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Demoralizing Shout and Battle Shout threat #19

Open DrSeRRoD opened 5 years ago

DrSeRRoD commented 5 years ago
Cleavis commented 5 years ago

Per Kenco, Battle Shout should be capped at 5 targets buffed:

*Battle Shout generates 55 threat for each player that is buffed; up to 5 people in your party and their pets, as long as they are on the relevant mob's threat list.

Should want to confirm whether a) buffing pets generates threat; and b) threat is indeed capped at 5 friendlies buffed.

ironskillet2 commented 5 years ago

Demo and Battle shout both apply threat, on first application and re application.

This was enough on all 4 occasions, to have a mob change aggro to me after being face pulled.

tests performed during stress test, on 6/21, version

Cleavis commented 5 years ago

Did some additional testing on 6/21, version

Specifically was testing Battle Shout rank 2 and Demo Shout rank 1. Would body pull level ~5-8 mob with level 15 warrior, cast shout once, use level 3 priest melee until aggro rip to determine range of threat values.

Demo Shout rank 1

Damage Before Rip Damage At Rip Damage of Ability Stance Threat Range
8 9 1x Demo Shout Battle Stance 10-11
15 16 1x Demo Shout Defensive Stance 11
14 17 1x Demo Shout Defensive Stance 10-12

Battle Shout rank 2

Damage Before Rip Damage At Rip Damage of Ability Stance Threat Range
24 32 19dmg + 2x Party Buffed Battle Stance 5-9
2 3 3x Party Buffed + 1x Pet Defensive Stance 2
7 8 2x Party Buffed Defensive Stance 5
11 13 1x Party Buffed Defensive Stance 8-9

Talents did include 1x Booming Voice (assume no effect). Other assumptions on Threat Range calculation include 110% threat melee aggro rip threshold (assumed), 130% Defensive Stance threat multiplier (confirmed separately), and 80% Battle Stance threat multiplier (confirmed separately).

Battle Shout appears to be acting very strangely - less threat is being applied to mobs when more party members are buffed.

Did a single test on two mobs (not shown) where battle shout threat appeared to get divided equally between them.

Cleavis commented 5 years ago

New testing / re-testing on August 8, 2019 - version

Testing if re-application of demo shout causes threat. Tests were done with 1/5 Improved Demo Shout, at level 15 against level 8-11 mobs.

Demo Shout rank 1

Damage Before Rip Damage At Rip Damage of Ability Stance Threat Range
23 + 51 Healing 24 + 51 Healing 3x Demo Shout Defensive 11.31-11.54
15 + 67 Healing 16 + 67 Healing 3x Demo Shout Defensive 11.31-11.54
58 + 44 Healing 59 + 44 Healing 2x Demo Shout + 34 Defensive 10.98-11.33
13 + 102 Healing 14 + 102 Healing 4x Demo Shout Defensive 11.19-11.37

The math is a little more complicated than the earlier, simpler testing above, but in each case, yes, multiple casts (and reapplications) caused threat scaling with the number of applications. Re-application of Demo Shout causes the same threat as initial application. Also rank 1 demo shout causes ~11.32 threat with 1/5 improved demo shout (which may or may not have any benefit).

Combat Log ImpDemoShout.txt

Cleavis commented 5 years ago

New testing / re-testing on August 8, 2019 - version

Testing if Battle Shout buffs to multiple party members causes additional threat, whether buffs to pets causes threat, and whether that additional threat is capped at 5 buffed targets.

All tests were in Defensive stance, and aggro was ripped from melee range. Assumptions (confirmed elsewhere) are that defensive stance threat multiplier is 1.3, melee range aggro threshold is +10%, and healing causes 0.5 threat per point healed.

Battle Shout rank 2

Damage Before Rip Damage At Rip Shouts (+Damage) Party (+Pets) Mobs Threat Range
16 22 1 1 1 11.19-15.39
8 10 1 1 2 11.19-13.99
17 18 2 1 2 11.89-12.59
84 + 71 Healing 85 + 71 Healing 1 (+36) 4 1 11.90-12.07
60 + 197 Healing 67 + 197 Healing 1 (+39) 5 (+1) 1 11.98-12.79
18 + 252 Healing 24 + 252 Healing 1 (+29) 5 (+1) 1 11.95-12.65

Observed behavior was that: 1) buffing additional party members does increase threat done to mobs (fixed!), 2) buffing pets (warlock imp) does cause additional threat equivalent to another player, and 3) battle shout threat is not capped at 5 buff targets (! maybe bug?).

Also rank 2 battle shout causes ~12 threat, and threat is split between mobs you are in combat with.

Combat logs R2BattleShout1Target.txt R2BattleShout6Buffs.txt

Cleavis commented 5 years ago

Follow up testing with 0/5 improved demo shout (which I didn't log because I'm a mong) showed 11.19-11.53 threat range over 5 tests.

Can follow up with further testing when max level ranks are available, but willing to say improved demo shout talents do not increase threat done.

Yistkim commented 5 years ago

So, Battle Shout with 5 player + 4 pets, best TPS skill ever? Both Single Target and AoE Tanking?