magic-lang / rock

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Fixed safe navigation into properties #38

Closed alexnask closed 8 years ago

alexnask commented 8 years ago

... after a lot of debugging :)

This is one of those fixes that appear trivial but are really insidious.

Here is an overview of the bug:

SafeNavigation creates a chain of ternary operations containing VariableAccesses compared to null and null literals.
Each step is obviously constructed from the previous one, as accesses get deeper and deeper.

The most obvious (as well as optimal) solution to do so is to reuse VariableAccesses as the expr field of the next VariableAccess.
However, it turns out that VariableAccess (correctly) tries to skip resolving if it has already been done.
This means that since every subsequent VariableAccess points to the current VariableAccess in the ternary chain, each unique property VariableAccess was only replaced with a function call once (leading to 1 property call per level as I pointed out on the issue).

The fix proposed is to let a VariableAccess resolve again if it was replaced by a property.
This makes sense since the only way to get resolved again is when we are lead through another Node and need to be replaced once more.
This could also stop other bugs from showing up under similar circumstances (many Nodes pointing to a VariableAccess -> fails when it is a property).

Another fix would be to clone the VariableAccesses in SafeNavigation when constructing the ternary chain but I believe this is the optimal solution.

I will be adding tests if you require them and probably bringing this to ooc-lang/rock (with tests).

thomasfanell commented 8 years ago

Thanks @shamanas, i'll start testing and reviewing this tomorrow. If you want, we would appreciate if you could write some simple test-cases (code samples) right here in this PR.

marcusnaslund commented 8 years ago

@thomasfanell There are test cases associated with this bounty already. :)

alexnask commented 8 years ago

The bounty's testcase uses safe navigation into functions, which is not supported.
I will be providing some tests (and adding them to the sam test suite) later.

EDIT: Also, the bounty's test contains infinite recursion ;) (derivativeMember := Polynomial new(0) in the class's defaults)

alexnask commented 8 years ago

Here is a quick test using both covers and properties:

Bar: cover {
    calc ::= Foo new()
    nullFoo := null as Foo

Foo: class {
    bar: Bar

    init: func

foo := Foo new() $ bar calc $ bar calc $ bar nullFoo

raise(foo != null, "foo is not null")
alexnask commented 8 years ago

And here is one more akin to the bounty's testcase:

Polynomial: class {
    power: Int

    derivativeMember: This
    derivativeProperty ::= This new(this power - 1)

    init: func (=power) {
        derivativeMember = power > 0 ? This new(power - 1) : null as This

basePoly := Polynomial new(8)

childA := basePoly $ derivativeProperty $ derivativeProperty $ derivativeProperty
childB := basePoly $ derivativeProperty $ derivativeMember $ derivativeProperty $ derivativeMember

raise(childA power != 5, "childA power is not 5")
raise(childB power != 4, "childB power is not 4")
thomasfanell commented 8 years ago

@shamanas how hard would it be to make this work with methods as well?

alexnask commented 8 years ago

I don't think it would be too difficult, just a couple of changes in nagaqueen and a little tweaking in rock.

alexnask commented 8 years ago

Although I would need to be careful about double evaluation.
I think it would be doable in a day though.

vendethiel commented 8 years ago

nice work :)

alexnask commented 8 years ago

I will probably implement safe navigation into methods tomorrow or on Thursday in another PR.

thomasfanell commented 8 years ago

Closing this in favour of your PR in #47