magicien / JoyKeyMapper

Nintendo Joy-Con/ProController Key mapper for macOS
MIT License
141 stars 15 forks source link

Can't contribute, so here is my edit #8

Open antoine-nedelec opened 3 years ago

antoine-nedelec commented 3 years ago

I did a small edit so I can use diagonal mvmt on joy con switchs, here is the code if you're interested ;)

//  GameController.swift
//  JoyKeyMapper
//  Created by magicien on 2019/07/14.
//  Copyright © 2019 DarkHorse. All rights reserved.

import JoyConSwift
import InputMethodKit

extension JoyCon.BatteryStatus {
    static let stringMap: [JoyCon.BatteryStatus: String] = [
        .empty: "Empty",
        .critical: "Critical",
        .low: "Low",
        .medium: "Medium",
        .full: "Full",
        .unknown: "Unknown"

    var string: String {
        return JoyCon.BatteryStatus.stringMap[self] ?? "Unknown"

    var localizedString: String {
        return NSLocalizedString(self.string, comment: "BatteryStatus localized string")

extension JoyCon.StickDirection {
    static let correspStickDiag: [JoyCon.StickDirection: [JoyCon.StickDirection]] = [
        .DownLeft: [.Down, .Left],
        .DownRight: [.Down, .Right],
        .UpLeft: [.Up, .Left],
        .UpRight: [.Up, .Right]

class GameController {
    let data: ControllerData

    var type: JoyCon.ControllerType
    var bodyColor: NSColor
    var buttonColor: NSColor
    var leftGripColor: NSColor?
    var rightGripColor: NSColor?

    var controller: JoyConSwift.Controller? {
        didSet {
    var currentConfigData: KeyConfig {
        didSet { self.updateKeyMap() }
    var currentConfig: [JoyCon.Button:KeyMap] = [:]
    var currentLStickMode: StickType = .None
    var currentLStickConfig: [JoyCon.StickDirection:KeyMap] = [:]
    var currentRStickMode: StickType = .None
    var currentRStickConfig: [JoyCon.StickDirection:KeyMap] = [:]

    var isEnabled: Bool = true {
        didSet {
    var isLeftDragging: Bool = false
    var isRightDragging: Bool = false
    var isCenterDragging: Bool = false

    var lastAccess: Date? = nil
    var timer: Timer? = nil
    var icon: NSImage? {
        if self._icon == nil {

        return self._icon
    private var _icon: NSImage?

    var localizedBatteryString: String {
        return (self.controller?.battery ?? .unknown).localizedString

    init(data: ControllerData) { = data

        guard let defaultConfig = else {
            fatalError("Failed to get defaultConfig")
        self.currentConfigData = defaultConfig

        let type = JoyCon.ControllerType(rawValue: data.type ?? "")
        self.type = type ?? JoyCon.ControllerType(rawValue: "unknown")!

        let defaultColor = NSColor(red: 55.0 / 255, green: 55.0 / 255, blue: 55.0 / 255, alpha: 55.0 / 255)

        self.bodyColor = defaultColor
        if let bodyColorData = data.bodyColor {
            if let bodyColor = try? NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClass: NSColor.self, from: bodyColorData) {
                self.bodyColor = bodyColor

        self.buttonColor = defaultColor
        if let buttonColorData = data.buttonColor {
            if let buttonColor = try? NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClass: NSColor.self, from: buttonColorData) {
                self.buttonColor = buttonColor

        self.leftGripColor = nil
        if let leftGripColorData = data.leftGripColor {
            if let leftGripColor = try? NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClass: NSColor.self, from: leftGripColorData) {
                self.leftGripColor = leftGripColor

        self.rightGripColor = nil
        if let rightGripColorData = data.rightGripColor {
            if let rightGripColor = try? NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClass: NSColor.self, from: rightGripColorData) {
                self.rightGripColor = rightGripColor

