magland / sortingview

Web app for viewing results of ephys spike sorting
Apache License 2.0
23 stars 7 forks source link

figurl link leads to "Invalid figure data" #211

Closed MichaelCoulter closed 1 year ago

MichaelCoulter commented 1 year ago

i pulled the spyglass, sortingview, and spikeinterface repos on 9/24/22 however, when i generate a new sortingview workspace, the figURL link goes to a webpage that says "Invalid figure data" and does contain any data. any help would be appreciated, thanks.

command: auto_curation_params_name = 'mike_noise_only_10'

for nwb_filename in ['ginny20211024.nwb']: for tetrode in [0]: autocuration_key = (SpikeSorting & {'nwb_file_name' : nwb_file_name} & {'sort_group_id' : tetrode} & {'sorter_params_name' : 'franklab_tetrode_hippocampus_30KHz_tmp'} & {'artifact_params_name': 'ampl_1500_prop_001_5ms'} & {'sorter' : 'mountainsort4'} & {'sort_interval_name' : 'r1_r2'}).fetch1('KEY') autocuration_key['curation_id'] = 0 autocuration_key['waveform_params_name'] = 'default_whitened' autocuration_key['metric_params_name'] = 'JG_DG_no_peak_offset_min_spikes' autocuration_key['auto_curation_params_name'] = auto_curation_params_name

ss.AutomaticCurationSelection.insert1(autocuration_key, skip_duplicates=True)
ss.AutomaticCuration.populate([(ss.AutomaticCurationSelection & autocuration_key).proj()])

auto_curation_id = (ss.AutomaticCuration & autocuration_key).fetch1('auto_curation_key')
auto_curation_out_key = (ss.Curation & auto_curation_id).fetch1("KEY")

## add to sortingview workspace for manual curation
ss.SortingviewWorkspaceSelection.insert1(auto_curation_out_key, skip_duplicates=True)

resulting URL: figurl:

magland commented 1 year ago

See message on slack