magland / sortingview

Web app for viewing results of ephys spike sorting
Apache License 2.0
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Error in sortingview when trying to get recording info #135

Closed lfrank closed 3 years ago

lfrank commented 3 years ago

After adding a LabBoxEphysRecordingExtractor to a workspace, I get an error in sortingview:

8db5eba88b70d797f1706d958af58c4b81b61184    recording_info.3    error   no  3:31:55 PM      Problem updating task status to finished: Out of range float values are not JSON compliant

I can, however, get the recording extractor in python and, for example, get_channel_ids() successfully

Here is the workspace:

magland commented 3 years ago

The problem was that the elec geom was not being included in the h5_v1 format.

Please upgrade to sortingview >= 0.6.4 and then regenerate the .h5 file. Also restart the backend after upgrading.

(There may be an issue with the old backend still running, because that won't have the patch. It's tricky, let's discuss on slack.)