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Rage Gain Threat #22

Open Cleavis opened 5 years ago

Cleavis commented 5 years ago

Bloodrage threat gen is currently higher in defensive stance than battle stance on the stress test, 6/21 version

Per Kenco threat guide(s) e.g. rage gain should not be affected by stance multiplier: "Note that threat caused from Power Gain is not affected by threat modifiers. Gaining 1 point of Rage will give 5 threat whether you are in Battle Stance or Defensive Stance."

Testing was level 15 warrior face pull level ~5-8 mob, bloodrage, level 3 priest melee until aggro rip. Bloodrage performed in defensive stance required more damage to rip aggro than bloodrage performed in battle stance. Damage increments (melee swings) were small, 1-6 damage per swing.

Damage At Rip Rage Gain  Stance
98 20 Rage Battle Stance
99 20 Rage Battle Stance
98 20 Rage Battle Stance
99 20 Rage Battle Stance
Damage At Rip Rage Gain Stance
103+ (mob died no rip) 20 Rage Defensive Stance
126+ (mob died no rip) 20 Rage Defensive Stance

Note the damage to rip in battle stance does not match 80% (stance) of 110% (melee aggro gain) of 5 threat x 20 rage (expected per-rage threat gen). It should be ~88-90-ish, not 98-99-ish. Recommend more testing on per-rage threat gen (by clicking off bloodrage mid-buff, e.g.). Also would like to confirm how much threat is being generated by a full bloodrage in defensive stance.

Recorded the above tests, including some basic stance multiplier testing at the start here--

For clarification/information, battle stance threat multiplier should be 80% (supported), defensive stance threat multiplier should be 130% (supported), and threshhold to rip aggro in melee range should be 110% (supported).