magico13 / ha-emporia-vue

Home Assistant Integration for Emporia Vue Energy Monitor
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Which values to use for home energy monitoring in HA #81

Open southwestflavorz opened 2 years ago

southwestflavorz commented 2 years ago

I have both the Emporia Vue 2 and the utility connect, but I am uncertain which sensors I should use for configuring the home energy monitor within Home assistant. Can you point me in the right direction?

magico13 commented 2 years ago

Use the 1D sensor for whichever one you want to use the data from. The sensor should look be named something like Power Home 1,2,3 1D. If you have solar you'll want to also use the two From and To Grid sensors in the appropriate place in the energy dashboard setup.

southwestflavorz commented 2 years ago

Does this look right:


magico13 commented 2 years ago

I think you might want to use MainsFromGrid under the "Grid consumption" section since you've got solar panels but otherwise I think it looks right!

southwestflavorz commented 2 years ago

I tried that, and nothing populated over 2 days. Solar shows up as blank too. My solar numbers are negative, not sure if that's affecting thing.s

magico13 commented 2 years ago

You might be getting bitten by #67 which will hopefully start working with HA 2021.9 and the next update of this integration. I might need to flip the solar numbers to positive, I was wondering about that earlier today actually.

In the mean time you can try to use just the Main Usage 1,2,3 and that should at least populate some data.

southwestflavorz commented 2 years ago

Just upgraded to the latest version, and now everything seems to be out of wack:


magico13 commented 2 years ago

Yeah it's a weird situation, the current release doesn't work on 2021.9 so you have to reinstall the integration from master. But the master version doesn't work on 2021.8.

southwestflavorz commented 2 years ago

I'm running 2021.9, are you saying uninstall from HACs and re-install? I'm not sure I fully understand your comment. Apologies on the confusion.

magico13 commented 2 years ago

In HACS select the reinstall option and then select "master" as the version image

It does look like I'll have to flip the solar panels to positive but that should be a pretty simple update when I can get to that.

wildcard5 commented 2 years ago

Hi I added all the single circuit entities (1D) into the Electricity grid so that it would add them all up and give me total consumption as the total grid to mains would not show any values. I had to invert my solar production (in the YAML custom config) as it didn't like negative values and this seems to work as it's now calculating correctly. I don't know about returned to grid as its cloudy at the moment and i'm consuming all solar at the moment. I can show my setup later when i get in from work if anyone need it

Thanks again for this intergration

skynet01 commented 2 years ago

Also the 1M sensors work as HA uses last updated time stamp to get the data.

magico13 commented 2 years ago

The 1M sensors update less frequently so that's why I'd avoid using them. Those update hourly, 1D is updated every 15 minutes from the API, but I also integrate the 1Min sensor data into them so HA thinks they update once a minute. That higher update frequency should translate into more accurate data in the energy dashboard so that's why I tend to recommend the 1D over 1M sensors for it.

BtrieveBill commented 2 years ago

I am also struggling with getting this working, so any advice you can provide is appreciated. I have set up the 1D counters, but do get an error when I do that here: image When I go to the Energy dashboard, the numbers are wacky: image While I certainly use a lot of electricity, I am NOT pulling 200 kWh per hour at noon-time. I suspect that HASS is expecting some setting that is missing, and therefore instead of calculating a difference, it keeps adding up the data over and over again???

magico13 commented 2 years ago

@BtrieveBill make sure you're on version 0.7.0 if you're on Home Assistant 2021.9.x. That version uses the total_increasing state class and should fix that problem.

BtrieveBill commented 2 years ago

I saw that since the above comments were posted, formal updates for HACS and Vue were available. Just did that, and the total_increasing issue indeed went away. Still shows my house using 200 kW per hour, though, which is wrong. However, I read (somewhere) that you had to wait two hours for the data to feed through properly, so I've been waiting. Or do you think I have to delete everything and start over? (I spent a LOT of time renaming my sensor values, since there are 3 for each CT, and I have two Vues with 27 monitored circuits and 4 plug/switch monitors. I'd really like to not have to go through THAT again.)

magico13 commented 2 years ago

You should just have to wait and it should start calculating correctly with future data, assuming that's all the issue was. The total will definitely be out of whack because of the old data but hopefully new data comes in correctly. Since 2021.9 I've seen the energy dashboard line up almost exact with the data from the app, maybe a difference of a .1 kWh for the day.

jason-curtis commented 2 years ago

I'm on Home Assistant 2021.9.3 and Emporia Vue v0.7.0, and I'm having an issue a lot like this but for individual circuits/devices. I'm using the 1D data for individual circuits appears to be cumulative for the day:


The overall usage graph looks fine though: image

Is there something I need to change in my configuration to get the rate to be in there properly?

ekauz commented 2 years ago


I'm also trying to get this integration working in HA's energy view. It almost seems like it's x1000 off for some reason.

Looking at the entity values it seems correct: image

But in the Energy section I'm getting this, about 1000 times more kwh: image

I did notice this warning in the energy management config though: image

Any insight would be helpful!

dekesone commented 2 years ago

I too was seeing unusually high values in the Energy Usage when using the 1-day values eg: Power Home 1,2,3 1D for Grid Consumption.

For that reason, I've been experimenting with the Riemann sum integral Integration recommended by HA (reference here: I'm using the 123_1min sensor, which reports in Watts, in the integral and I've created a new sensor in my configuration.yaml:

   - platform: integration
     source: sensor.home_123_1min
     name: energy_spent
     unit_prefix: k
     unit_time: h
     round: 2

It seems to be working properly. I will need some additional time to validate, but perhaps this can help others who are having similar issues.

powdahound commented 2 years ago

@dekesone Has the setup above been working well for you? I'm just getting one of the Utility Connect devices set up and wondering if it's worth trying to connect to the HA Energy dashboard or not.