magic7721 / se07-9.1

Tìm hiểu về light estimation, tập xử lý light estimation với dữ liệu HDR, học cách xử lý Ambient và các custom shader sử dụng diffuse, specular… Có thể code trực tiếp bằng ARCore SDK
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ARSubsystemManager Removed #11

Open vungoc2009 opened 2 years ago

vungoc2009 commented 2 years ago

The ARSubsystemManager has been removed in 2.0. It was previously a singleton which provided access to each of the "subsystems" (the low-level interface to the AR platform). However, some subsystems were also simultaneously managed by a MonoBehavior, e.g., ARPlaneManager.

The led to confusion about which object to interact with or subscribe to. Now, each "subsystem" has a manager component which not only provides access to that subsystem, but also manages its lifetime.

If you previously used the ARSubsystemManager, look for similar functionality on one of the managers: