magey / tbc-warrior

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Dodge rating has no effect #69

Closed magey closed 3 years ago

magey commented 3 years ago

Dodge rating shows up on your character sheet as bonus dodge, but when getting attacked by actual mobs you don't gain the benefit from it.

Test setup


The level 70 warrior pictured above has 455 defense and 198 dodge rating which gives him 10.46% bonus dodge, and in total vs. a level 70 opponent he has:

Outcome Chance Note
Miss 9.20%
Dodge 19.32% 8.86% without dodge rating
Parry 12.20%
Block 15.72%
Crit 0.80% -4.20% from defense

Since he's getting attacked by a level 57 Servant of Razelikh he has an extra (70 - 57) * 5 * 0.04% = 2.6% to miss/dodge/parry/block/-crit, so effectively:

Outcome Chance Note
Miss 11.80%
Dodge 21.92% 11.46% without dodge rating
Parry 14.80%
Block 18.21%
Crit 0.00%

Over 2842 attacks the results of the servant attacking the warrior:

Outcome Chance 95% CI Count
Miss 12.24% ±1.21% 348
Dodge 11.54% ±1.17% 328
Parry 14.25% ±1.29% 405
Block 18.54% ±1.43% 527
Crit 0.00% ±0.00% 0
Hit 43.42% ±1.82% 1234

As can be seen in the results above, all outcomes are within the expected range accounting for errors except for dodge; dodge is way off and in fact the value measured is very close to the value of dodge without the bonus from dodge rating.

magey commented 3 years ago

Seems to have been fixed today via a hotfix; same setup as before, but now we get:

Outcome Chance 95% CI Count
Miss 11.47% ±1.03% 419
Dodge 22.26% ±1.35% 813
Parry 14.92% ±1.16% 545
Block 18.61% ±1.26% 680
Crit 0.00% ±0.00% 0
Hit 32.74% ±1.52% 1196