magico13 / ha-emporia-vue

Home Assistant Integration for Emporia Vue Energy Monitor
MIT License
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Why is the balance reported as negative? #281

Open iRonin opened 2 months ago

iRonin commented 2 months ago

Hello. Just installed the sensor - thank you for your work 🙇🏻‍♂️

What is the reason the balance reported as negative? In the Emporia app it's positive - as it should be - it's a balance of unmetered energy. I can work around this with template sensor however I'm curious about the reasoning.

PS. Please enable GitHub Discussions to move conversations like this there. Thank you again! 🙇🏻‍♂️

EDIT: It seems the balance can be both positive and negative though I've never seen negative in the app. I read some discussions on polling and API so maybe that's where the issue lays.

EDIT2: I think the Emporia app reports the negative balance as green text and the rest is the result of the misreported data by Emporia API.

DabblerIOT commented 1 month ago

I am pretty sure I read that the emporia system with vue2 uses the mains power factor for calculating kw and kwh for all the sub-meters (which is wrong). It's listed as a fix in the vue3. So large inductive loads (motors and so on), will overreport due to a higher power factor than actual. I tweaked some of these circuit on mine to a lower multiplier to build in an adjustment for this fact, so my balance doesn't go negative when certain things are running. Think I have some of them (mainly laundry equipment) set to a .9 or so to keep my balance about where it is without the load running. (Make sense?)