magey / tbc-warrior

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World mob XP #27

Closed ironskillet2 closed 3 years ago

ironskillet2 commented 3 years ago

The original TBC mob XP value was calculated from the following

level*5 + 235.

it is still using the azeroth formula of level*5 + 45

this problem does not appear to be happening in dungeons.

ironskillet2 commented 3 years ago

this video,

shows the paladin receiving the correct amount of XP using the formula of level*5 + 235. with ofcourse modifiers such as him having rested and the mobs being different levels. but as you can see its much higher than on BETA.

This is a VOD from the Beta, go to the part after blood furnace and put in the azeroth XP formula and you will find they match.

1:21:00 is a good time stamp

cannonpalms commented 3 years ago

Another TBC source:

Another source:

Aggrend commented 3 years ago

We have a hotfix in flight for this and it should be out soon (tm).

ironskillet2 commented 3 years ago

thanks blizzard! once i see the correct XP value showin up we can close this baby

cannonpalms commented 3 years ago


Can you confirm that this hotfix indeed is live as of the time of this blue post? We are not seeing any change to XP calculation at this time.

viliustank commented 3 years ago

image in that test just now i'm level 59 killing a level 59 mob in outland, 340 is the azeroth formula not outland formula

magey commented 3 years ago

This was just fixed on beta; tested it now:


That's me at level 61 killing a level 62 vulture. The base XP formula is (Char Level * 5) + 235 = 540, then because it's a level 62 vulture there's a 1.05 multiplier which brings us to 567, times two for the rested XP.