Closed DSMasterson closed 5 months ago
I was also hit with this today - using doom emacs..
Something from the last week's changes breaks it yeah. I fixed it in Doom for myself for now by pinning in ~/.doom.d/packages.el
to a safe previous commit with:
(package! forge :pin "8ab77ca4671d8a7f373f3b829ef94bacaee21b3a")
Also had to delete ~/.local/straight/repos/forge
Please check if fixes this.
Edit: The autoloads for Forge will have to be regenerated to do that, and that's most easily done by reinstalling it.
Can confirm that 7b24edca50b5a89fe60c5b9dce84e74c4edcdd05
fixed it in my Doom Emacs setup.
After a recent package-update, I started getting the following error:
Error loading autoloads: (void-function transient-define-suffix)
This was printed out on standard out/error and was the first message in Messages. Took awhile to trace, but I found that it was coming from package-initialize in ~/.emacs. A debugger trace showed that it was coming from forge-autoloads.el. It appears to be a generated part from forge-notify.el. I'm not sure what code changes occured to cause this or if there any further issues related to this.