magland / sortingview

Web app for viewing results of ephys spike sorting
Apache License 2.0
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Add way to highlight intervals in TimeSeriesGraph #222

Closed edeno closed 7 months ago

edeno commented 11 months ago

As discussed in our meeting it would be useful to have a way to highlight intervals in a time series. It would also be helpful to be able to control the opacity and color. Ideally it would take an ndarray of shape (n_events, 2) where each column would be a start and stop time.

magland commented 11 months ago

I've implemented this as follows (this is available in the latest sortingview on pypi):

And here is the example output:

edeno commented 11 months ago

Thanks @magland. I am using this and it works great. One thing that would be handy is the ability to control the opacity. Is that difficult?

magland commented 11 months ago

@edeno I think you should be able to do this using rgba string for the color. Like color=rgba(50,50,255,0.5)

khl02007 commented 11 months ago

@magland It seems like this obscures the data behind it.

Is it because I added the interval series after adding the line series?

edeno commented 11 months ago

The order of operations matters. You can also adjust the opacity

khl02007 commented 11 months ago

@magland also when you are zoomed in enough, the color of the interval disappears.