magicbug / Cloudlog

Web based amateur radio logging application built using PHP & MySQL supports general station logging tasks from HF to Microwave with supporting applications to support CAT control.
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Download & Display eQSL card graphics #343

Closed myzinsky closed 4 years ago

myzinsky commented 5 years ago

Display the received eQSLs. Since the eQSL Website has a cruel interface it would also be nice if all the confirmation could also happen in cloudlog.

dg9vh commented 5 years ago

Hi Matthias,

eQSL-confirmation is a two-way-process we already have in cloudlog. The process looks like following:

  1. log your QSO in cloudlog (or import QSOs via ADIF)
  2. export eQSLs via eQSL upload image
  3. import incoming eQSLs via eQSL import image

Step 2 and 3 requires your login-data in admin-settings/profile-settings.

73 de Kim DG9VH

magicbug commented 5 years ago

Information on eQSL confirmations is shown within the logbook page and popups, within the next few weeks you'll be able to filter QSOs based on those fields

myzinsky commented 5 years ago

Okay, I will try that out. And displaying the eQSL card would that work too?

dg9vh commented 5 years ago

Hi, actually only the confirmation itself is visualized: image

Do you have any information about fetching the QSL-card's image from Then we can integrate it into the cloudlog (maybe as a mouse-over-layer or similar...).

myzinsky commented 5 years ago

Yes the process is rather simple:

If you point me to the right place, I could also implement it and open a PR.

magicbug commented 5 years ago

Looks like guess best solution is to grab the image and cache it locally.

myzinsky commented 5 years ago

I just tested it, it works

dg9vh commented 5 years ago

@myzinsky well, feel free to create a fork and try it out :-)

@magicbug maybe it would be a way to fetch the images via cronjob-script once a day based on eqsl-received = Y and (new database field) eqsl-image-cached = N to only fetch those cards from web, that are not cached previously...

What we should consider is how much storage do we need for the images? how much kB would such an image consume on disk-space?

myzinsky commented 5 years ago

I think the images are really small (its png ~300kB and could be converted to jpeg on the fly) and IMHO disk space is no constraint anymore, nowadays ;-)

The images could be stored either on disk, or in the database. What would you prefer?

The idea of fetching eQSL data automatically via cronjob would be also nice. Another idea could be to show if an OM does not have eQSL (the arrows could be greyed out). And then it's directly clear that a paper QSL should be sent.

dg9vh commented 5 years ago

Ok - in real I never was interested in the image itself g when doing eqsl, for me the flags (confirmed) where relevant :-)

The real question is, what would be secure and performing - storing the image-data within a blob or storing it within the file-system...

Maybe (after implementing a proof of concept) we can offer both ways (configurable via /config/cloudlog.php)?

magicbug commented 5 years ago

Definitely not don't advise storing images in the database as blobs far to much overhead for little reward when it is easy enough to keep it on the file system.

I'd suggest images are grabbed when logs pulled down from eQSL for confirmations although a function to grab them for example if the scripts already been run.

magicbug commented 5 years ago

If to store the images in /assets/images/eqsl/ and name the image the primary key value of the QSO record it will make it easy.

But I agree, functions for displaying need to be optional, a lot of people won't be interested in seeing the cards.

dg9vh commented 5 years ago

I think, this could be a good thing for @myzinsky to get familiar with cloudlog and it's structures of files etc. :-) a way of practise :-)

dg9vh commented 5 years ago

A possibility to place the "show QSL-Card"-link could be the drop-down list at right, where we have edit, mark received as ... and delete...

magicbug commented 5 years ago

Yes fairly straight forward, Codeigniter has plenty libraries to make this rather easy :) which can be found at

myzinsky commented 5 years ago

okay I will give it a try :)

myzinsky commented 5 years ago

There is already a problem:

Graphics for eQSLs are generated on-the-fly, i.e. at the time they are requested. This is a processor-intensive task that has the potential to slow down the entire system. PLEASE limit your use of the GeteQSL.cfm program to individual eQSLs at a speed of SLOWER THAN 6 PER MINUTE.

So this is somehow annoying. As first step I would then only generate a button to show the QSL. Later on, we should consider to have a cronjob or thread which downloads with a low pace all the images and caches them. But as a pragmatic solution, the download link should also be fine.

dg9vh commented 5 years ago

You should nevertheless consider about caching the fetched images for viewing them again later without requesting them again.

myzinsky commented 5 years ago

yes, this will be the next step then :) ... first I will upload a PR with an uncached implementation. #348

magicbug commented 5 years ago

OK left some comments on the PR so, for now, we shall move the discussion to there :)

myzinsky commented 5 years ago

Just a side remark. On some users where a card was sent out are marked as grey, meaning that they are not longer doing eQSL for example. It would be nice to mark this as a grey arrow. Do you think that this Information can be retrieved from eQSL?

magicbug commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure if its returned or not, however I'd say we keep to marking eQSLs as the following

Y - Yes (as in confirmed) N - No (Incoming not received) R - Requested (QSOs uploaded to eQSL but hasn't been confirmed) I - Ignore/Invalid

magicbug commented 4 years ago

I've added the ability to show the card it goes directly to eQSL, currently isn't downloading the card for storage. that needs to be added and probably an extra table in the database just to hold the qso id and the eqsl image name..

After playing with the interface, worth pointing out it would be impossible to download images in batch as the rate-limiting is fairly heavy.

myzinsky commented 4 years ago

Exactly, that was also the reason why i had no time to integrate this. There should be a kind of background job that downloads them with a certain delay in between.

myzinsky commented 4 years ago

I just tested it, somehow ALL QSOs are shown with a received eQSL card. This is somehow not correct :-/


Also when I click on the arrow, the QSL card is not shown...

magicbug commented 4 years ago

Now sorted, in the latest commit, fixed arrows always being green (testing bug), added a new table eqsl_images added a folder images/eqsl_card_images which needs write access

Now it will check database to see if it has the image, if not it will go grab it.

magicbug commented 4 years ago

Note not background downloading them, if you can get an image on click you will be fine else errors.

Should be fine for standard usage

magicbug commented 4 years ago

Marking this as done its working perfectly on my live copies!

myzinsky commented 4 years ago

I confirm! It works!

Thank you so much, 73