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Proposal: Fix security gaps in Magma NMS & Orchestrator #16

Closed sabithaatla closed 2 years ago

sabithaatla commented 2 years ago

Author : Sabitha Atla (


Intent of this proposal is to address security gaps in Magma NMS and Orc8r leveraging best practices in securing SaaS applications. Proposed solution will be backward compatibile with current version of NMS & orc8r. Proposed soluiton will use open source software framework similar to OPA (Open Policy Agent) for policy and database access layer. Existing RBAC shall be merged into the new UIRP Management service in Magma NMS, While Token middleware, ACL and Policy shall be integrated into the Magma Orc8r through new UIRP proxy service.

Security Gap Analysis on magma Orc8r and NMS

This section summarizes the security gaps in Magma Orc8r and NMS UI.

security gap in Magma NMS

Magma NMS has 3 user roles and does not enforce policy/attributes/advanced role-based access control. Existing NMS implements a very minimal form of RBAC (RoleBased Access Control) limited to the following hard coded user roles:


                    *Figure 1 : Magma NMS to Orc8r API calls limited by 3 User Roles and admin_cert over TLS*


                    *Figure 2 : RBAC security work flow from Magma NMS to Magma Orc8r*

Above roles are enforced only at the MagmaLte level which is a part of NMS. These user roles do not get forwarded to Magma Orc8ras seen in the figure 2.

Security gap in Magma Orchestrator

Magma Orc8r does application-level authentication for 3 identities namely Operator, Gateway and Network using Mutual TLS validation and Access control with accessd service based on the request type and validating the request type with the permissions defined in the stored ACLs (Access Control List) (READ/WRITE/UPDATE).The operator is identified based on the Common Name and SANs in TLS


                 *Figure 3: Magma NMS user request (Add/Get/Update/Config) to Magma Orc8r resources (unsecured)*

Currently Orc8r is not exposed to the end user operating behind the application. However there have been some development in this regard with a recently merged PR [Citation Reference: Orc8r Token PR] that introduces a new Token middleware enabling Orc8r to identify the user behind the application using Authorization header. In Magma Orc8r, this limits tenant (organisation) user to have granular control over all the REST API endpoints and attributes of the Orc8r. Hence exposing resources (Magma Orc8r REST API Endpoints, network entity and attributes) to anyone with Superuser access in Magma NMS is a security concern for provisioning, configuration updates and deletion operation. As of now TLS/Certificates between Magma NMS and Orc8r is not helpful for Magma Orc8r to control Add/Update/Delete operation. Any rogue application can use TLS/certificate to add/update/delete Orc8r resources. It is a security threat.

Listed below are some of the unsecured Magma Orc8r resources.

REST Api Endpoint list for Orc8r Subscriber as an example Unsecured Action allowed
/lte/{network_id}/msisdns ADD
/lte/{network_id}/msisdns/{msisdn} UPDATE
/lte/{network_id}/subscribers ADD
/lte/{network_id}/subscribers/{subscriber_id} DELETE, UPDATE
/lte/{network_id}/subscribers/{subscriber_id}/activate ADD
/lte/{network_id}/subscribers/{subscriber_id}/deactivate ADD
/lte/{network_id}/subscribers/{subscriber_id}/lte/sub_profile UPDATE

Table 1: examples of Orc8r API Endpoints that do not have access control

However, NMS and Orc8r implement some level of RBAC and Application-level ACLs (Access Control List) respectively but the implementation is not established to support granular authorization of NMS users to Orc8r resources (REST APIs for now) Attribute level authorization is not present in Magma Orc8r or NMS. The risk is any user with Magma NMS superuser access but without knowledge of network entity in Magma Orc8r can provision, delete, modify network entities attributes within Magma Orc8r which is not desirable, and it can disrupt the network of the organization and enterprise tenants. It becomes major security threat by assigning superuser access to an enterprise tenant user to change/delete other network entities of some other fixed wireless network that is not allowed. Lack of policy-based access control on Magma Orc8r resources as well as attribute based access control on network entities like subscriber, access, tenants etc is a security gap, solved in this project. How these security gaps in Magma Orc8r and NMS is resolved is discussed in the next section.

Proposed Solution

Intent of the proposal is to add Policy Based Access Control (PBAC) to control access to the Magma Orc8r resources. All Magma Orc8r resources, routes, services used/accessed through REST API shall be stored in UIRP Database in NMS.

