magey / tbc-warrior

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Whirlwind and dual-wield #29

Open Decksign opened 3 years ago

Decksign commented 3 years ago

Test the interaction of Whirlwind offhand hits:

magey commented 3 years ago

I did some tests today (build and the results are below. I attached screenshots here because it's easier to see what's going on, but all the data has been verified with the recorded combat log where the offhand hits have a different spell ID (44949) so they're easier to distinguish. After Blizzard fixes CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo() to return the spell ID I will write an addon that makes them appear in your in-game combat log as Whirlwind (Offhand) so they're easier to distinguish there as well.

If the main-hand roll results in a parry, dodge or miss, can offhand damage still occur?

Offhand damage is independent from main-hand damage:

Hit with both weapons (control):


MH miss, offhand hit:


MH dodge, offhand hit:


MH parry, offhand hit:


Do offhand hits proc chance on hit weapons?

Yes, multiple times too. Main hand was Communal Sword (generic green sword), offhand was Hammer of the Northern Wind:


Verify that offhand hits proc Flurry and Rampage

They do, and for Rampage it includes both the activation and the stacks as can be seen here:


magey commented 3 years ago

Verify that offhand hits are affected by Dual Wield Specialization

They are; using two Shortswords (2-4 damage range) before taking DW spec:


And after taking DW spec:
