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new export format needed: Gaylord version of Passkey #32

Closed binary1230 closed 8 years ago

binary1230 commented 8 years ago

Hotels use different systems to manage their reservations.

The Mark Center used a particular version of a product called Passkey (, which we have an exporter for.

The Gaylord also uses Passkey, but it appears there's a newer version they use. They have sent us a spreadsheet with the fields they expect to see exported and it doesn't match our current exporter.

So, we need to make another exporter that has these fields named correctly.

binary1230 commented 8 years ago

Here are some of the values (copied from the spreadsheet, and we definitely don't need all of them filled in)

AttendeeType RecordID CheckInDate CheckOutDate NumberofGuests HotelName RoomType
Guest1CheckInDate Guest1CheckOutDate Guest1Title Guest1FirstName Guest1MiddleName Guest1LastName Guest1Suffix Guest1Surname Guest1GivenName Guest1Locale Guest1CompanyName Guest1Position Guest1Address1 Guest1Address2 Guest1City Guest1State Guest1PostalCode Guest1Country Guest1Phone Guest1Fax Guest1Email

SpecialRequest AccessibleRoom SmokingPreference SendAcknowledgement GuaranteeType
BillingCardNumber BillingCardExpiration BillingCardType BillingName BillingAddress1 BillingAddress2 BillingCity BillingState BillingPostalCode BillingCountry BillingPhone BillingOtherNotes BillingOtherAmount BillingOtherReceived BillingOtherCheckNumber

Guest2CheckInDate Guest2CheckOutDate Guest2Title Guest2FirstName Guest2MiddleName Guest2LastName Guest2Suffix Guest2Surname Guest2GivenName Guest2Position Guest2Email Guest2BillingName Guest2BillingCardNumber Guest2BillingCardExpiration Guest2BillingCardType

Guest3CheckInDate Guest3CheckOutDate Guest3Title Guest3FirstName Guest3MiddleName Guest3LastName Guest3Suffix Guest3Surname Guest3GivenName Guest3Position Guest3Email Guest3BillingName Guest3BillingCardNumber Guest3BillingCardExpiration Guest3BillingCardType

Guest4CheckInDate Guest4CheckOutDate Guest4Title Guest4FirstName Guest4MiddleName Guest4LastName Guest4Suffix Guest4Surname Guest4GivenName Guest4Position Guest4Email Guest4BillingName Guest4BillingCardNumber Guest4BillingCardExpiration Guest4BillingCardType

Guest5CheckInDate Guest5CheckOutDate Guest5Title Guest5FirstName Guest5MiddleName Guest5LastName Guest5Suffix Guest5Surname Guest5GivenName Guest5Position Guest5Email Guest5BillingName Guest5BillingCardNumber Guest5BillingCardExpiration Guest5BillingCardType

AcknowledgementNumber ReservationTotalCharge Ext RefrenceID

CustomField1 CustomField2 CustomField3 CustomField4 CustomField5 CustomField6 CustomField7 CustomField8 CustomField9 CustomField10 CustomField11 CustomField12 CustomField13 CustomField14 CustomField15 SplitFolio

Guest1ArrivalDate Guest1ArrivalTime Guest1ArrivalAirline Guest1ArrivalFlightNumber Guest1DepartureDate Guest1DepartureTime Guest1DepartureAirline Guest1DepartureFlightNumber Guest1OtherTravelDetails Guest1Transportation Guest2ArrivalDate Guest2ArrivalTime
Guest2ArrivalAirline Guest2ArrivalFlightNumber Guest2DepartureDate Guest2DepartureTime Guest2DepartureAirline Guest2DepartureFlightNumber Guest2OtherTravelDetails Guest2Transportation
Guest3ArrivalDate Guest3ArrivalTime Guest3ArrivalAirline Guest3ArrivalFlightNumber Guest3DepartureDate Guest3DepartureTime Guest3DepartureAirline Guest3DepartureFlightNumber Guest3OtherTravelDetails Guest3Transportation

Guest4ArrivalDate Guest4ArrivalTime Guest4ArrivalAirline Guest4ArrivalFlightNumber Guest4DepartureDate Guest4DepartureTime Guest4DepartureAirline Guest4DepartureFlightNumber Guest4OtherTravelDetails Guest4Transportation

Guest5ArrivalDate Guest5ArrivalTime Guest5ArrivalAirline Guest5ArrivalFlightNumber Guest5DepartureDate Guest5DepartureTime Guest5DepartureAirline Guest5DepartureFlightNumber Guest5OtherTravelDetails Guest5Transportation

binary1230 commented 8 years ago

We will have to ask the Gaylord which fields they actually need us to fill in.

binary1230 commented 8 years ago

for anyone doing the implemention on this, what you'd need to do is make a duplicate of the function in and call it maybe 'passkey_v2', and then just output the fields with different names.

bds002 commented 8 years ago

One of the nice additional columns is : AttendeeType (We can use that to differentiate for Staff, Bands, Panelist etc....

bds002 commented 8 years ago

While we are looking at this - the new Passkey format for the Gaylord has an "AccessibleRoom" which I am assuming would be for Handicap Accessibility.... We have 4 or 5 staff that have request that as an option this year..... Would it be to our advantage to make that a simple check box option on the Staff Room request page in the future... (Check here if you need an Accessibilty room) - and possibly a comment box if they check yes? --- on the pass key form, that is a different column that other special request.

EliAndrewC commented 8 years ago

That does sound worthwhile, so I created #36 to track it.