maggimars / Tara-Phaeo

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Micromonas comparison #13

Open maggimars opened 3 years ago

maggimars commented 3 years ago

SO far we have downloaded available micromonas transcriptomes and genomes and mapped the small-size fraction (0.8-5µm)Tara metaG and metaT reads to those references. We see different results from metaT v. metaG read mapping, but does not follow the same pattern as in Phaeo (i.e., metaT mapping to transcriptomes and metaG mapping to genomes). @rondorice please add these figures in a comment.

To do:

rondorice commented 3 years ago



micromonas_metaG micromonas_metaT ](url)

maggimars commented 3 years ago

which map is metaT and which is metaG?

maggimars commented 3 years ago

Based on 1,641 single-copy core genes: micromonas_W_outg

rondorice commented 3 years ago

the top one (red prominent) is MetaG and bottom is metaT

halexand commented 3 years ago

Interesting. So, not to terribly closely related yet popping up between metaT and metaG variably.

halexand commented 3 years ago

This paper: might help provide some context. They also look at v9 abundance for these species. There isn't a 1:1 sort of graph, but it might be worth looking at the SI data to see if they have total abundances per station that we can compare against.

rondorice commented 3 years ago


rondorice commented 3 years ago

ANI heatmap^