magiblot / turbo

An experimental text editor based on Scintilla and Turbo Vision.
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Switch to lexilla #18

Open data-man opened 3 years ago

data-man commented 3 years ago

Thank you for great projects!

Is it time to switch to lexilla? :)

magiblot commented 3 years ago

Hi Dmitry!

Well, Lexilla is essentially the same we already have, the Scintilla lexers, but bundled as a separate library. It brings no new features yet, just a couple of bug fixes.

Besides the bug fixes, why are you interested in upgrading to Lexilla?


data-man commented 3 years ago

why are you interested in upgrading to Lexilla?

Because Github is new home for Scintilla project and can be used as git-submodule like other thirdparty libraries.

magiblot commented 3 years ago

I acknowledge that reusing code via git submodules is saner than having a local copy of it, but from the user's standpoint using a submodule does not provide any advantage since it only it makes it slower to download this project. From my perspective it is also cumbersome since I will have to spend some time adapting the build system despite not getting new features. So I am not convinced yet Shrug GIF.


data-man commented 3 years ago

but from the user's standpoint using a submodule does not provide any advantage since it only it makes it slower to download this project.

I agree!

can be used as git-submodule

Not "must be used"! :)

I'm a former Turbo Vision user (but Turbo Pascal implementation) and I really like your editor. So if you don't mind using Lexilla library, I can make this transition.

magiblot commented 3 years ago

So if you don't mind using Lexilla library, I can make this transition.

Yes, contributions are welcome.