Changes on Magma NMS

The proposal on NMS intends to add extensive user roles, user groups, policy-based access control for Orc8r resources. Add attributes-based access control for the configuration attributes of network Functions of AGW. This proposal intends to add a new service, User Identity Roles Policy (UIRP). This would be an extended service to the existing RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) with full backward compatibility to previous versions of Magma NMS. Figure 4 shows the proposed Authorization flow (from 1 to 10) on how an NMS user gets authorized and has a secure connection for all requests from NMS to Magma Orchestrator. Authentication happens at the new UIRP service upon the user sending a request with valid credentials (Username and Password). If the credentials are valid, a JSON Web Token (JWT) of an open standard RFC 7519 [Citation Reference: RFC 7519] token along with the identity (containing user id, user role, token timestamp) of the user encrypted with private key at JWT Issuer, is sent as a response. Subsequently, all resource access requests made it is mandatory to carry a JWT token and an identity encrypted. Those access requests that have a JWT token will be decrypted and by using a public key and be validated. if successfully validated subsequently policy and permission set for the resources are looked upon based on the identity role provided. Resource access requests that do not carry a valid JWT token or don't qualify the authorization criteria are rejected. All transactions will be logged in to an audit log. An audit log is used to provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected at any time a specific operation, procedure, event, or device accesed.


                                         *Figure 4: UIRP service proposed for Magma NMS*

Functional Component

Security features proposed in Magma NMS is explained below:

Authentication Authorization Administration

A new user security model for AAA is being implemented for the digital identity and access management in Magma NMS to manage access to assets and maintain system security.

Authentication is based on the idea that each individual user will have unique information When UIRP is implemented, When a user successfully logs in using their credentials, an JWT Token along with Encrypted Identity is returned, this proposal plans to fortify authentication using UIRP capability.

A part of Administration is controlling all CRUD operations access on resources, through policies, user roles, attributes. policies and access can be configured, or created new to any users, roles, user group for these resources

Role based access control

A service-based network management system like Magma NMS must have multiple roles for different job functions like Restricted View Role (Read-Only role), View All Role(user role), Config Role for Add/Provision anything except network entities in Magma Orc8r, Network Config Role for network entities in Magma Orc8r, Admin Role for delete resources/entities and administration. A Superuser role in Magma NMS will continue to be there to implement these advance RBAC to identity (users, groups of users, or roles). This can be achieved through UIRP UI. Since this is a extension of existing RBAC it is fully backward compablity.

Policy based access control

It supports environmental and contextual controls, so policies can be set to grant access to resources at certain times and from certain locations and even evaluate relationships between identities and resources. OPA (Open Policy Agent) module handles the decision making of granting a permission upon a user identity request to access a resource

Attribute based access control

This security mechanism defines permissions based on attributes of the different resources available for access and actions that can be performed on it by an identity. A controlled flow is maintained at Magma NMS and Orchestrator to have a lookback at the UIRP for the decision on accessing it each time before an action is going to be performed at a resource.

Database component

OPA DB: (open policy agent) can needs to hold multiple tables hold different data such as user-policy, policy schema, roles, user-roles adaptation, events, logs, stored procedures triggers for policy decision making

UIRP DB: Stores the UIRP Settings and configurations, private keys for JWT Issuer.

changes on Magma Orc8r

There are two new Magma Orc8r components that are a part of this proposal, namely

A service called accessd inside Orc8r will be extended to support these new components meanwhile keeping the current ACLs (Access Control List) intact. On top of ACLs for northbound REST APIs, this extension will bring policy based access control (PBAC) as well as attribute based access control (ABAC) for authorizing Orc8r Resources (REST endpoints, GRPC calls). UIRP proxy services will bring the policies defined in UIRP (which is a proposed NMS component. Refer section 3.1) inside Magma Orc8r to authorize Magma Orc8r resources.


                                           *Figure 5: New Security features in Magma Orc8r*

Functional Components

A brief breakdown of new functional components of Magma Orc8r is provided below:

UIRP Proxy is a proposed Go service that acts as an interface between existing Accessd service and the policies defined for Orc8r resources using UIRP inside NMS. It will enforce ABAC and PBAC policies defined in NMS UIRP to authorize Orc8r resources. UIRP proxy can be configured using northbound REST API calls from NMS. New swagger handlers will be needed inside Obsidian to facilitate the configuration of UIRP proxy.

PBAC and ABAC Services will enforce ABAC and PBAC at resource level with help of middlewares inside Magma Orc8r.


User identity details inside Magma Orc8r will be managed by new AAA Service. This service will also fetch Roles, Policy, groups, permission defined in Magma NMS OPA or UIRP DB through UIRP proxy in Magma Orc8r UIRP proxy will enforce the policies in place with help of extensions to accessd service in Magma orc8r.

AAA User Interface

Magma Orc8r Security Administration will be done through new AAA UI to manage User Roles, Policy rules for API endpoints, attributes. It will also be used to manage ACLs (Access Control List) inside Magma Orc8r.


RBAC policies will be defined through Magma Orc8rUI and enforced by accessd service with policies stored in replicated database local to orc8r. These policies can be configured using Orc8r AAA UI.


PBAC policies will be defined through Magma Orc8r UI and enforced by accessd service with policies stored in replicated database local to orc8r. These policies can be configured using Orc8r AAA UI.


