magmax / python-inquirer

A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces, based on Inquirer.js (
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List & CheckBox are limited to 13 elements #617

Closed butoibogdan closed 1 month ago

butoibogdan commented 1 month ago

Hello If I select more than 13 items and set them in the list or checkbox, the maximum number displayed in the console is 13.

servers = [ inquirer.List('servers', message="Choose Servers", choices=["Switch1", "Switch2", "Switch3", "Switch4", "Switch5", "Switch6", "Switch7", "Switch8", "Switch9", "Switch10", "Switch11", "Switch12", "Switch13", "Switch14", "Switch15", "Switch16", "Switch17", "Switch18", "Switch19", "Switch20", "Switch21", "Switch22", "Switch23", "Switch24", "Switch25", "Switch26", "Switch27", "Switch28", "Switch29", "Switch30", "Switch31", "Switch32", "Switch33", "Switch34", "Switch35", "Switch36", "Switch37", "Switch38", "Switch39", "Switch40"], ) ]

Choose Servers:

Switch1 Switch2 Switch3 Switch4 Switch5 Switch6 Switch7 Switch8 Switch9 Switch10 Switch11 Switch12 Switch13


Cube707 commented 1 month ago

You did realise you can scroll though?

inquire.rendere.console.base.MAX_OPTIONS_DISPLAYED_AT_ONCE controlls this, 13 was chosen arbitrarily as it just seemed right.

butoibogdan commented 1 month ago

Thanks I didn't realize that exists scroll :)) Thanks