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Interaction of PPM chance effects and Haste #43

Open simonizeshow opened 3 years ago

simonizeshow commented 3 years ago

I have read an old forum thread on Elitist Jerks that suggests that some PPM based procs dynamically adjust their chance to trigger per swing based on your current hasted swing time. This means (for example) Mark of Conquest is less likely to trigger from an attack that lands with Flurry active compared to an attack that lands when Flurry is not active.

Elitist Jerks thread seems to suggest that this applies to pretty much all "new world" aka TBC procs.

I am a little skeptical of this behavior but the people in this thread are very confident in the mechanic and have tested (some with small sample sizes, some with large). I think this would be a good thing to verify on the TBC Beta. There is some debate on passive haste vs active haste effecting the proc rates, so testing should take note of both types of haste.

EJ thread for reference:

Proposed tests:

Keep weapon speeds constant (either 1 weapon or 2 weapons same speed) and perform the following tests. Then repeat with a different weapon speed.

1) Mark of Conquest proc chance, filter results based on if Flurry was active or not. Note how much passive haste you have on your character.

2) Mark of Conquest proc chance, filter results based on if Flurry was active or not. Use a substantially different amount of passive haste on your character.

simonizeshow commented 3 years ago

Different suggested test:

Use a 4.00 speed weapon and check Unbridled Wrath (15 ppm effect). This should have a 100% chance to trigger Unbridled Wrath. If you can get this weapon to ever NOT trigger Unbridled Wrath while under the effects of Flurry or Haste Potion, then there is more to look at.

Get a large sample size of attacks under the effects of Flurry or Haste Potion. Either we get such a large sample size to confirm that it is still triggering 100% of the time, or we find just a single attack that doesn't trigger Unbridled Wrath, and have more work to do and should dig deeper.

magey commented 3 years ago

I did the 4.00 speed test with Unbridled Wrath and Flurry and collected 919 swings, out of those 390 were flurried. I got 919 UW procs which means a 100% proc chance as expected. Since I was using a 4.00 weapon, hasted it becomes 3.20 which means in theory a 80% UW proc chance (going by the 15 PPM chance found in our tests). The probability for 80% UW not to proc for 390 attacks is 0.2^390 which is something insanely small. So for this setup specifically it looks like Flurry does not affect UW PPM.

ymmib commented 3 years ago

I did a similar test with Seal of Vengeance. Assuming the TBC-era wiki is accurate, Seal of Vengeance procs at 20 PPM. I used a 3.00 speed one-hander hasted to 1.99, meaning to maintain 20 PPM the proc chance would have to decrease from 100% to 66.3%. I stacked Vengeance to 5 in 5 swings in 7 tests. So 35 swings in a row of Vengeance proccing - 0.337^35 is also very small.