    // MARK: - Controller event handlers

    func setControllerHandler() {
        guard let controller = self.controller else { return }

        controller.setPlayerLights(l1: .on, l2: .off, l3: .off, l4: .off)
        controller.enableIMU(enable: true)
        controller.setInputMode(mode: .standardFull)
        controller.buttonPressHandler = { [weak self] button in
            self?.buttonPressHandler(button: button)
        controller.buttonReleaseHandler = { [weak self] button in
            if !(self?.isEnabled ?? false) { return }
            self?.buttonReleaseHandler(button: button)
        controller.leftStickHandler = { [weak self] (newDir, oldDir) in
            if !(self?.isEnabled ?? false) { return }
            self?.leftStickHandler(newDirection: newDir, oldDirection: oldDir)
        controller.rightStickHandler = { [weak self] (newDir, oldDir) in
            if !(self?.isEnabled ?? false) { return }
            self?.rightStickHandler(newDirection: newDir, oldDirection: oldDir)
        controller.leftStickPosHandler = { [weak self] pos in
            if !(self?.isEnabled ?? false) { return }
            self?.leftStickPosHandler(pos: pos)
        controller.rightStickPosHandler = { [weak self] pos in
            if !(self?.isEnabled ?? false) { return }
            self?.rightStickPosHandler(pos: pos)

        controller.batteryChangeHandler = { [weak self] newState, oldState in
            self?.batteryChangeHandler(newState: newState, oldState: oldState)
        controller.isChargingChangeHandler = { [weak self] isCharging in
            self?.isChargingChangeHandler(isCharging: isCharging)

        // Update Controller data = controller.type.rawValue
        self.type = controller.type

        let bodyColor = NSColor(cgColor: controller.bodyColor)! = try! NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: bodyColor, requiringSecureCoding: false)
        self.bodyColor = bodyColor

        let buttonColor = NSColor(cgColor: controller.buttonColor)! = try! NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: buttonColor, requiringSecureCoding: false)
        self.buttonColor = buttonColor = nil
        if let leftGripColor = controller.leftGripColor {
            if let nsLeftGripColor = NSColor(cgColor: leftGripColor) {
       = try? NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: nsLeftGripColor, requiringSecureCoding: false)
                self.leftGripColor = nsLeftGripColor
        } = nil
        if let rightGripColor = controller.rightGripColor {
            if let nsRightGripColor = NSColor(cgColor: rightGripColor) {
       = try? NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: nsRightGripColor, requiringSecureCoding: false)
                self.rightGripColor = nsRightGripColor


    func buttonPressHandler(button: JoyCon.Button) {
        guard let config = self.currentConfig[button] else { return }
        self.buttonPressHandler(config: config)

    func buttonPressHandler(config: KeyMap) {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            let source = CGEventSource(stateID: .hidSystemState)

            if config.keyCode >= 0 {
                metaKeyEvent(config: config, keyDown: true)

                if let systemKey = systemDefinedKey[Int(config.keyCode)] {
                    let mousePos = NSEvent.mouseLocation
                    let flags = NSEvent.ModifierFlags(rawValue: 0x0a00)
                    let data1 = Int((systemKey << 16) | 0x0a00)

                    let ev = NSEvent.otherEvent(
                        with: .systemDefined,
                        location: mousePos,
                        modifierFlags: flags,
                        timestamp: ProcessInfo().systemUptime,
                        windowNumber: 0,
                        context: nil,
                        subtype: Int16(NX_SUBTYPE_AUX_CONTROL_BUTTONS),
                        data1: data1,
                        data2: -1)
                    ev?.cgEvent?.post(tap: .cghidEventTap)
                } else {
                    let event = CGEvent(keyboardEventSource: source, virtualKey: CGKeyCode(config.keyCode), keyDown: true)
                    event?.flags = CGEventFlags(rawValue: CGEventFlags.RawValue(config.modifiers))
                    event?.post(tap: .cghidEventTap)

            if config.mouseButton >= 0 {
                let mousePos = NSEvent.mouseLocation
                let cursorPos = CGPoint(x: mousePos.x, y: NSScreen.main!.frame.maxY - mousePos.y)

                metaKeyEvent(config: config, keyDown: true)

