magey / classic-warrior

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Extra attack procs chaining and multiproccing #25

Open Malchar opened 5 years ago

Malchar commented 5 years ago

Certain effects in the game can cause your weapon attacks to proc extra attacks. It is unclear if or how these effects combine with each other.

If one original attack happens to proc two different extra attack effects, it is known as a multiproc. Example: You have Windfury Totem and Ironfoe. You hit the enemy and trigger both Ironfoe proc and Windfury Totem proc on the same attack. You get two extra attacks from Ironfoe and one extra attack from Windfury.

If extra attacks are able to proc further extra attacks, it is known as a chain proc. Example: You have Windfury Totem and Ironfoe. You hit the enemy and trigger the Ironfoe proc. Both Ironfoe extra attacks hit the enemy and one of them triggers the Windfury Totem proc. The Windfury extra attack also hits the enemy. One original attack lead to two procs in sequence.

Mizzajl commented 4 years ago

Windfury procc have a ~1.5 second cooldown I tested this by equipping weapons of different speeds and testing if I could get windfury to procc 2 swings in a row without having the flurry buff up.

Princess Theradras' Scepter ( can "multiprocc" while using flametongue weapon i was able to get 2 flametongue proccs from 1 swing when the wounding procc from the scepter procced. When using windfury with the scepter i was able to get 2 wound proccs from 1 swing. Havent been able to get get multiple windfury proccs of the same swing, most likely because of the 1.5 sec cd on windfury. I don't know yet if the wound can procc off itself without windfury or other proccs.

The ravager axe can multiprocc, but I think because you are channeling during the ravager procc the extra attacks gained from windfury never occurs, other weapon imbues like flametongue and frostbrand can still deal damage during bladestorm.

Windreaper ( can NOT multiprocc. using flametongue like with the scepter above I was not able to get more flametongue proccs (and flametongue has 100% procc chance)

My theory is that in order to multiprocc the ability must have damage type "Melee Damage" (;3;0)

the Windreaper procc ability has "Melee Range" but not the damage type "Melee Damage" as it does not appear in the previous link.

I dont know if the damage school must be physical or not, but looking at the "Melee Damage" list the only non-physical ability from items i could find was "Zulian Slice" from the "Zulian Slicer" ( but we will not be able to confirm that untill phase 4.