magic7721 / se07-9.1

Tìm hiểu về light estimation, tập xử lý light estimation với dữ liệu HDR, học cách xử lý Ambient và các custom shader sử dụng diffuse, specular… Có thể code trực tiếp bằng ARCore SDK
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ARCameraManager and ARCameraOptions #13

Open vungoc2009 opened 2 years ago

vungoc2009 commented 2 years ago

The ARCameraManager enables the XRCameraSubsystem; without it, you will not be able to use background rendering or obtain light estimation information. This component should be placed on a Unity Camera, usually on the same one that is parented to the ARSessionOrigin and performs background rendering.

The ARCameraBackground now requires an ARCameraManager component.

The options that were previously on the ARCameraOptions component, like focus mode and light estimation mode, are now on the ARCameraManager. The ARCameraOptions no longer exists.