                var event: CGEvent?
                if config.mouseButton == 0 {
                    event = CGEvent(mouseEventSource: source, mouseType: .leftMouseDown, mouseCursorPosition: cursorPos, mouseButton: .left)
                    self.isLeftDragging = true
                } else if config.mouseButton == 1 {
                    event = CGEvent(mouseEventSource: source, mouseType: .rightMouseDown, mouseCursorPosition: cursorPos, mouseButton: .right)
                    self.isRightDragging = true
                } else if config.mouseButton == 2 {
                    event = CGEvent(mouseEventSource: source, mouseType: .otherMouseDown, mouseCursorPosition: cursorPos, mouseButton: .center)
                    self.isCenterDragging = true
                event?.flags = CGEventFlags(rawValue: CGEventFlags.RawValue(config.modifiers))
                event?.post(tap: .cghidEventTap)

    func buttonReleaseHandler(button: JoyCon.Button) {
        guard let config = self.currentConfig[button] else { return }
        self.buttonReleaseHandler(config: config)

    func buttonReleaseHandler(config: KeyMap) {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            let source = CGEventSource(stateID: .hidSystemState)

            if config.keyCode >= 0 {
                if let systemKey = systemDefinedKey[Int(config.keyCode)] {
                    let mousePos = NSEvent.mouseLocation
                    let flags = NSEvent.ModifierFlags(rawValue: 0x0b00)
                    let data1 = Int((systemKey << 16) | 0x0b00)

                    let ev = NSEvent.otherEvent(
                        with: .systemDefined,
                        location: mousePos,
                        modifierFlags: flags,
                        timestamp: ProcessInfo().systemUptime,
                        windowNumber: 0,
                        context: nil,
                        subtype: Int16(NX_SUBTYPE_AUX_CONTROL_BUTTONS),
                        data1: data1,
                        data2: -1)
                    ev?.cgEvent?.post(tap: .cghidEventTap)
                } else {
                    let event = CGEvent(keyboardEventSource: source, virtualKey: CGKeyCode(config.keyCode), keyDown: false)
                    event?.flags = CGEventFlags(rawValue: CGEventFlags.RawValue(config.modifiers))
                    event?.post(tap: .cghidEventTap)

                metaKeyEvent(config: config, keyDown: false)

            if config.mouseButton >= 0 {
                let mousePos = NSEvent.mouseLocation
                let cursorPos = CGPoint(x: mousePos.x, y: NSScreen.main!.frame.maxY - mousePos.y)

                var event: CGEvent?
                if config.mouseButton == 0 {
                    event = CGEvent(mouseEventSource: source, mouseType: .leftMouseUp, mouseCursorPosition: cursorPos, mouseButton: .left)
                    self.isLeftDragging = false
                } else if config.mouseButton == 1 {
                    event = CGEvent(mouseEventSource: source, mouseType: .rightMouseUp, mouseCursorPosition: cursorPos, mouseButton: .right)
                    self.isRightDragging = false
                } else if config.mouseButton == 2 {
                    event = CGEvent(mouseEventSource: source, mouseType: .otherMouseUp, mouseCursorPosition: cursorPos, mouseButton: .center)
                    self.isCenterDragging = false
                event?.post(tap: .cghidEventTap)

    func stickMouseHandler(pos: CGPoint, speed: CGFloat) {
        if pos.x == 0 && pos.y == 0 {
        let mousePos = NSEvent.mouseLocation
        let newX = mousePos.x + pos.x * speed
        let newY = NSScreen.main!.frame.maxY - mousePos.y - pos.y * speed

        let newPos = CGPoint(x: newX, y: newY)

        let source = CGEventSource(stateID: .hidSystemState)
        if self.isLeftDragging {
            let event = CGEvent(mouseEventSource: source, mouseType: .leftMouseDragged, mouseCursorPosition: newPos, mouseButton: .left)
            event?.post(tap: .cghidEventTap)
        } else if self.isRightDragging {
            let event = CGEvent(mouseEventSource: source, mouseType: .rightMouseDragged, mouseCursorPosition: newPos, mouseButton: .right)
            event?.post(tap: .cghidEventTap)
        } else if self.isCenterDragging {
            let event = CGEvent(mouseEventSource: source, mouseType: .otherMouseDragged, mouseCursorPosition: newPos, mouseButton: .center)
            event?.post(tap: .cghidEventTap)
        } else {
            CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint(CGMainDisplayID(), newPos)

