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Image" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Viewed Products Grid Template" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Viewed Products List Template" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Recently Compared Products" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Compared Products Grid Template" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Compared Products List Template" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Set" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Enable Category" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Include in Menu" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Category Image" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add CMS Block" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Display Settings" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Anchor" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Use All" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Layered Navigation Price Step" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "URL Key" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Meta Title" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Meta Keywords" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Meta Description" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Theme" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Layout" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Layout Update XML" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Apply Design to Products" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "AttributeSetText" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "StatusText" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Allowed file types: jpeg, gif, png." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Image Opacity" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Example format: 200x300." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Image Position" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Attribute Properties" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Attribute Label" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Catalog Input Type for Store Owner" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Delete items" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Change status" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Recently Compared" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Learn more" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Recently Viewed" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Events" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Upcoming" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Open" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Closed" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Select Category" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Start" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "End" is translated in 7 places. The phrase ""model" value should be specified" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "File directory '%1' is not readable." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "File directory '%1' is not writable." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Could not rebuild index for empty products array" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "We don't have as many "%1" as you requested." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Stock" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Permission with the same scope" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "All Customer Groups" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Allow" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Landing Page" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Delete Rule" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add New Rule" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Conditions" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "Promotions" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You deleted the rule." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "We can't find a rule to delete." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Edit Rule" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "New Rule" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "You saved the rule." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Something went wrong while saving the rule data. Please review the error log." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Update the Product" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "To Fixed Value" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "To Percentage" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "By Fixed value" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "By Percentage" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Update product's %1 %2: %3" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Conditions Combination" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Product Attribute" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Indexed rule/product association" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Indexed product/rule association" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Rule Information" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Rule Name" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Priority" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Discard subsequent rules" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Future Update in this time range already exists. Select a different range to add a new Future Upda te." is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Future Update End Time cannot be equal or earlier than Start Time." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Scheduled Changes" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Update Information" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Schedule Update" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Update Name" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Save as a New Update" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Move to Another Update" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Delete the Update" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "200" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "100" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "50" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "30" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "20" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "End Time" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Catalog Price Rules" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Advanced Search" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Your search returned no results." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Catalog Search" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "product" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "View/Edit" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Preview" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "New Theme" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Currently Active" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Path" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Please choose a condition to add." is translated in 4 places. The phrase "State/Province" is translated in 11 places. The phrase "Zip/Postal Code" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Guest checkout is disabled." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Page not found." is translated in 18 places. The phrase "Something went wrong while processing your order. Please try again later." is translated in 3 plac es. The phrase "Payment Method" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "We can't find the product." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We found an invalid request for adding product to quote." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The product does not exist." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Display item quantities" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Shipping address is not set" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Carrier with such method not found: %1, %2" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Shipping method is not applicable for empty cart" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "item" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "items" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "You must confirm your account. Please check your email for the confirmation link or c lick here for a new link." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Error message!" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Apply Discount Code" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Enter discount code" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Apply Discount" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Continue Shopping" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Clear Shopping Cart" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Click here to continue shopping." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Order #" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Proceed to Checkout" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Your order number is: %1." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Reason" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Billing Address:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Shipping Address:" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Shipping Method:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Payment Method:" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Date & Time:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Sign In" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Email Address" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Forgot Your Password?" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Update" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Save in address book" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Login" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "See Details" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Options Details" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Payment Information" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Forgot an Item?" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Edit Your Cart" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Ship Here" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Field" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "is required." is translated in 6 places. The phrase "New Address" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Save Address" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Please specify a shipping method." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Order Total" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "Shipping Address" is translated in 10 places. The phrase "Not yet calculated" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We received your order!" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Thank you for your purchase!" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Items in Cart" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Condition" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Sales" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "Checkout Terms and Conditions" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Identifier" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Manage Pages" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Created" is translated in 12 places. The phrase "Media Storage" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Delete Folder" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Delete File" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Insert File" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "New Folder Name:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Are you sure you want to delete this folder?" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Are you sure you want to delete this file?" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Storage Root" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "CMS" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "This block no longer exists." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We can't find a page to delete." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Pages" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Page Title" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We can't upload the file right now." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We can't delete root directory %1 right now." