magiblot / turbo

An experimental text editor based on Scintilla and Turbo Vision.
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case-insensitive search for non-latin letters #8

Closed unxed closed 3 years ago

unxed commented 3 years ago

Currently "Edit->Find" function is case insensitive for latin, but case sensitive for cyrillic. Probably this behavior should be consistent independently of language used.

magiblot commented 3 years ago

Thanks for noticing. I'll have to check how Scintilla handles this.

By the way, can you provide a sample text for testing purposes?

unxed commented 3 years ago

Of course! Searching for "задача" should find "Задача", searching for "разнообразный" should find "Разнообразный", searching for "товарищи" should find "Товарищи".
