magit / forge

Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error loading autoloads: (void-function transient-define-suffix) #672

Closed DSMasterson closed 5 months ago

DSMasterson commented 5 months ago

After a recent package-update, I started getting the following error:

Error loading autoloads: (void-function transient-define-suffix)

This was printed out on standard out/error and was the first message in Messages. Took awhile to trace, but I found that it was coming from package-initialize in ~/.emacs. A debugger trace showed that it was coming from forge-autoloads.el. It appears to be a generated part from forge-notify.el. I'm not sure what code changes occured to cause this or if there any further issues related to this.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function transient-define-suffix)
  (transient-define-suffix forge-list-notifications nil "List notifications." :inapt-if-mode 'forge-notifications-mode :inapt-face 'forge-suffix-active nil (interactive) (forge-notifications-setup-buffer) (transient-setup 'forge-notifications-menu))
  load-with-code-conversion("/home/dsmasterson/.emacs.d/elpa/forge-20240617.224..." "/home/dsmasterson/.emacs.d/elpa/forge-20240617.224..." nil t)
  load("/home/dsmasterson/.emacs.d/elpa/forge-20240617.2245/forge-autoloads" nil t)
  package--activate-autoloads-and-load-path(#s(package-desc :name forge :version (20240617 2245) :summary "Access Git forges from Magit." :reqs ((emacs (26 3)) (compat (29 1 4 5)) (closql (20240405)) (dash (2 19 1)) (emacsql (20240124)) (ghub (20240507)) (let-alist (1 0 6)) (magit (20240428)) (markdown-mode (2 6)) (seq (2 24)) (transient (20240421)) (yaml (0 5 5))) :kind nil :archive nil :dir "/home/dsmasterson/.emacs.d/elpa/forge-20240617.224..." :extras ((:url . "") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:commit . "17f5fa39db99167a2dd9f1f0e53868c14fd3f25f")) :signed nil))
  package--load-files-for-activation(#s(package-desc :name forge :version (20240617 2245) :summary "Access Git forges from Magit." :reqs ((emacs (26 3)) (compat (29 1 4 5)) (closql (20240405)) (dash (2 19 1)) (emacsql (20240124)) (ghub (20240507)) (let-alist (1 0 6)) (magit (20240428)) (markdown-mode (2 6)) (seq (2 24)) (transient (20240421)) (yaml (0 5 5))) :kind nil :archive nil :dir "/home/dsmasterson/.emacs.d/elpa/forge-20240617.224..." :extras ((:url . "") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:commit . "17f5fa39db99167a2dd9f1f0e53868c14fd3f25f")) :signed nil) nil)
  package-activate-1(#s(package-desc :name forge :version (20240617 2245) :summary "Access Git forges from Magit." :reqs ((emacs (26 3)) (compat (29 1 4 5)) (closql (20240405)) (dash (2 19 1)) (emacsql (20240124)) (ghub (20240507)) (let-alist (1 0 6)) (magit (20240428)) (markdown-mode (2 6)) (seq (2 24)) (transient (20240421)) (yaml (0 5 5))) :kind nil :archive nil :dir "/home/dsmasterson/.emacs.d/elpa/forge-20240617.224..." :extras ((:url . "") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:commit . "17f5fa39db99167a2dd9f1f0e53868c14fd3f25f")) :signed nil) nil deps)
  command-execute(package-initialize record)
  execute-extended-command(nil "package-initialize" "package-init")
  funcall-interactively(execute-extended-command nil "package-initialize" "package-init")
epichub commented 5 months ago

I was also hit with this today - using doom emacs..

erkiesken commented 5 months ago

Something from the last week's changes breaks it yeah. I fixed it in Doom for myself for now by pinning in ~/.doom.d/packages.el to a safe previous commit with:

(package! forge :pin "8ab77ca4671d8a7f373f3b829ef94bacaee21b3a")

Also had to delete ~/.local/straight/repos/forge first.

tarsius commented 5 months ago

Please check if fixes this.

Edit: The autoloads for Forge will have to be regenerated to do that, and that's most easily done by reinstalling it.

erkiesken commented 5 months ago

Can confirm that 7b24edca50b5a89fe60c5b9dce84e74c4edcdd05 fixed it in my Doom Emacs setup.