magic7721 / se07-9.1

Tìm hiểu về light estimation, tập xử lý light estimation với dữ liệu HDR, học cách xử lý Ambient và các custom shader sử dụng diffuse, specular… Có thể code trực tiếp bằng ARCore SDK
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Enumerating Trackables #10

Open vungoc2009 opened 2 years ago

vungoc2009 commented 2 years ago

Trackable managers previously had a way to obtain a List of all trackables, e.g., ARPlaneManager.GetAllPlanes and ARReferencePointManager.GetAllReferencePoints. There is now a common property called trackables, which can be used in a foreach, e.g.:

var planeManager = GetComponent(); foreach (var plane in planeManager.trackables) { // Do something with the plane } This property returns a TrackablesCollection which does not generate any garbage or cause boxing.