magico13 / PyEmVue

Python Library for the Emporia Vue Energy Monitor
MIT License
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Unknown "jose" #62

Closed Merca60 closed 4 months ago

Merca60 commented 4 months ago

Ehm.. I am a new user on Linux, Python etc... I tried the first code from the "readme" file about two months ago, having the results from my device. After hardware problems I needed to reinstall all, and now, I think with the same code, I obtain this error message.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ammi/PyEmVue-master/PyEmVue/", line 1, in <module>
    import pyemvue
  File "/home/ammi/PyEmVue-master/PyEmVue/pyemvue/", line 2, in <module>
    from pyemvue.pyemvue import PyEmVue
  File "/home/ammi/PyEmVue-master/PyEmVue/pyemvue/", line 8, in <module>
    from pyemvue.auth import Auth, SimulatedAuth
  File "/home/ammi/PyEmVue-master/PyEmVue/pyemvue/", line 3, in <module>
    from jose import jwt
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'jose'

I didn't found any issues on it, am I alone to have this problem?

Thank you for your useful work. Merca60

magico13 commented 4 months ago

Most likely you're just missing dependencies. If you install the PyEmVue module with pip then you shouldn't need anything extra. That can be done by python -m pip install pyemvue and when installed that way you don't need to download the GitHub repo.

If you want to go off the GitHub repo instead then you can install the dependencies by running python -m pip install -r requirements.txt from within the folder.

jertel commented 4 months ago

I'm seeing the same error in new Vuegraf builds. I dug into it and found pycognito has migrated away from python-jose:

The reason is that python-jose is no longer maintained and has security vulnerabilities.

davycro commented 4 months ago

Forcing pycognito to version 2021.3.1 fixes the issue for me.

pip install pycognito==2021.3.1

Merca60 commented 4 months ago

Dears, I followed your recommendations, and the results was different: I used this code, copied from "magico 13's" readme file.

import pyemvue
from pyemvue.enums import Scale, Unit

def print_recursive(usage_dict, info, depth=0):
  for gid, device in usage_dict.items():
    for channelnum, channel in

      name =

      if name == 'Main':

        name = info[gid].device_name


      if channel.nested_devices:

        print_recursive(channel.nested_devices, info, depth+1)

vue = pyemvue.PyEmVue()
vue.login(username='myname', password='mypassword', token_storage_file='keys=json')

for device in devices:                                        **(It is 29 line)**
  if not device.device_gid in device_gids:

device_usage_dict=vue.get_device_list_usage(deviceGids=device_gids, instant=None,scale=Scale.MINUTE.value, unit=Unit.KWH.value)
print('device_gid channel_num name usage unit')
print_recursive(device_usage_dict, device_info)

The` result is under

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ammi/PyEmVue-master/PyEmVue/", line 29, in <module>
    for device in devices:
TypeError: 'method' object is not iterable

What can I do?

Merca60 commented 4 months ago

Please, any other advice?

magico13 commented 4 months ago

@Merca60 your issue is because of this line devices=vue.get_devices where you are setting it to the method instead of calling the method and setting the variable to the result. Just swap it to devices=vue.get_devices().

Merca60 commented 1 month ago

Dear magico13, following your example(s) I obtain some result only with the first, the one where you show the results too. It is, (no, really it seems to me), the only one with you show the complete code, other are only a part of the code we need to write. I'm sure to need a lot of knowledge, and I ask to you to write more help row of code than now.

For example I'd like to obtain datas after the "X" instant in the selected time interval, and wrote this code:

import pyemvue
from pyemvue.enums import Scale, Unit
from datetime import datetime

vue = PyEmVue()

devices = vue.get_devices()

usage_over_time, start_time = vue.get_chart_usage(devices[0].channels[0],,, scale=Scale.DAY.value, unit=Unit.KWH.value) 
## the previous is "line 20" 

print('Usage for the last seven days starting', start_time.isoformat())
for usage in usage_over_time:
    print(usage, 'kwh')

I received this message on the terminal, with an empty result.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ammi/PyEmVue-master/PyEmVue/", line 20, in usage_over_time, start_time = vue.get_chart_usage(devices[0].channels[0],,, scale=Scale.DAY.value, unit=Unit.KWH.value) AttributeError: type object 'datetime.datetime' has no attribute 'datetime'

I can try to do some random change, but I'm not a programmer, like a lot of people to need to learn.

Can you help us?