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "LocalizedException" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Exception" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "View" is translated in 13 places. The phrase "CMS Page Link Block Template" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "CMS Page Link Inline Template" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Block" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "General Information" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "Enable Block" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Block Title" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Enable Page" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Content Heading" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Page in Websites" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "CMS Pages" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "CMS Blocks" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Delete Customer" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "VAT/TAX ID:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Re-seller ID:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Something went wrong. Please try again later." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "A total of %1 record(s) were deleted." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "You are not allowed to do this." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add New Role" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Edit Role" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Rejected" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You cannot update the requested attribute. Row ID: %fieldName = %fieldValue." is translated in 2 p laces. The phrase "Invalid login or password." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Invalid value of "%value" provided for the %fieldName field." is translated in 5 places. The phrase "No such entity with %fieldName = %fieldValue" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Type %1 is not an instance of %2" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Something went wrong" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Exception message" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "exception" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Localized Exception." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "No such entity." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "error message" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Role Name" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Duplicate" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please select a region, state or province." is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Phone Number" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "User Role" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You have no other address entries in your address book." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Contacts" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Role Information" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Save Role" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add New User" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Company" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Create an Account" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Dear %name," is translated in 2 places. The phrase "%name," is translated in 14 places. The phrase "When you sign in to your account, you will be able to:" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "If you have any questions, please contact the seller." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Proceed" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Edit User" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Comma-separated" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Send Email Copy Method" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please specify the reason" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Comment" is translated in 8 places. The phrase "Gender" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "ZIP" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "My Orders" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Create New Customer" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Users" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The requested Payment Method is not available." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Updated" is translated in 10 places. The phrase "Purchased" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Reverted" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Store Credit" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "We refunded %1 online." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We refunded %1 offline." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Exception Message" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Order # %1" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Purchase Order Number" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Purchase Order Number: %1" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Available Credit" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "This is a required field." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Rate" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Date" is translated in 13 places. The phrase "Operation" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Purchase Order" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You will be charged for" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Payment Methods" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Default Config" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Design Theme" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Class for type "%1" was not declared" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "%1 should implement %2" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You saved the configuration." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Something went wrong while saving this configuration:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "title" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Specified" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Invalid XML in file %1:\n%2" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Some error" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Email to a Friend" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Choose an Option..." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Confirm" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Weight" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Associated Products" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Step 2: Attribute Values" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Sort Variations" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Options" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Deselect All" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Remove Attribute" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Save Option" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Remove Option" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Create New Value" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Select" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Edit Configurations" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Contact Us" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Email Sender" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Email Template" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Daily" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Weekly" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Monthly" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Manage Currency Rates" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We can't initialize the import model." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Use helper with defined EAV entity." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Text Field" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Text Area" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Yes/No" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Image File" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Alphanumeric" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Edit Address" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add New Address" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Reset Password" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Force Sign-In" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Newsletter" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Subject" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Sent" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Not Sent" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Sending" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Paused" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Unknown" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Bill-to Name" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Ship-to Name" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Purchase Point" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Never" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Unlocked" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add Locale" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add Date" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Days in Wish List" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Unlock" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Delete Image" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "View Full Size" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Tax Class" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Bad request." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Your password reset link has expired." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We're unable to send the password reset email." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You updated your password." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Manage Customers" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The account is locked." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Minimum of different classes of characters in password is %1. Classes of characters: Lower Case, U pper Case, Digits, Special Characters." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" is a required value." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Billing Address" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Attribute object is undefined" is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" invalid type entered." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" contains non-alphabetic or non-numeric characters." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" is an empty string." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" contains non-numeric characters." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" contains non-alphabetic characters." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" is not a valid email address." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" is not a valid hostname." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" uses too many characters." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "'%value%' looks like an IP address, which is not an acceptable format." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "'%value%' looks like a DNS hostname but we cannot match the TLD against known list." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "'%value%' looks like a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "'%value%' looks like a DNS hostname but we cannot match it against the hostname schema for TLD '%t ld%'." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "'%value%' looks like a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "'%value%' does not look like a valid local network name." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "'%value%' looks like a local network name, which is not an acceptable format." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname, but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded." is tra nslated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" is not a valid URL." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" is not a valid date." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" does not fit the entered date format." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please enter a valid date between %1 and %2 at %3." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please enter a valid date equal to or greater than %1 at %2." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please enter a valid date less than or equal to %1 at %2." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" is not a valid file extension." