magico13 / PyEmVue

Python Library for the Emporia Vue Energy Monitor
MIT License
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get_devices() does not return Graphed Circuit device #83

Closed kgorlen closed 1 week ago

kgorlen commented 2 weeks ago

I'm just getting started, trying to monitor energy used by non-Emporia EV chargers connected to a dedicated EV power panel. There is one charger currently connected, which I've added as a Graphed Circuit (I could not find any other way to add it). The problem is that get_devices() doesn't return a VueDevice object for it, it returns only two VueDevice objects, both for the Main panel:

device_gid channel_num name usage unit
 343481 1,2,3 PWS EV Energy None kwh

How do I obtain VueDevice objects for the Graphed Circuits?


kgorlen commented 1 week ago

Problem solved: Emporia support confirmed that adding a non-Emporia EV charger as a Graphed Circuit was correct, and get_devices() was returning a VueDevice object for it, but it wasn't being shown because it was not being used at the time. When the charger is in use:

device_gid channel_num name usage unit
 343481 1,2,3 PWS EV Energy 0.024548619011773003 kwh
 343481 1 PWS-404-P06 0.024292967766655817 kwh
 343481 Balance Balance 0.00025565124511718607 kwh