magiblot / turbo

An experimental text editor based on Scintilla and Turbo Vision.
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COLUMNS and LINES env #17

Closed pmp-p closed 3 years ago

pmp-p commented 3 years ago

Please add support to follow those so Turbo does not expand to full terminal space when it is not wanted

( sidenote: can help to solve in a very simple way as demonstrated with another editor here, even more powerfull when using VT420 with configurables margins for drawing children with their own scrolling zones )

magiblot commented 3 years ago

Hi Paul.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish? If Turbo only draws itself on a small region of the terminal, how will the empty area be useful to you? What is sidenode?


pmp-p commented 3 years ago

oops thanks, "sidenode" was a typo i meant "sidenote".

I'm about to make a TurboP(ython) kind of program, the empty space left on terminal is all useable for VT100/420 and sixel graphics of running program it's just a matter of setting the margins before running/switching tasks. and no terminal multiplexer are not an option for my design because i want turbo to trace step by step the code line of running task and also let access from running program to the TV lib direcly.

But really it's not about to accomplish something special but more about following established standards that application and ncurses already follow (see man resize at environment section).

magiblot commented 3 years ago

Ah, thanks for the clarification.

It took me some time to understand what was going on, because tilde in my machine does not react to COLUMNS or LINES in any special way. After trying several applications, I found vi exhibiting the behaviour described by the man pages.

This is tvdemo with COLUMNS=80:


Commit 8cc5097cb28f14982562298a077ce7baccac6faf brings the change to this application.


pmp-p commented 3 years ago

works very well thanks !