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" is not a valid file." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" exceeds the allowed file size." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" width exceeds allowed value of %2 px." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" height exceeds allowed value of %2 px." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" length must be equal or greater than %2 characters." is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""%1" length must be equal or less than %2 characters." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "some error" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please enter the state/province." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Label" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Personal Information" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Contact Information" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Change Password" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "or" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Change Billing Address" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Address" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Street Address %1" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Use as my default billing address" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Use as my default shipping address" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Go back" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Change Email" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Change Email and Password" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Current Password" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Password Strength" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "No Password" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Confirm New Password" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Registered Customers" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Sign Up for Newsletter" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Address Information" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Sign-in Information" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Confirm Password" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Fax" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Welcome to %store_name." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "To sign in to our site, use these credentials during checkout or on the My Account page:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Email:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Password:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Password you set when creating account" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Forgot your account password? Click here to reset it." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Proceed through checkout faster" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Check the status of orders" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "View past orders" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Store alternative addresses (for shipping to multiple family members and friends)" is translated i n 2 places. The phrase "Hello," is translated in 2 places. The phrase "or call us at %store_phone" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "There was recently a request to change the password for your account." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "If you did not make this request, you can ignore this email and your password will remain the same ." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Medium" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Tax Calculation Based On" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Maximum Login Failures to Lockout Account" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Lockout Time (minutes)" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Group" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Subscribe to Newsletter" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Customer Since" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Balance Change" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Balance" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Notified" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Notify Customer by Email" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "By admin: %1." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Used" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Balance History" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Lines Count" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Valid range 2-20" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Input Validation" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Minimum Text Length" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Maximum Text Length" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Maximum File Size (bytes)" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "File Extensions" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Comma separated" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Maximum Image Width (px)" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Maximum Image Height (px)" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Input/Output Filter" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Show on Storefront" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Forms to Use In" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Manage Label / Options" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Visible to Customer" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You cannot delete this attribute." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You cannot edit this attribute." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "An attribute code must not be more than %1 characters." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Customer Address" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Reward Points" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please specify a website." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please specify an email." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please enter a valid email." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "CSV" is translated in 11 places. The phrase "Excel XML" is translated in 11 places. The phrase "Assigned to Website" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Apply To" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Reports" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "contains" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Unknown operator specified." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Billing" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "has" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "does not have" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Newsletter Subscription" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Open Chooser" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Order Status" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Product %1" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Wish List" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "found" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "not found" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "is one of" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "is not one of" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Grand Total" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Gift Card" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "equals or greater than" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "equals or less than" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "greater than" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "less than" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Card number" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Risk Score" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Your payment has been declined. Please try again." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Parameter "class" must be present." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Pounds" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Kilograms" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "cm" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Height" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Width" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Regular" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Documents" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "No packages for request" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Enabled for Checkout" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Account Number" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Calculate Handling Fee" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Handling Applied" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Handling Fee" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Weight Unit" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Size" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Allowed Methods" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Displayed Error Message" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Free Method" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Enable Free Shipping Threshold" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Free Shipping Amount Threshold" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Ship to Applicable Countries" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Ship to Specific Countries" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Show Method if Not Applicable" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Continue" is translated in 5 places. The phrase "Error Email Recipient" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Error Email Sender" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Error Email Template" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Unlimited" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Pending" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Sample" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "View Order" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Downloads" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Invalid entity_type specified: %1" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Some internal exception message." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We were unable to perform the search because of a search engine misconfiguration." is translated i n 2 places. The phrase "Could not ping search engine: %1" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Test Connection" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add New Template" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Transactional Emails" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Delete Template" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Convert to Plain Text" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Preview Template" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Save Template" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Template Information" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Template Name" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Template Subject" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Insert Variable..." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Template Content" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Template Styles" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Edit Template" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "New Template" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Email Templates" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Are you sure you want to delete this template?" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "No Templates Found" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Template Type" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Logo Image" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Logo Image Alt" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Private Sales" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Wrong response type" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Transaction has been declined. Please try again later." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Sandbox Mode" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Ground" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Not Required" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "For some reason we can't retrieve tracking info right now." