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Rust implementation of Magic Wormhole, with new features and enhancements
European Union Public License 1.2
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Expose the TLS implementation features of async-tungstenite #216

Closed felinira closed 5 days ago

felinira commented 4 months ago

Right now we hardcode async-tls as a hard dependency via async-tungstenite. This is not ideal for every use case, especially because it transitively depends on ring, which brings its fair share of licensing troubles.

We should expose these options to library users via separate feature flags. As the default rendezvous server doesn't actually use wss we could easily define the default as no TLS, same as async-tungstenite.

Alternatively we could even possible disable wss support for now. AFAIU it was only added for webasm support, which is now gated behind different feature flags, right?