    func stickMouseWheelHandler(pos: CGPoint, speed: CGFloat) {
        if pos.x == 0 && pos.y == 0 {
        let wheelX = Int32(pos.x * speed)
        let wheelY = Int32(pos.y * speed)

        let source = CGEventSource(stateID: .hidSystemState)
        let event = CGEvent(scrollWheelEvent2Source: source, units: .pixel, wheelCount: 2, wheel1: wheelY, wheel2: wheelX, wheel3: 0)
        event?.post(tap: .cghidEventTap)

    func leftStickHandler(newDirection: JoyCon.StickDirection, oldDirection: JoyCon.StickDirection) {
        if self.currentLStickMode == .Key {
            if JoyCon.StickDirection.correspStickDiag.keys.contains(oldDirection) {
                for direction in JoyCon.StickDirection.correspStickDiag[oldDirection] ?? [] {
                    if let config = self.currentLStickConfig[direction] {
                        self.buttonReleaseHandler(config: config)
            } else if let config = self.currentLStickConfig[oldDirection] {
                self.buttonReleaseHandler(config: config)
            if JoyCon.StickDirection.correspStickDiag.keys.contains(newDirection) {
                for direction in JoyCon.StickDirection.correspStickDiag[newDirection] ?? [] {
                    if let config = self.currentLStickConfig[direction] {
                        self.buttonPressHandler(config: config)
            } else if let config = self.currentLStickConfig[newDirection] {
                self.buttonPressHandler(config: config)

    func rightStickHandler(newDirection: JoyCon.StickDirection, oldDirection: JoyCon.StickDirection) {
        if self.currentRStickMode == .Key {
            if JoyCon.StickDirection.correspStickDiag.keys.contains(oldDirection) {
                for direction in JoyCon.StickDirection.correspStickDiag[oldDirection] ?? [] {
                    if let config = self.currentRStickConfig[direction] {
                        self.buttonReleaseHandler(config: config)
            } else if let config = self.currentRStickConfig[oldDirection] {
                self.buttonReleaseHandler(config: config)
            if JoyCon.StickDirection.correspStickDiag.keys.contains(newDirection) {
                for direction in JoyCon.StickDirection.correspStickDiag[newDirection] ?? [] {
                    if let config = self.currentRStickConfig[direction] {
                        self.buttonPressHandler(config: config)
            } else if let config = self.currentRStickConfig[newDirection] {
                self.buttonPressHandler(config: config)

    func leftStickPosHandler(pos: CGPoint) {
        let speed = CGFloat(self.currentConfigData.leftStick?.speed ?? 0)
        if self.currentLStickMode == .Mouse {
            self.stickMouseHandler(pos: pos, speed: speed)
        } else if self.currentLStickMode == .MouseWheel {
            self.stickMouseWheelHandler(pos: pos, speed: speed)

    func rightStickPosHandler(pos: CGPoint) {
        let speed = CGFloat(self.currentConfigData.rightStick?.speed ?? 0)
        if self.currentRStickMode == .Mouse {
            self.stickMouseHandler(pos: pos, speed: speed)
        } else if self.currentRStickMode == .MouseWheel {
            self.stickMouseWheelHandler(pos: pos, speed: speed)

    func batteryChangeHandler(newState: JoyCon.BatteryStatus, oldState: JoyCon.BatteryStatus) {

        if newState == .full && oldState != .unknown {
        if newState == .empty {
        if newState == .critical && oldState != .empty {
        if newState == .low && oldState != .critical && oldState != .empty {

        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            guard let delegate = NSApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate else { return }

    func isChargingChangeHandler(isCharging: Bool) {

        if isCharging {
        } else {

        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            guard let delegate = NSApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate else { return }

    // MARK: - Controller Icon

    func updateControllerIcon() {
        self._icon = GameControllerIcon(for: self) .controllerIconChanged, object: self)

        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            guard let delegate = NSApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate else { return }