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "status" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Empty response" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Key" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Packages Request Type" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Maximum Package Weight (Please consult your shipping carrier for maximum supported shipping weight )" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Gift Card Accounts" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Choose an Amount..." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Other Amount..." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Amount in %1" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Minimum" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Maximum" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Recipient Name" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Recipient Email" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "You've been sent a gift from %store_name" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Message from %sender_name:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Gift Cards" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Redeemable" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Information" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "History" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You deleted a total of %1 records." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Expired" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Cart %1 doesn't contain products" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Alphabetical" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Numeric" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "test message" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Generate" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "of" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "This won't take long . . ." is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Enter the gift card code" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Gift Card:" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Current Balance:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Expires:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Gift Card amount applied to order:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "%store_name" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Apply Gift Card" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "See Balance" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Code Length" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Excluding prefix, suffix and separators." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Code Format" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Code Prefix" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Code Suffix" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Dash Every X Characters" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Gift Options" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Leave this box blank if you don't want to leave a gift message for the entire order." is translate d in 2 places. The phrase "Requested" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Remove Item" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Sharing Information" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Send From" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Event" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Remaining" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Public" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Select Search Type" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please enter at least 2 letters of the first name." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please enter at least 2 letters of the last name." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please enter a valid email address." is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Private" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "This product(s) is out of stock." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "An item option with code %1 already exists." is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Please enter the first name." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please enter the last name." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "All Forms" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Owner" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Share" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Sender" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Invitee" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Add Invitee" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Required Fields" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Search Options" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Search Results" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Location" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Search By" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please enter at least two letters." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Unit Price" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "General Options" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Quick Search Form Types" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Default Template" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Excluding Tax" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Including Tax" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Including and Excluding Tax" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Google Analytics" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Export Settings" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Entity Type" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Filter" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Import Settings" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Import Behavior" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Field separator" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Multiple value separator" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Images File Directory" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Replace" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "URL key for specified store already exists." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Entity Attributes" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "User" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Processing" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Test Phrase" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Mode" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Shipping Method" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Your account is temporarily disabled." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "You have entered an invalid password for current user." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Resource Access" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Resources" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Link" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Maximum %1 email addresses allowed." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "All Users" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Report" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Archive" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Move" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Reorder" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Print" is translated in 6 places. The phrase "Run" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Fetch" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Send" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Create" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "URL Rewrites" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Cart Price Rules" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Newsletter Queue" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Newsletter Templates" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Newsletter Subscribers" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Custom Variables" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Tax Rules" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "XML Sitemap" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Widget" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "PayPal Settlement Reports" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "IP Address" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Contact Name" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "%1 product(s) have been added to shopping cart: %2." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "%1's Wish List" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add To Order" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Configure and Add to Order" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "No items" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We can't create the Wish List right now." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Wish Lists" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Shipping Methods" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Please specify a payment method." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Some addresses cannot be used due to country-specific configurations." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Shipping Information" is translated in 7 places. The phrase "Billing Information" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Submitting order information..." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Sorry, no quotes are available for this order right now." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Ship to:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Error:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Cannot Perform the Requested Action" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Subtotal (Incl. Tax)" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Subtotal (Excl. Tax)" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Shipping & Handling" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Qty:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Quote" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Cannot save comment:\n%1" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Declined" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Comments" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Created By" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Expires" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Cost" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Click to change shipping method" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Get shipping methods and rates" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Merge" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Created:" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "No shipping information available" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Thank you," is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Cancel coupon" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The shopping cart isn't empty" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You have items in your shopping cart. Would you like to merge items in this order with items of th is shopping cart or replace them?" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Select Cancel to stay on the current page." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Minimum Amount" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "This message will be shown in the shopping cart when the subtotal (after discount) is lower than t he minimum allowed amount." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "No such public catalog entity" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Cron" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Total of %1 record(s) were deleted." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You unsubscribed." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Copy" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Customer First Name" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Customer Last Name" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Per Order" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Minimum Order Amount" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "All Allowed Countries" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Specific Countries" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The payment method you requested is not available." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The payment disallows storing objects." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please enter a valid credit card number." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Why Adve rtise Financing?
Give your sales a boost when you advertise financing.