ABAC will be implemented for servicers to protect attributes from unauthorized access. Same can be administered from Orc8r AAA UI.

Delivery Approch

Features will be delivered in 8 milestones. Each milestone will have the following 5 process gates;

  1. Design

  2. Development & Unit Testing

  3. code review

  4. Integration testing

  5. Resolve integration issues and regression issues


MS/Roadmap : Development effort (Design, Code, UT) against each milestone in person days is captured below:

| Milestone + Date | Module                               | Project__Deliverable__Summary                                                                           | Cost_(USD)
| ---------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ | ---------- |
| MS1, Date        | NMS_UIRP_GUI                         | NMS UIRP GUI Wireframe & Code                                                                           | $73542                   |            |
| MS2, Date        | NMS_UIRP_BACKEND, NMS_OPA            | NMS backend for UIRP services, Integration of OPA in NMS_UIRP                                           | $64628                   |            |
| MS3, Date        | NMS_JWT, ORC8R_ACCESSD ,             | JWT Token Issuer in NMS UIRP,  Orc8r Accessd changes                                                    | $60914                   |            |
| MS4, Date        | ORC8R_UIRP_PROXY, ORC8R_POLICIES     | Orc8r UIRP Proxy service Policies implementations in Orc8r                                              | $73171                   |            |
| MS5, Date        | Orc8r_UI_BACKEND                     | Orc8r UI Backend                                                                                        | $68714                   |            |
| MS6, Date        | NMS_UI_INTG, NMS_MAGMALTE_INTG       | Extending the NMS UI to integrate with UIRP UI and Services, Extending Magma LTE for Auth based routing | $63142                   |            |
| MS7, Date        | ORC8R UI, NMS_DB_INTG, ORC8R_SWAGGER | Orc8r UI wireframe and code, Database integration from NMS, Orc8r Swagger                               | $72428                   |            |
| MS8, Date        | INTEGRATION & TESTING                | NMS and Orc8r is integrated with New security hardening                                                 | $39000                   |            |


Reference Resource/link
Orc8r Token PR
Open Policy Agent
TS 133 501 - V15.2.0 - 5G; Security architecture and procedures for 5G System (3GPP TS 33.501 version 15.2.0 Release 15)
hcgatewood commented 2 years ago

@sabithaatla thank you for the well-written proposal!

While this would be valuable work, at this point in time I don't know that it's a high-impact undertaking, as there's nothing concretely broken wrt the NMS/Orc8r security architecture (or, the parts of it that this proposal references, at least).

We are planning to have one of the Meta SWEs take on a much smaller-scoped version of this task in H1, though for the purpose of codebase simplification as the principal priority. Happy to chat more about this if desired, feel free to use this space or DM me in Slack!

sureshgorijavolu commented 2 years ago

@hcgatewood today magma orc8r executes API calls on the southbound. currently there are unsecured Magma Orc8r resources. Operators we are working with have asked for enhanced security on orc8r. That is the motivation behind PBAC (Policy Based Access Control) and UIRP based solution.

hcgatewood commented 2 years ago

Hi @sureshgorijavolu @sabithaatla to clarify my earlier points -- this proposal is for an XL, full-scale refactor (basically a rewrite) of the Orc8r access layer. Without widespread, clear need from multiple parties within the ecosystem, this change is a high-risk proposition that outweighs potential upside

The current Orc8r access layer is not broken, and pending completion of a few in-progress S tasks in this half, the delta between this proposal and Orc8r's actual functionality will be whether gateways can be provided finer-grained access than just per-network. This particular point has not been a community request, and personally I don't see why it would be necessary at this point (under the current top-level Magma architecture)

That to say, I don't believe this proposal is worth pursuing yet. This area of Magma is not broken, so I think it's worthwhile to focus community efforts on areas that are in stronger need. In my mind, let's circle back to this particular area in 6 months or so and see where we're at at that point 🙂

kaderwavelabs commented 2 years ago

@sureshgorijavolu , can you please clarify "Operators we are working with have asked for enhanced security on orc8r", who and why?

Wearing community hat:

@hcgatewood, I agree with you and understand that this feature is not need of the hour. However, have we validated this requirement with other community members from other companies? What is their response?

Also, @hcgatewood, can you list the PR in-progress S tasks in this 2022 1st half ongoing on security front? We would like to understand who from community requested this ongoing S features? and Why? Who is doing it?

Wavelabs have put considerable effort to shape up this requirements! It is ok us not approving it but learning why not from wider community input will be valuable for Wavelabs to course correct. And, I strongly believe the lessons learned from this exercise will benefit the community.

wendallkaters commented 2 years ago

Thank you for submitting this proposal. The MCF grant program is devoted to “kickstarting” sustainable, Magma-powered commercial products and businesses. The MCF Governing Board will prioritize proposals that are directly linked to deals or a sales pipeline. While the technical and feature work is clearly defined, we are unable to prioritize this proposal without clear revenue opportunities.