magicsunday / webtrees-fan-chart

SVG based ancestor fan chart module for webtrees genealogy application.
GNU General Public License v3.0
59 stars 18 forks source link

Not compatible with webtrees 2.0.12? #59

Closed HRN65 closed 3 years ago

HRN65 commented 3 years ago

Testing the fan-chart on my local test site running webtrees 2.0.12, the chart is not loading. No error messages.

mpwt commented 3 years ago

It still works on my site that I just updated manually.

HRN65 commented 3 years ago

On local test site I still get a code hung, but upgrading my live site to 2.0.12, the fan chart works fine!

magicsunday commented 3 years ago

I could not reproduce it on my test environment.

HRN65 commented 3 years ago

No errors in console.

At first config form is visible, but chart is not rendering, only a spinning wheel, followed by a pop up message saying page does not load, and the choices wait/cancel. Canceling results in white page saying There is a problem with this page, Error: RESULT_CODE_HUNG

Local test site running on WAMP Server php 7.4.9 Fan chart works fine on my live site just upgraded to php 7.4.16

hartenthaler commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem for some weeks when using Edge. I do not have this problem when using Chrome. Using Edge, I can open the menu, but cannot click at any of the controls, the wheel is spinning and never stops. Screenshot (218)_LI

hartenthaler commented 3 years ago

I can open without any problems using Edge. Strange. It seems to depend on a combination of Browser/something else. Using FireFox on my own page works perfect, so it is related to Edge in my opinion. But your module pedigree-chart is working on my page with Edge perfect, so it must be something that is different between these two modules.

magicsunday commented 3 years ago

Should be fixed with the latest release. Webtrees removed some of the used core methods.

hartenthaler commented 3 years ago

The problem does still exist for Edge and is not solved in Version 2.1.6 (using webtrees 2.0.13). Sorry.

magicsunday commented 3 years ago

Hard to guess what the problem may be. I tested it with Edge 89.0.774.54, webtrees 2.0.13 and version 2.1.6 of the fanchart module. No issues. Do you have an public accessible testing site?

hartenthaler commented 3 years ago

I'm using Edge 89.0.774.54, webtrees 2.0.13, and version 2.1.6 of the fanchart module, too. Tested it with from my laptop: error (endless spinning wheel) still exists. Tested from another PC with the same version of Edge: no problem. Strange. The only thing which I can see: at my laptop when opening my own webtrees, there is no entry in the field "Generations" (see my previous screenshot). I can open with my Edge browser on my laptop other webtrees fancharts without problems. I can open my webtrees fanchart using a Edge browser from another PC without problems. Maybe I should deinstall and reinstall my Edge on the laptop.

hartenthaler commented 3 years ago

@HRN65 Is your problem solved or still existing?

HRN65 commented 3 years ago

Just updated to version 2.1.6 and tested local site (webtrees 2.0.13 on WAMP Server php 7.4.9) and live site (webtrees 2.0.13/php 7.4.16) On live site the fan chart loads nicely in Chrome 89.0.4389.90, Firefox 86.0.1 and Edge 89.0.774.54. Also works on iPad and Android phone.

On local test site, the fan chart does not load in Edge, and there is no entry in the field "Generations". Firefox and Chrome are OK.

magicsunday commented 3 years ago

Does it help if you remove the entry "webtrees-fan-chart" from the local storage?


The generations selectbox is complete empty if you open it?

hartenthaler commented 3 years ago

Where can I find this local storage setting? Yes, the Generations selectbox is empty.

HRN65 commented 3 years ago

@magicsunday Yes, the generations selectionbox is empty when entering the page, and deleting the entry "webtrees-fan-chart" does not help. UPDATE: I was too fast. Deleting DOES help, bringing the fan chart back to life!

@hartenthaler Press F12 and choose Application -> Storage -> Local Storage, and expand.

I notice generations is set to "15", even though 10 is maximum?


hartenthaler commented 3 years ago

Thank you! What I found:

{fanDegree: "235", generations: "21", hideEmptySegments: true, showColorGradients: true,…}
fanDegree: "235"
fontScale: "100"
generations: "21"
hideEmptySegments: true
innerArcs: "4"
showColorGradients: true
showEmptyBoxes: false
showMoreOptions: true

Deleting the entry "webtrees-fan-chart" solved the problem! Now it is working perfect again. What was the reason that generations was set to 21?

magicsunday commented 3 years ago

Very strange. I will have to investigate it.

magicsunday commented 3 years ago

I dont know whats happening here, but I can reproduce it if I manually change the number of generations to a value out of scope. But I was not able to force it programmatically.

hartenthaler commented 3 years ago

Since March this problem never showed up again. Maybe you can close this issue.