magiblot / turbo

An experimental text editor based on Scintilla and Turbo Vision.
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Open a folder (like VS Code) #11

Open mveteanu opened 3 years ago

mveteanu commented 3 years ago

It will be great if you can extend turbo to open an entire folder (like VS Code). Example:

turbo .

This will open the current folder and lists all the files in the "Document Tree View".

magiblot commented 3 years ago

The "Document Tree View" is the equivalent of the "Open Editors" panel in VS Code. So we need a separate "Filesystem Tree View" for this feature.

If it may help you alleviate the pain until something like this gets done, here is what I think about this:

The folder view in VS Code is something I actually dislike. Once your project has enough files, most of the view becomes clutter and it becomes difficult to find files in it. In a terminal application this could be even worse, since we cannot display different icons for every file type. I find the "Open Editors" view in VS Code pretty much useless because it shows all files at the same level, making it much less visually appealing than the folder view ( So the "Document Tree View" in Turbo is inspired by the one in Kate.


In order to help navigate projects quickly Turbo does the following: the "Open File", "Save As" dialogs always show the directory of the last focused editor. So if you need to navigate folder src/debug and one of your open files is already from that directory, just focus it and open the "Open File" dialog. By working this way you end up memorizing where each file is located, unlike with VS Code's tree view, where you keep scrolling until you find the file you need.

I'm not trying to dictate how you should work; in fact, other people have already asked for this feature (, so there is no reason not to add this to the TODO list. I just wanted to share my thoughts in case they may be of any help.