    // MARK: -

    func switchApp(bundleID: String) {
        let appConfig = {
            guard let appConfig = $0 as? AppConfig else { return false }
            return == bundleID
        }) as? AppConfig

        if let keyConfig = appConfig?.config {
            self.currentConfigData = keyConfig

        guard let defaultConfig = else {
            fatalError("Failed to get defaultConfig")
        self.currentConfigData = defaultConfig

    func updateKeyMap() {
        var newKeyMap: [JoyCon.Button:KeyMap] = [:]
        self.currentConfigData.keyMaps?.enumerateObjects { (map, _) in
            guard let keyMap = map as? KeyMap else { return }
            guard let buttonStr = keyMap.button else { return }
            let buttonName = buttonNames.first { (_, name) in
                return name == buttonStr
            guard let button = buttonName?.key else { return }

            newKeyMap[button] = keyMap
        self.currentConfig = newKeyMap

        self.currentLStickMode = .None
        if let stickTypeStr = self.currentConfigData.leftStick?.type,
            let stickType = StickType(rawValue: stickTypeStr) {
            self.currentLStickMode = stickType

        var newLeftStickMap: [JoyCon.StickDirection:KeyMap] = [:]
        self.currentConfigData.leftStick?.keyMaps?.enumerateObjects { (map, _) in
            guard let keyMap = map as? KeyMap else { return }
            guard let buttonStr = keyMap.button else { return }
            let directionName = directionNames.first { (_, name) in
                return name == buttonStr
            guard let direction = directionName?.key else { return }

            newLeftStickMap[direction] = keyMap
        self.currentLStickConfig = newLeftStickMap

        self.currentRStickMode = .None
        if let stickTypeStr = self.currentConfigData.rightStick?.type,
            let stickType = StickType(rawValue: stickTypeStr) {
            self.currentRStickMode = stickType

        var newRightStickMap: [JoyCon.StickDirection:KeyMap] = [:]
        self.currentConfigData.rightStick?.keyMaps?.enumerateObjects { (map, _) in
            guard let keyMap = map as? KeyMap else { return }
            guard let buttonStr = keyMap.button else { return }
            let directionName = directionNames.first { (_, name) in
                return name == buttonStr
            guard let direction = directionName?.key else { return }

            newRightStickMap[direction] = keyMap
        self.currentRStickConfig = newRightStickMap

    func addApp(url: URL) {
        guard let delegate = NSApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate else { return }
        guard let manager = delegate.dataManager else { return }
        guard let bundle = Bundle(url: url) else { return }
        guard let info = bundle.infoDictionary else { return }

        let bundleID = info["CFBundleIdentifier"] as? String ?? ""
        let appIndex = { (obj, index, stop) in
            guard let appConfig = obj as? AppConfig else { return false }
            return == bundleID
        if appIndex != nil && appIndex != NSNotFound {
            // The selected app has been already added.

        let appConfig = manager.createAppConfig(type: self.type)
        // appConfig.config = manager.createKeyConfig()

        let displayName = FileManager.default.displayName(atPath: url.absoluteString)
        let iconFile = info["CFBundleIconFile"] as? String ?? ""
        if let iconURL = bundle.url(forResource: iconFile, withExtension: nil) {
            do {
                let iconData = try Data(contentsOf: iconURL)
       = iconData
            } catch {}
        } else if let iconURL = bundle.url(forResource: "\(iconFile).icns", withExtension: nil) {
            do {
                let iconData = try Data(contentsOf: iconURL)
       = iconData
            } catch {}
        } = bundleID = displayName

    func removeApp(_ app: AppConfig) {

    @objc func toggleEnableKeyMappings() {
        self.isEnabled = !self.isEnabled

    @objc func disconnect() {
        self.controller?.setHCIState(state: .disconnect)

    // MARK: - Timer

    func updateAccessTime() {
        self.lastAccess = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 0)

    func startTimer() {

        let checkInterval: TimeInterval = 1 * 60 // 1 min
        self.timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: checkInterval, repeats: true) { [weak self] _ in
            if AppSettings.disconnectTime <= 0 { return }
            guard let lastAccess = self?.lastAccess else { return }
            let disconnectTime = TimeInterval(AppSettings.disconnectTime * 60)

            let now = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 0)
            if now.timeIntervalSince(lastAccess) > disconnectTime {

    func stopTimer() {
        self.timer = nil
TienEnChang commented 3 years ago

@antoine-nedelec Can you teach me how to implement this code by my self?

antoine-nedelec commented 3 years ago

Download the project, change the file with the code in here, compile your own version and launch it :)