Pay Pal helps turn browsers into buyers with financing from PayPal Credit®. Your customers have more time to pay, while you get paid up front – at no additional cost to you. Use PayPal’s free banner ads that let you advertise PayPal Credit® financ ing as a payment option when your customers check out with PayPal. The PayPal Advertising Program has been shown to generate additional purchases as well as increase consumer's average purchase sizes by 15% or more. <a href="https:/" t arget="_blank">See Details." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Authorization" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Auto" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Ordered amount of %1" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We cannot cancel this order." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Void" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "here" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Ship To" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Your credit card will be charged for" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Manage" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Welcome, %1!" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The SKU is out of stock." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Cannot set shipping method. %1" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Carts" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Edit Rule '%1'" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Coupon" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Cart Price Rule" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Hourly" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Coupon Code" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "is" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "is not" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Validate error 1" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Validate error 2" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "text" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Interval" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Total Refunded" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Paid" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Tax Amount" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Review" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Reviews" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Product Reviews" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Coupons" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Select Date" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Search Terms" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "By Customers" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "By Products" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Refunds" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We can't specify a product." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We can't configure the product right now." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Invalid item option format." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Cannot specify product." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "No such entity" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Could not save" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Ok" is translated in 4 places. The phrase "Nickname" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Approved" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "View All" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We can't save this rate right now." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "First" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Return" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Grand Total (Base)" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Grand Total (Purchased)" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Submit Comment" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Custom Value" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Print Shipping Label" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Show Packages" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Returned" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please specify a carrier." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please enter a tracking number." is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Products should be added to package(s)" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You did not email your customer. Please check your email settings." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Tracking Information" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Return #" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Requested entity doesn't exist" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Invalid carrier: %1" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "No detail for number "%1"" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We can't load track with retrieving identifier right now." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Customer Name" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Comment Text" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Visible on Storefront" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Not Notified" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Customs Value" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Qty Ordered" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Carrier" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Number" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Create Shipping Label" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Packages" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Package" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Length" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Total Weight" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Items in the Package" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Shipping and Tracking Information" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Track this shipment" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Create Packages" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Add Package" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Enable RSS" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Credit Memos" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Invoices" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Shipping Incl. Tax (%1)" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Shipping Excl. Tax (%1)" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Refund Offline" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Adjustment Refund" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Adjustment Fee" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Send Email" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Credit Memo" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Status Code" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Store View Specific Labels" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Hold" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Unhold" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Invoice" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Ship" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Shipments" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Discount (%1)" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Value" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Back to My Orders" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "View Another Order" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Unassign" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Please enter a comment." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Cannot add new comment." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The order no longer exists." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Orders and Returns" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Unknown Status" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Transaction ID: "%1"" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Total Shipping Charges" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Invoice #" is translated in 2 places. The phrase ""Shipment Document Validation Error(s):\n" ." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Complete" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Email has not been sent" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Custom Price" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Append Comments" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Grand Total Excl. Tax" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Grand Total Incl. Tax" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Payment & Shipping Method" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "The order was placed using %1." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Capture Online" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Capture Offline" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Order Date" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Purchased From" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Shipment" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Shipment Comments" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Orders and Returns Search Form" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Invoice Date" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Ship Date" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Total Quantity" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "PDF Credit Memos" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Print Invoices" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Print Packing Slips" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Print Credit Memos" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Print All" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Print Shipping Labels" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Purchase Date" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Customer Email" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Shipping and Handling" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "PDF Invoices" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "PDF Shipments" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Labels" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Public In RSS Feed" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Discount Qty Step (Buy X)" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Apply to Shipping Amount" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Default Rule Label for All Store Views" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "This search no longer exists." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "You can't send messages more than %1 times an hour." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Assign" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Assigned" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Girth" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Please select item(s)." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Top" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Zip/Post is Range" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Zip/Post Code" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Range From" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Range To" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "State" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Tax Zones and Rates" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Page" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "You're currently reading page" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "On" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Off" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again or contact us and we'll try to help." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Container" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "User ID" is translated in 3 places. The phrase "Please enter an email address." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "We will disable this feature if the value is empty." is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Variable" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Not Selected" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Account Information" is translated in 2 places. The phrase "Address Book" is translated in 2 places.

i18n:pack [-m|--mode MODE] [-d|--allow-duplicates] [--]
