magiblot / turbo

An experimental text editor based on Scintilla and Turbo Vision.
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Can't clone the repository #21

Closed acgt1 closed 1 year ago

acgt1 commented 2 years ago

I tried git clone and gh repo clone magiblot/turbo, none of them work. I constantly get credentials error which is weird as this repository suppose to be read-only public repo, isn't it?

example for git: $ git clone --recursive Cloning into 'turbo'... Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

example for gh: $ gh repo clone magiblot/turbo Cloning into 'turbo'... Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. exit status 128

magiblot commented 2 years ago

Hi @acgt1!

$ git clone --recursive Cloning into 'turbo'... Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Mhm... this command should have worked.

Does it work if you try with instead of

git clone --recursive
acgt1 commented 2 years ago

with gitlab it works perfectly :)

acgt1 commented 2 years ago

Now the submodules are being problematic, seems like they are against github too:

Example: Submodule 'deps/fmt' ( registered for path 'deps/fmt' Submodule 'libclipboard' ( registered for path 'deps/libclipboard' Submodule 'deps/tvision' ( registered for path 'deps/tvision' Cloning into '~~turbo/deps/fmt'... Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

acgt1 commented 2 years ago

I offer to update .gitmodule and open them to the public: [submodule "deps/tvision"] path = deps/tvision url = [submodule "deps/fmt"] path = deps/fmt url = [submodule "libclipboard"] path = deps/libclipboard url =

specifically fmt and libclibpboard.git, I think tvision is OK

acgt1 commented 2 years ago

Eventually I solved it by adding an SSH key to my profile. I don't think it's an issue with your repo. I don't remember that github enforced a login + key (a recent change!?). So, for gitlab, I suggest to move the submodules to gitlab as well. As for the github repo, it might be wroth to drop it altogether once you finish a complete move to gitlab to avoid confusion, maybe you can keep a pointer to gitlab. This is just an advice, not a request, it will definitely help the less experienced audience ;) I'm now going to play with your editor, it looks promising!

magiblot commented 2 years ago

Ah, good to know you eventually solved the issue.

Gitlab works for turbo and tvision because coincidentally I published them there too. I do not own the other submodules, so I cannot "move" them to Gitlab.

It doesn't matter whether the repos are in Gitlab or Github; git clone should work out-of-the box in either case. This is the first time I have heard about an issue like yours, so I don't have a clue what may have caused it. I suspect there may have been something wrong in your SSH or Git settings, but I don't know.

What I should do is place the complete git clone command in the Readme.

Please note that, as the Readme mentions, this editor lacks some basic features.
